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Butko S.I., Karaev A.V.




this article discusses the topic of death drive and its connection with the unconscious human psyche. This attraction can lead to suicide, which is the result of unconscious aspirations. The article notes that this phenomenon has both physiological and psychological aspects. The psychological aspects of the death drive are due to the fact that a person may experience feelings of helplessness, despair, loneliness and other negative emotions that can lead to a desire to commit suicide. Physiological aspects include changes in hormone levels that can affect a person's mood and behavior   

Ключевые слова:
aggression, attraction, destruction, instinctive attraction   

УДК 159.99

Butko S.I.

Zabaikalsky Institute of Railway Transport

(Chita, Russia)


Karaev A.V.

Zabaikalsky Institute of Railway Transport

(Chita, Russia)





Abstract: this article discusses the topic of death drive and its connection with the unconscious human psyche. This attraction can lead to suicide, which is the result of unconscious aspirations. The article notes that this phenomenon has both physiological and psychological aspects. The psychological aspects of the death drive are due to the fact that a person may experience feelings of helplessness, despair, loneliness and other negative emotions that can lead to a desire to commit suicide. Physiological aspects include changes in hormone levels that can affect a person's mood and behavior.


Keywords: aggression, attraction, destruction, instinctive attraction.


Death and life are two bordering concepts that go hand in hand with each other. Each of us on this earth has his own time allotted, which gives life a special value. In many religions, the spiritual significance exceeds the physical existence of a person, thereby equating it with something metaphysical. The collision with the death of someone close to us generates an impetus to the realization of death as something real. Human consciousness protects itself from the thought that this can happen to me, because death is primarily something that does not happen directly to us, but presents us with an experience from outside. And would people appreciate life if its definition was separated from the craving for death?

On the physical level, the aspiration of life itself is death, since it can stop either due to external factors or inevitable internal processes inside any living organism. Within each of us, concepts that are contradictions to each other - Eros and Thanatos - have been laid down from birth. For the first time these concepts were introduced as a phenomenon by Sabine Spielrein and came into circulation thanks to Sigmund Freud.

The discovery of the instinct or attraction to death is fully reflected in the works of Sigmund Freud. The works in this field themselves do not cause positive emotions among listeners in our time and often attract negative criticism. With a biological approach to this problem, where such an attraction is explained by the phenomenon of asthenic or hysterical behavior, which in turn entails the manifestation of aggression, it removed all the heat and also clarified what Sigmund was talking  [4, pp. 4].

The death drive should be considered not literally, but formally, it should be studied at the level of human nature, which was laid down, but not acquired. The nature of this phenomenon carries with it a destructive character without a key in human biology, such philosophers as Jacques Lacan, Jean Baudrillard and Gilles Deleuze were sure of this and reflected Freud's theory. Freud put forward the fundamental concept in the matter of the death drive, the state of rest, where a person is in a state of serenity. The opposite state is tension, which occurs in the form of a protective reaction against external factors. In Sigmund's reflections, the following concepts occur: peace, aggression and return. These concepts express the essence of attraction and the way it is implemented, as well as the result of it. When you get out of balance, you can return to a state of rest if you exclude irritants that cause discomfort and lead to aggression. The most elementary example of a breakdown or the venting of aggression can be voiced by the following situation: an employee is reprimanded at work and coming home throws out negative emotions on loved ones, loved ones, for example, his children may show aggression towards pets. Consequently, aggression has a way out and no longer worries its original bearer, he comes to rest. This is the Freudian hydraulic model. Getting rid of aggression can also be expressed in self-destruction [4, pp. 6]

Aggression has two roles: in the first case, it is called Eros, which contains a thought for the preservation of life, and in the second it is called Thanatos, which represents chaos, destruction, violence and cruelty. E. Fromm reflected this idea in his writings, equating it as something organic called malignant and benign aggression. Starting from this, all forms of destructive behavior can be equated as a tool for understanding calmness. From this, in correspondence with Einstein, he puts forward the idea that "everything that has been done in one form or another for the development of culture works against war"[4, p. 9]. But is it true that such an approach to the development of culture can lead to a positive result and the exclusion of destructive behavior? The increased level of hostility in the past and at the moment among all mankind confirms these reflections negligibly.  The loss of self-control due to crimes, tragedies and disasters also leads to a state of phantasmia, which in turn releases blocked feelings and hidden motives. At the same time, the paradox of fantasy lies in the absence of taboos and has its expression in art. Contemplation, enjoyment, detachment from reality and familiarization with the world leads a person to merge with something more. But to do this, it is necessary to weaken control and manifest "not the transition from one experienced state to another, but the becoming of a non-human person." Such an example is meditation - one of the elements of Taoism.

Summing up, the philosophers not only agreed with the idea of the existence of the death drive, but also strengthened its basis, thereby defining a person between symbolic and psychic death. Such conclusions by no means carry a negative character, but lead our consciousness to the readiness of the inevitable, motivating us to a full life with acceptance of the inevitable, as well as not limiting ourselves to expecting the worst.




  1. Фромм Э. Анатомия человеческой деструктивности. Москва: ПОЧТА, 2015. 624 с.
  2. Фрейд 3. Лекции по введению в психоанализ. Москва, 2009. 256 с.
  3. Делез Ж. Логика смысла. М.: Академический проект, 2011. 472 с.
  4. Фрейд З. Переписка между Эйнштейном и Фрейдом. — 1932. [электронный ресурс] — Режим доступа. — URL: https://spb-nv.com/info/articles/perepiska-eynshteyna-i-freyda/

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (63) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Butko S.I., Karaev A.V. FREUDIAN PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY OF THE DEATH DRIVE AND ITS INFLUENCE IN THE PHYSICAL ASPECT // Вестник науки №6 (63) том 3. С. 651 - 654. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/9049 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/9049

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