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Annadurdyeva A.S.




this article discusses the features of the development of technologies in the production of ceramics from the shell of an ostrich egg. Methods and strategies for the production of ceramics, their history and properties are given. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, ceramics, production   

УДК 903.02

Annadurdyeva A.S.

Lecturer of the Department of Nanotechnologies and Material Science

Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University Of Turkmenistan

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)




Abstract: this article discusses the features of the development of technologies in the production of ceramics from the shell of an ostrich egg. Methods and strategies for the production of ceramics, their history and properties are given. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry.


Keywords: analysis, method, research, ceramics, production.


Ostrich egg shell pottery is an ancient art form that originated in Africa. The first evidence of its existence dates back to the Neolithic period, about 10 thousand years ago.

Ostriches are native to Africa and Asia, and their eggs were an important food source for ancient people. The shell of ostrich eggs is very strong and durable, so it was used for various purposes, including making dishes, jewelry and musical instruments.

Ostrich egg shells have several advantages over other materials used to make pottery. It is stronger and more durable than clay and can be easily worked. In addition, it has a natural sheen that can be enhanced by polishing.

The technology for making ceramics from the shell of ostrich eggs is not complicated. First, the shell is cleaned of the remnants of protein and yolk, and then it is ground to a powder. The resulting powder is mixed with water and other additives such as clay, sand and pigments. The mixture is then molded and fired in a kiln.

Ostrich egg shell ceramics have unique properties. It is very strong and durable and can be used to store food and drinks. In addition, it has a beautiful appearance and can be used to make decorative items.

Today, ostrich egg shell pottery is a popular art form in Africa. It is used to make dishes, jewelry, musical instruments and other products.

Here are some examples of ostrich egg shell ceramics:

  1. Dishes: bowls, plates, mugs, jugs, vases
  2. Jewelry: beads, bracelets, necklaces, earrings
  3. Musical instruments: drums, flutes, pipes
  4. Decorative items: figurines, figurines, paintings

Ostrich egg shell pottery is a unique and beautiful art form that has a long history. It is an important heritage of the African peoples and continues to develop until now.

The technology for making ceramics from ostrich egg shells consists of the following steps:

  1. Shell preparation. First, the shell is cleaned of the remnants of protein and yolk. To do this, it can be washed with warm water or held in a weak solution of soda. Then the shell must be crushed to a powder state. To do this, you can use a grater, blender or mortar.
  2. Preparation of the mixture. Water and other additives are added to the crushed shell, depending on the desired properties of the ceramic. Clay, sand and pigments are usually added. Clay gives the ceramic product strength and flexibility, sand - hardness and impact resistance, pigments - color.
  3. Molding. The resulting mixture is molded into the desired shape. To do this, you can use various tools, such as a potter's wheel, molds or just your hands.
  4. Drying. After molding, the ceramic product must be dried. This can be done in air or in a special drying oven.
  5. Roasting. Firing is the process during which ceramics harden and become strong. Roasting is carried out in a furnace at a temperature of 800 to 1200 degrees Celsius.
  6. Polishing. After firing, the ceramic product can be polished. This gives it a beautiful shine and smoothness.

It should be noted that the technology for making ceramics from ostrich egg shells may vary depending on the region and the specific master.

Ostrich egg shell ceramics have a number of useful properties. She:

- Strong and durable. The shell of ostrich eggs is very strong and can withstand heavy loads. This makes it an ideal material for the manufacture of dishes and other products that are used in everyday life.

- Environmentally friendly. The shell of ostrich eggs is a natural material that does not contain harmful substances. This makes it safe for use in the food industry and at home.

- Non-toxic. Ostrich egg shell ceramics do not emit any harmful substances, even when heated. This makes it safe to use for food and beverage storage.

Aesthetically attractive. Ostrich egg shell pottery has a beautiful appearance and can be used to make decorative items.

In addition, ostrich egg shell ceramics have antibacterial properties. This is due to the fact that the shell contains a natural antibiotic - lysine. Lysine inhibits the growth of bacteria and mold, making ostrich eggshell ceramics hygienic and safe for use in the food industry.

Here are some examples of how the beneficial properties of ostrich eggshell pottery can be used:

Ceramic dishes made from ostrich egg shells will not crack or break even if dropped. It also does not absorb odors and does not release harmful substances into food.

Ornaments made from ostrich eggshell ceramics do not contain harmful substances and do not cause allergies. They are also safe for children.

Musical instruments made from scorus egg ceramics have a beautiful sound and are durable.

Ostrich egg shell pottery is a unique and useful material that has a long history and continues to evolve to this day.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №9 (66) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Annadurdyeva A.S. IMPORTANCE OF MAKING BIOCERAMIC FROM OSTRICH EGGSHELL // Вестник науки №9 (66) том 1. С. 162 - 165. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/9919 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/9919

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