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Zharchinskaya l.V., Yessenova E.M.




the article discusses one of the hobbies in the world of design and textiles. A brief history of the origin of fabric painting and various methods and techniques of applying paints are given   

Ключевые слова:
painting, fabric, special technique, filling in color, batik   

УДК 7.04

Zharchinskaya l.V.


Almaty Technological University

(Almaty, Kazakhstan)


Yessenova E.M.


Almaty Technological University

(Almaty, Kazakhstan)




Abstract: the article discusses one of the hobbies in the world of design and textiles. A brief history of the origin of fabric painting and various methods and techniques of applying paints are given.


Keywords: painting, fabric, special technique, filling in color, batik.


Everyone has their own hobby: cooking, collecting, reading books ... and this hobby develops into a favorite thing, and then into a profession.  My hobby is painting on fabric.

I found out that the art of painting on fabric came from Indonesia. Ancient masters decorated clothes with ornaments using natural paints. This art was also widespread in China. I was struck by the skill of ancient needlewomen. They created artful paintings on silk. It was in China that the stamping method was first applied, when the pattern on the fabric is applied using a plaque on which an ornament is carved.

Painting on fabric can be successful only if you use the right kind and type of fabric. There are several important key features that need to be taken into account when drawing on fabric materials. Dense fabric when painting will give you a very smooth surface. Loose fabric can also be dyed, but this requires a special technique.

Another very important aspect to keep in mind is the preparation of the fabric before painting. Firstly, the fabric must be pre-washed, taking into account the degree of shrinkage. Secondly, the fabric needs to be dried and ironed. Only after that the material is ready for painting with fabric paints. The fabric should dry for 7 days before washing. It is always necessary to refer to the manufacturer's instructions on the paint labels to obtain any specific actions. It is necessary to wash the fabrics inside out and never expose them to direct sunlight during drying.

Natural fabrics that can be washed are best suited for painting. It would be good to always test the hidden area of the fabric with paint to see how the fabric and paints react, and then make a decision. Never use a fabric softener on which you are going to paint, as they simply repel the paint. You need to use cardboard or waxed paper between the layers of fabric and attach the fabric with pins for an ideal surface and to make it convenient to work. With copy paper and pencil, you need to apply the desired/selected pattern to the fabric. Then start filling in the color/paint.

There are several types of transferring the pattern to the fabric:

  1. With a brush

 You can draw on fabric in the same way as you draw on paper. Fabrics with a smooth surface are dyed more easily than fabrics with a rough surface. It is necessary to pull the fabric tightly so that it is easier to draw on it. It is useful to make a sketch of the desired design; you can draw directly on the fabric with chalk or special washable markers.

2.Sponges and stamps

Sponges allow you to draw on the fabric with large, wide strokes. Sponge brushes with wedge-shaped heads are very convenient to use. You can make stamps from thick high-density foam rubber. Another traditional way of applying paint to fabric is to use a stamp cut from half of a raw potato; this is called potato printing. It is a good choice for creating simple designs and fun techniques for kids.


Stencils allow you to apply paint to certain areas of the fabric, masking those parts that you do not want to paint. You can use ready-made stencils or make your own. It is advisable to use a stiff brush with short bristles and spray paint for the fabric to create a stencil pattern.


Batik is a generalized name for various ways of hand-painting fabrics. At the heart of all these techniques is the principle of covering with a non-permeable paint composition those parts of the fabric that should remain unpainted and form a pattern. The word batik is a drop of wax (translated from Indonesian) Such substances: varnishes, resins, paraffin or rubber glue – have the property of not passing water or paint through themselves. They also protect against staining. When the fabric is dyed, the areas around the pattern absorb the paint, but the wax repels it, leaving the pattern

Fabric painting is a great way to breathe new life into old simple things, boring upholstery or any soft fabric that needs improvement. Mastering the art of painting on fabric will allow you to become a fashion or interior designer, bring your ideas to life. It is necessary to learn how to develop a design, outline it on any piece of fabric and color it using simple steps

There is also a hand-painted clothing. You can paint denim jackets, T-shirts, rag shoes, bags. This is a unique opportunity to "spice up" your things and stand out from the crowd.

I hope that by studying at the Almaty Technological University I will be able to acquire even more skills in various types of fabric painting, which will undoubtedly bring me closer to this ancient and amazing art form, which is gaining popularity again in our time.




  1. Ershova L.V., Novomlinskaya T.P. ARTISTIC PAINTING OF FABRIC AS A DIALOGUE OF ARTS // International Student Scientific Bulletin. – 2015. – № 4-4.;
  2. Electronic resource https://zvetnoe.ru/club/poleznye-stati/rospis-po-tkani-dlya-nachinayushchikh/

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Zharchinskaya l.V., Yessenova E.M. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF ARTISTIC PAINTING OF FABRIC // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4. С. 215 - 217. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7865 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7865

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