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  3. Вестник науки №5 (62) том 3
  4. Научная статья № 122

Просмотры  33 просмотров

Rzayeva S.V., Choluev M.E.




the development of the modern world directly depends on the development of transport infrastructure. One of the types of transportation is pipeline systems, designed mainly for the delivery of liquid from one region to another (water pipelines, oil pipelines and gas pipelines). Basically, diesel generators act as sources of electricity in the regions. The article discusses the development of measures to improve energy efficiency and reliability of auxiliary electrical equipment on oil pipelines   

Ключевые слова:
renewable energy sources, diesel generator, power supply reliability   

УДК 537.312

Rzayeva S.V.

Head of laboratory Department of Electromechanics,

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Azerbaijan, Baku)


Choluev M.E.

Master of the Department "Electromechanics"

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

(Azerbaijan, Baku)




Abstract: The development of the modern world directly depends on the development of transport infrastructure. One of the types of transportation is pipeline systems, designed mainly for the delivery of liquid from one region to another (water pipelines, oil pipelines and gas pipelines). Basically, diesel generators act as sources of electricity in the regions. The article discusses the development of measures to improve energy efficiency and reliability of auxiliary electrical equipment on oil pipelines.


Keywords: renewable energy sources, diesel generator, power supply reliability.



Gate valves and wedges are used on main oil pipelines, they are designed to block the linear part of main oil pipelines in case of damage, as well as laying process pipelines of pumping station systems, cleaning and diagnosing main pipelines [1].

According to regulatory requirements, class 1 oil pipelines with a diameter of 1000 mm or more must have automatic emergency shutdown systems. These systems should be installed at a distance of no more than 20 km from each other. The average installed power of each valve is 11 kW. In addition to emergency fittings, parallel to them are points for anti-corrosion protection of pipelines based on electrochemical protection (ECP), which requires energy to power this equipment. Table 1 provides information on the loads of such systems.


Table 1. Combined download list


Installed power, kW

Communication cabinet: information and communication equipment




Personal needs: heating, ventilation, lighting


Electrochemical protection (ECP) equipment



Energy spent on telemetry and EKM is consumed throughout the year. Electricity for heating is used only in the cold season. The electrical transmission of the valves is used only when it is turned on.

It should be noted that the electric energy used for heating can be used to operate the valves. This may be due to the fact that the valve activation time is 2-7 s, during which the temperature of the equipment cannot go to critically low values.

One of the solutions is the centralized power supply of equipment through power lines. However, laying lines to facilities is not economically feasible, if we take a line with a voltage of 110 kV and higher, the transmission power will not correspond to the voltage class. And low voltage lines will have very large voltage drops, so they are 100 V per kilometer on a 10 kV line [4].

Diesel generators with a power of 15 kW and an average fuel consumption of 5 l/h are used mainly for the power supply of emergency protection devices. However, to ensure their operation, they need a constant availability of fuel, which is very difficult and expensive in remote areas. Diesel generators show themselves quite well in operation, but at the same time they have some major disadvantages:

  1. It is possible to freeze diesel fuel at very low temperatures.
  2. High cost of transportation component for fuel.
  3. Complexity of fuel equipment repair and maintenance.
  4. Diesel generators are very sensitive to the quality of fuel and require constant monitoring of the condition of the components of the unit and the operation of the engine.
  5. Sufficiently noisy operation of diesel generators.

Suggested solution.

Due to the high maintenance costs of diesel generators, as well as a number of other obvious disadvantages associated with their operation, it became necessary to consider the possibility of using other sources of electrical energy for the needs of power supply valves.

An obvious way to increase the energy efficiency of such objects is to use alternative and local energy resources to the maximum. It is proposed to use wind-solar plants as the main energy source for emergency valve installations. It is stochastic based on renewable energy sources, so it is impossible to completely abandon diesel generators when using it. These generators should be used as backup power sources.

