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Tolybai M.N.




this article is a methodological recommendation for teachers of English in secondary schools, as well as can be useful for students of pedagogical universities. The article discusses the possibilities of using social networking services Web2.0 in the learning process and describes the results of their practical use in English lessons. Recommendations can be used for planning the learning process with the use of applications and digital tools in foreign language classes   

Ключевые слова:
Web2.0, speaking, integration, student   

УДК 378.147

Tolybai M.N.

4th year student of the specialty Foreign Language Teacher Training

Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty

(Taraz, Kazakhstan)





Abstract: this article is a methodological recommendation for teachers of English in secondary schools, as well as can be useful for students of pedagogical universities. The article discusses the possibilities of using social networking services Web2.0 in the learning process and describes the results of their practical use in English lessons. Recommendations can be used for planning the learning process with the use of applications and digital tools in foreign language classes.


Keywords: Web2.0, speaking, integration, student.


A website is a collection of web pages accessible via the Internet. How to talk Bajmuratova U.S: «Web 2.0 technology is a platform of social services and services that allows a wide range of Internet users to be not only recipients of information, but more importantly, its creators and co-authors» [3. pp.69].

Websites for language learning can be a valuable complement to traditional language learning methods, offering additional resources, interactivity and convenience for learners. These websites can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection, such as desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones, and offer a wide range of learning materials, including: for learning can provide access to a variety of online courses covering different subjects, levels and formats. Some websites may offer free courses, while others may charge for more advanced or specialised courses, and may also offer interactive exercises, quizzes and challenges to help users test their knowledge and skills and receive immediate feedback and track progress. There are many websites and applications that can help learners improve their speaking skills through various methods. Thus, as Anisimova L and others said «...has a positive impact on further schooling» [1. pp.16].

Learning websites can provide access to educational videos and podcasts on a variety of topics. These resources can be useful for users who prefer audio-visual learning materials, in addition there is the possibility to communicate with other learners and teachers, to share resources and feedback, and to participate in discussions and projects. Improving your speaking skills through websites is a great way to access a variety of educational resources and materials to help you practice and improve your communication skills. You can also watch recordings of speeches and presentations to observe and learn from effective speakers. Such a methodology will teach you how to use the language with an end goal as Heil and others claim: «...making learners communicatively competent in the language they intend to learn» [4. pp.43].

By using the websites to improve your speaking skills, you can access a wide range of educational resources and materials to help you practice and develop your communication skills. Continuous practice and use of these resources can help you build your confidence and speaking skills, leading to improved communication skills in general. As Ahmet Basal and others have said: this kind of interactive application: «...allow students to become creators of their own knowledge rather than passive recipients» [2. pp.375].

Here are some websites that can help with speaking development:

  • Speak Confident English - A website with resources for improving English fluency, including tips on pronunciation and accent reduction.
  • TED Talks - A collection of inspiring speeches from a wide variety of speakers that can help you improve your public speaking skills.
  • Lingoda - An online language school that offers speaking-focused lessons with native-speaking teachers.
  • com - This website allows users to find conversation partners for language exchange, which can help improve speaking skills.


Websites for improving speaking. Table 1



Speak Confident English


-  Speak Confident English offers a range of resources to help learners improve their language skills, including courses, workshops, podcasts and a blog.

-  The content focuses on practical communication skills such as speaking, pronunciation and public speaking and provides learners with strategies to build confidence and overcome language barriers.

-  One of the unique features of Speak Confident English is its emphasis on mind set and motivation, recognising that learning a language can be challenging and often requires a change of mind set to succeed.

Conversation Exchange.com


-The site allows users to create a profile, search for language partners by criteria such as language, age and location, and then communicate with language partners through messages or video chat.

-ConversationExchange.com has a large user base of more than 3 million users from around the world, making it a valuable resource for language learners who want to practice their skills with native speakers.

TED Talks


-  TED Talks can be a valuable resource for language learners as they provide an opportunity to hear authentic language and learn about different cultures and points of view. They can also be used to improve listening and comprehension skills, as well as to increase vocabulary and knowledge on specific topics.

-  TED website also provides transcripts and subtitles in several languages for many of the speeches, making them accessible to a wider audience and providing additional support for language learners.



-App offer courses in English, German, French, Spanish and other languages.

-Lingoda offers flexible scheduling and a personalized learning approach to help students achieve their language learning goals.

-They also offer certificates upon course completion, which can be useful for students who want to use their language skills in a career or for other purposes.


On the basis of this study, we can conclude that websites are not only a source of fun and entertainment, but also a useful opportunity for new ways of learning. Thus, the use of websites can help and accelerate the process of learning English, as well as significantly improve the quality of learning the subject. The importance of introducing online platforms lies in the fact that, as Gafni.R and others state: «...which is personalized, collaborative and ubiquitous and where the learner is at the center» [5. pp.303]

After reviewing and analysing various Web2.0 for develop the speaking skill, services as (ConversationExchange.com, TalkEnglish.com, BBC Learning English, EnglishCentral, Speak Confident English, TED Talks), we came to the conclusion that online tools can help and be a valuable addition to classroom activities as well as self-study to develop communicative competence in a foreign language.

Modern technology helps in building speaking skills, improving grammar, expanding the vocabulary of learners, therefore ensuring interest and effectiveness. There are many online platforms available, and everyone can choose the one that suits their capabilities and the goals and objectives they want to achieve.




  1. Anisimova L.I., Gavrilenko I.A., Fedorova T.G., BUDUSHCHEE ZA INFORMACIONNO-KOMMUNIKACIONNYMI TEKHNOLOGIYAMI, Materialy X Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii Belgorod, 26 noyabrya 2019 goda, - 14-16.
  2. Ahmet Başal, Talat Aytan, Using Web 2.0 Tools in English Language Teaching, 7th Edition of the International Conference ICT For Language Learning, Floransa, Italy, 2014, pp.372-375.
  3. Bajmuratova, U.S, Internet-resursy dlya perevodchikov (anglijskij yazyk) [Elektronnyj resurs]: praktikum / U.S. Bajmuratova; I.V. Verzhinskaya; Orenburgskij gos. un-t. – Orenburg: OGU, 2019. – 105 s.
  4. Heil, C. R., Wu, J. S., Lee, J. J., & Schmidt, T. (2016). A review of mobile language learning applications: trends, challenges and opportunities. The Eurocall Review, 24(2), 32-50.
  5. Gafni, R., Achituv, D. B., & Rachmani, G. J. (2017). Learning foreign languages using mobile applications. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 16, 301-317.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (63) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Tolybai M.N. USING THE LEARNING WEBSITES TO IMPROVE YOUR SPEAKING SKILLS // Вестник науки №6 (63) том 5. С. 66 - 69. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/9335 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/9335

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