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  3. Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4
  4. Научная статья № 23

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Nuryeva H.




this article discusses the features of the development of technologies in the field of teaching foreign languages and their impact on the development of education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of the teaching of foreign languages was carried out. Recommendations are given for the implementation of developments in the development of modern linguistics   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, foreign language   

УДК 811.111

Nuryeva H.


Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammed Azadi

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)





Abstract: this article discusses the features of the development of technologies in the field of teaching foreign languages and their impact on the development of education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of the teaching of foreign languages was carried out. Recommendations are given for the implementation of developments in the development of modern linguistics.


Keywords: analysis, method, research, foreign language.


Informatization is one of the main factors that make education improve. In connection with the informatization of all processes in society, including in the field of education, the content and methods of teaching, as well as the content of the teacher's activity, are changing; the teacher ceases to be just a "loudspeaker" of knowledge, becomes a developer of a new teaching technology, which, on the one hand, increases his creative activity, and on the other hand, requires a high level of technological and methodological preparedness. A new direction of the teacher's activity appears - the development of information technologies for teaching and software and methodological educational complexes.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information.

The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, application programs and software development tools. System programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with equipment and the interaction of a personal computer user with programs. This category also includes utilities or utility programs. Application programs include software that is an information technology toolkit - technologies for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT tools, education has acquired a new quality, associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to world information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource - the World Wide Web WWW.

Other common ICT tools are also available online, including email, mailing lists, newsgroups, and chat. Special programs have been developed for real-time communication, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transmit text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow remote users to work together with a program running on a local computer.

  1. I. Mashbits refers to the set of significant advantages of using a computer in teaching over traditional classes as follows:
  2. information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. The use of color, graphics, sound, all modern video equipment allows you to recreate the real environment of the activity.
  3. The computer can significantly increase students' motivation for learning. Motivation is increased by applying adequate rewards for correct problem solving.
  4. ICT involve students in the learning process, contributing to the widest disclosure of their abilities, enhancing mental activity.
  5. The use of ICT in the educational process increases the possibility of setting educational tasks and managing the process of their solution. Computers make it possible to build and analyze models of various objects, situations, and phenomena.
  6. ICTs make it possible to qualitatively change the control of students' activities, while providing flexibility in the management of the educational process.
  7. The computer contributes to the formation of reflection in students. The training program enables students to visualize the result of their actions, determine the stage in solving the problem at which the error was made, and correct it.

A foreign language, as a subject, is the environment where the use of information and communication technologies is possible in several directions.

Today, the range of used information and communication technologies is constantly expanding - new ones appear and existing ones are functionally improved. At the moment, the most common areas of using information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages are:

Internet resources, multimedia didactic presentations, computer training programs.

Internet resources have a number of opportunities for both foreign language learners and foreign language teachers. The inclusion of Internet materials in the linguodidactic process can be effective in teaching various types of speech activity and aspects of foreign language speech. Internet resources increase the level of sociocultural awareness of foreign language learners, the level of general erudition and outlook; give a chance to find an interlocutor among native speakers of the studied foreign language; to independently prepare for international language exams, etc.

In the process of teaching foreign languages, multimedia presentations have the following features:

They are used in teaching types of speech activity and aspects of foreign language speech, intensify the formation of language and speech skills. Multimedia capabilities allow you to create effective exercises and tasks, using them in collective forms of work in the context of the lesson and extracurricular activities. Such exercises, due to their unusualness, arouse interest among students, increasing their cognitive activity.

They can act as an accompaniment to a foreign language lesson. All structural components of a multimedia lesson are reflected in the presentation. Especially, in this vein, some types of non-traditional lessons should be noted. So, for example, a multimedia lesson-excursion allows students to see various sights, visit museums and art galleries of the world in absentia, and see the cultural characteristics of the countries of the language being studied. This is where the interactive whiteboard comes into play. Its presence allows you to conduct multimedia lessons of the highest quality.




  1. Азимов Э. Г., Щукин А. Н. Новый словарь методических терминов и понятий (теория и практика обучения языкам). М.: Издательство ИКАР, 2009. - 448 с.
  2. Волкова С. А., Батракова С. И. Особенности организации образовательного процесса в андрагогическом пространстве. // Аграрное образование и наука. - 2016. - № 1.
  3. Кувшинов C. В. «Homosapiens» vs «HomoDigital» // Народное образование. - 2013

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Nuryeva H. ADVANTAGES OF USING TECHNOLOGY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES TEACHING // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4. С. 90 - 93. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7841 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7841

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