Quite a lot of research is being done to determine the feasibility [2-5] and reliability [3,6] of such systems. When operating systems based on renewable energy sources in extreme climates, a number of unexpected events may occur. After the implementation of these devices, two schematic diagrams of the combined operation of a diesel generator and a wind-solar power generating device were developed to determine the reliable power supply scheme of the emergency valve (Fig. 1 and 2).


Fig. 1. Scheme of the combined operation of a diesel generator

and a wind-solar unit for an electric energy storage facility


In the first option (Figure 1), the backup power supply of the wind-solar power generating unit and the diesel generator are combined and run on energy storage devices, after which the energy is supplied from them to the load through converters, that is, with an emergency valve. Under normal operating conditions, the wind-solar unit is the main source of energy. A special controller (block inverter) is used to connect the wind generator to the grid. In addition to conversion, this unit will enable the combined operation of solar panels and wind turbines. In the emergency mode, when the battery charge falls below 20% of its nominal value, the K1 switch is closed. The diesel generator is connected to the storage devices through rectifiers that supply the power frequency current to the grid and also ensure their charging. This happens until the battery reaches 80% of the nominal value. After that, the switch K1 opens and the operation of the proposed scheme continues in the normal mode.


Fig. 2. Separate operation of diesel generator and wind-solar unit


In the second option (Fig. 2), in normal mode, the wind-solar power generating unit is also connected to the electrical energy storage unit, after which the load is supplied through inverters, i.e. emergency valve actuators. The backup source, that is, the diesel generator, in this case, does not work in the normal mode with the switch K1 open. In emergency mode, if the transmission load is below 20% of the nominal value, the K1 switch is closed and the K2 switch is opened. In the emergency mode, if the battery charge is below 20% of the nominal value, the switch K1 closes and the switch K2 opens. The crash valve will be fed directly from the diesel generator. Operation in emergency mode continues until the battery charge reaches 80% of the nominal value. In this case, switch K1 opens and switch K2 closes. After that, the work of this scheme continues in normal mode. It is necessary to install automatic backup access (ATS) to ensure the given period.

Both options provide:

  • constant heating of solar batteries in winter, heating of diesel fuel and wind

 generator rotation mechanism;

  • increasing the reliability category of the emergency valve from the third to the first.

Among the presented options, it was concluded that the first option is preferred for reliable and problem-free operation of the wind-solar and diesel plant complex.


The proposed approach is universal and can be applied in most projects for the introduction of solar-wind installations as the main power source for the electricity supply of own needs, not only for oil pipelines, but also for isolated territories. Replacing the diesel generator with solar-wind installations allows not only to significantly reduce the costs of the fuel component during generation, but also to ensure the best ecological indicators.




  1. N. Rahimli, S.V. Rzayeva, E.E. Umudov -DIRECTION OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, Вестник науки, Volume 4, Number 4 (61), Pages 282-288, 2023.
  2. Рагимли И.Н., Рзаева С.В., Чолуев М.Э. ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ПРОЕК­ТИ­РО­ВАНИЯ СИСТЕМ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНОГО ЭНЕРГОСНАБЖЕНИЯ // Ин­тер­наука: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 5(275).
  3. N. Rahimli, S.V. Rzayeva, T.N.Zairov - APPLICABILITY OF WIND-SOLAR ENERGY AS AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF POWER SUPPLY TO OIL FACILITIES, Вестник науки, Volume 4, Number 4 (61), Pages 289-293, 2023.
  4. Mammadov Nijat, Mukhtarova Kubra. “ANALYSIS OF THE SMART GRID SYSTEM FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES”, Journal «Universum: technical sciences», 27.02.2023, № 2 (107), pp. 64-67
  5. Nijat Mammadov – “Analysis of systems and methods of emergency braking of wind turbines”. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture 2 (2), 147-152
  6. Nijat Mammadov, Sona Rzayeva, Nigar Ganiyeva. “Analysis of synchronized asynchronous generator for a wind electric installation” Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, R. 99 NR 5/2023

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (62) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Rzayeva S.V., Choluev M.E. USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE OIL PIPELINE // Вестник науки №5 (62) том 3. С. 785 - 790. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8302 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8302

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