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  3. Вестник науки №4 (61) том 3
  4. Научная статья № 47

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Pirieva N.M., Gasimov F.I.




due to the traditional methods of irrigating crop fields, the problem of water pumping in crop yield has led to the new thinking of software-automated water management of transmissions that can increase productivity and economy. The automated irrigation pump station system of their transmission is a computerized method of watering crops, saving labor and time spent on manual work. In addition, agricultural practices can be on-line throughout the year, and the technique also enables the extraction of raw data from the soil, which translates into information that will be useful for future crop planting. This is the main difference between the economy of developed countries and developing countries   

Ключевые слова:
software control of transmissions, Automation, Programmable logic controller   

УДК 621.317

Pirieva N.M.

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Associate Professor,

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

(Baku Azerbaijan)


Gasimov F.I.

Master student

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

(Baku Azerbaijan)





Abstract: due to the traditional methods of irrigating crop fields, the problem of water pumping in crop yield has led to the new thinking of software-automated water management of transmissions that can increase productivity and economy. The automated irrigation pump station system of their transmission is a computerized method of watering crops, saving labor and time spent on manual work. In addition, agricultural practices can be on-line throughout the year, and the technique also enables the extraction of raw data from the soil, which translates into information that will be useful for future crop planting. This is the main difference between the economy of developed countries and developing countries.


Key words: software control of transmissions, Automation, Programmable logic controller.


In modern times, automatic devices are used in the management of water pumping stations. Automatic devices are controlled by AIS. Automatic devices are equipped with drivers, prog­ram­mable logic controllers, transmitters, etc. can be attributed. Languages are included in PMKs with the help of various programs.

The method deals with the management of the electrical systems of the water pumping station with the help of programmable logic controllers. It is controlled through various computer programs of PMKs. The ZELIO SOFT program was mainly used in the article. Various parameters of the pumping station are monitored through the program, as a result of which the connection to the operating times of the electrical transmissions is controlled, scheme is controlled.

A step pumping station is used to supply industrial enterprises and residential complexes with water under continuous constant pressure and variable consumption. Such pumping units consist of 2, 3, and sometimes 4 pumps [1]. Figure 1 shows the general view of a 4-pump unit.

Figure 1. General view of a 4-pump unit


The functional scheme of the 3-pump unit is shown in Figure 2. and Figure 3 shows the working diagram of electrical transmissions. Figure 2 shows the following equipment [2-3]:

N1, N2 and N3-stage working pumps

M1, M2, and M3-electric motors driving the pumps

GK and ÇK-input and output collectors, respectively

GV and CV- similarly inlet and outlet valves

SF-water filter

Inlet valves of pumps N1, N2 and N3 respectively V11, V21 and V31

Outlet valves of pumps N1,N2 and N3 according to V12.V22 and V32

EK1, EK2 and EK3 are outlet check valves of pumps N1, N2 and N3 respectively

M- manometer describes the pressure in the outlet manifold

The PR-pressure relay is connected to the output collector

ISH- is a cabinet for controlling electric motors

Fig. 3 shows the sequence diagram of M1 M2 and M3 electric transmissions

Figure 2. Functional diagram of a 3-pump unit

Figure 3. Diagram of alternating operation of electrical transmissions M1, M2 and M3


The operating mode of electric transmissions is described as follows: When the pumping station is activated, the M1 engine first starts and starts the N1 pump, creating a certain pressure in the outlet collector. After a certain time, the M2 engine is allowed to start so that the start-up currents do not overlap. if the N1 pump creates the necessary pressure at the working point, then the M2 engine is not allowed to start. If the pressure created by the N1 pump is not enough, then the M2 engine starts after the accepted time and drives the N2 pump. Again, in order to avoid overlap of starting currents, after a certain period of time, motor M3 is allowed to start. If during this time, pumps N1 and N2 generate the required pressure, then motor M3 is not allowed to start [4].

If the pressure created by the pumps N1 and N2 is not enough, then the engine M3 starts after the set time and activates the pump N3. When each pump or group of pumps is working, when there is no consumption, the pressure reaches its maximum and the motors of the pumping station are turned off from the network. When the pressure drops due to the consumption they start with the engine according to the previous order. However, in this case, the engine start-up sequence is as follows: M2→M3→M1. The next start-up sequence continues as follows: M3→M1→M2; M1→M2→M3, etc. (Fig. 3).

Changing the starting sequence of the pumps every time they start, the total working times of each pump are the same. Figure 4. (a, b, c) shows the form of writing in the "LADDER" language used to run this process. In the program, the forward counting circuits (CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4) and reset circuits (RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4) were used. 9 timers were selected (TT1 - TT9) that perform the "A" function to start the engines at different times. Counter comparators V1, V2, V3 and V4 were used to connect the timers. The function of the pressure relay is input I1 was implemented through the contact. In order to continue the process in the same order after the pressure relay is activated, the TA timer, which performs the "B" function, and the TB timer, which performs the "W" function, were used. intended to be used [5].


Figure 4. a. Writing of the program in "LADDER" language,

which implements the process of starting three pumps sequentially


Figure 4. b. Writing of the program in "LADDER" language,

which implements the process of starting three pumps sequentially


Figure 4. c. Writing of the program in "LADDER" language,

which implements the process of starting three pumps sequentially


Figure 5 shows the program in "FBD" language, which implements the sequential operation process of three pumps.


Figure 5. the program in "FBD" language,

which implements the process of sequential operation of three pumps in turn


Here, the button connected to input I1 performs the function of "Start-Stop". is executed with Connecting the motors to a network after a certain bit period is done by A/C type timers. A NOT logic element is used to reset the timers to zero with the Reset input every time the pumps are restarted in the same state. When any of the pumps is in the operating state, a signal lamp connected through the Q4 output relay shows a signal lamp connected through the output relay Q4 to know that it is working correctly. The order of operation of the pumps is as shown: 2- 3-1; 3-1-2; 1-2-3; 2-3-1 etc.

The result

  The use of programmable logic controllers in pump stations meets the requirements of modern times and plays an important role in the longer life of electric transmissions.

The discussion in the article is effective in solving problems related to the management of electric transmissions of the pumping station system with a computer program;

  • Saves human labor
  • Increases productivity
  • It helps economic development




  1. Doorenbos and Pruitt, (1977). "Soil moisture and application" BPB Publications, Helsinki, pp. 1-7, 94-105.
  2. Joseph D.L and Williams E.B, 2000. Business Application Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0” 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, UK. pp. 59-52.
  3. Musick J.T, Stegman E.C and Stewart J.I. (1980). "Irrigation Water Management" in Design and Operation of Farm Systems, C.R.C press and IEEE press, pp.120-125, p. 110-115.
  4. Demenkov N.P. Automatic control systems based on programmable logic controllers. Техническая коллекция Сощнеидер Елетриъ. issue 16, 2006
  5. Togneri, R.; Kamienski, J.; Dantas, R.; Prati, R.; Toscano, A.; Soininen, J.-P.; Cinotti, T.S. Advancing IoT-based smart irrigation. IEEE Internet of Things Mag. 2020, 2, 20–25

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Pirieva N.M., Gasimov F.I. DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSIONS OF THE IRRIGATION PUMPING STATION // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 3. С. 243 - 249. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7795 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7795

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