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  3. Вестник науки №6 (63) том 5
  4. Научная статья № 61

Просмотры  37 просмотров

Khanahmedova S.




the article is devoted to the analysis of a hybrid electric machine. A brief analysis of an electric machine performing the functions of a starter and generator is given. Some issues in the design, saving of materials, and optimization of the mode are considered   

Ключевые слова:
starter, generator, starting relay, battery, rectifier blocks   

DOI 10.24412/2712-8849-2023-663-396-398

УДК 621. 313.1

Khanahmedova S.

Associate professor of the Department Electromechanics

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Baku, Azerbaijan)





Abstract: the article is devoted to the analysis of a hybrid electric machine. A brief analysis of an electric machine performing the functions of a starter and generator is given. Some issues in the design, saving of materials, and optimization of the mode are considered.


Keywords: starter, generator, starting relay, battery, rectifier blocks.


Introduction. All general-purpose motor vehicles (agricultural, military vehicles and equipment, etc.) have a complex (or less complex) electrical network on their on-board system. The consumers of electric energy included in this system and the generating unit consisting of a battery and a generator are part of this complex. One of the consumers of electric energy is a starter (DC machine) and a generator (AC machine).  These electric machines operate in different time intervals. One of the important directions in the field of improvement of electric machines is the combination of the functions of two electric machines in one. In other words, instead of a starter and a generator, use one hybrid electric car.

The developed design of the starter-generator [1, 2], which performs both the function of a starter and a generator, and at the same time environmentally friendly, is based on a low-power DC machine, and despite some change in electrical connections and dual-mode operation, the direct start and start mode of the internal combustion Internal Combustion Engine (ICE).

Analysis of the electrical circuit. The switching of electrical circuits is carried out sequentially taking into account two modes - starter and generator – and these modes should be performed without complications, both with respect to electrical connections and mechanical overloads. Three windings are involved in the conversion of battery electrical energy into mechanical, then mechanical into electrical: armature and two excitation windings – parallel and serial. The anchor winding is used to create a favorable condition when changing the operating range conditions.

The anchor winding has separate collector plates. The selection of brushes for such a collector is carried out with the calculation of bbr³3t­s (bbr – groove width; s – groove pitch), which is normal for collector machines.

The main excitation winding, which creates the necessary magnetic flux, is powered by a battery; switching on and creating a magnetic flux occurs as in an independent excitation winding, since it turns on before the armature winding turns on (by turning on K1, Fig.1). The electrical diagram shows a sequential excitation winding with several turns, which is designed and calculated for the current of the armature windings.

Considering the mass production of autonomous facilities and the use of non-ferrous metals in the production of electrical equipment elements, as well as the increase in electromagnetic loads to the limit in operating electric machines, combining the functions of a starter and a generator and using one machine instead of two will naturally lead to savings of expensive metals. On the other hand, when solving this problem, it becomes possible to increase the rotation speed of this machine in the starter mode. This, in turn, leads to an additional reduction in material consumption [3].

To reduce the volume and weight of the starter generator, it is possible to increase the value of the rotational speed corresponding to the starting speed of the ICE

The selection of the circuit, design and calculation of the armature winding, taking into account the optimal speed of the starter generator, should be carried out for a specific vehicle when designing the complex, taking into account technical and economic indicators.


Fig.1. Electrical diagram of a hybrid electric

machine in starter mode

1–rechargeable battery; 2 – shunt excitation winding;

3 – anchor winding; 4- sequential excitation winding;

K1 – contact for switching on the on-board network to the battery;

K2 – starting relay contact


The process of starting a hybrid electric machine, taking into account the above studies, can be analyzed by the following analytical explanations. Considering that the power of the starter generator for the voltage of the on-board network is not small, then when evaluating the mode, it is impossible not to take into account both the electromagnetic and electromechanical flow of processes.




  1. Musaev Z.N. and Khanahmedova S.A. Starting system operation in the starter-generator // International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (ITPE). ISSN 2077-3528, p. 79-83.
  2. Мusаеv Z.N., Khanahmedova S.A. Transition the starter – generator in the generating regime after start of the engine internal combustion // International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering TRE- Journal Autumn No1, Vol1, 2009.
  3. Khanahmedova S.A. Methods of development of an onboard network of the power system // Problems of power No3, Baku, 2010, page 22-27.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (63) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Khanahmedova S. ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF A HYBRID ELECTRIC MACHINE // Вестник науки №6 (63) том 5. С. 396 - 398. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/9386 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/9386

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