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Mammadov N.S.




wind electric installations are one of the most promising sources of renewable energy. Like other installations, this installation also has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main problems of these installations is the low efficiency at low wind speeds. This article discusses methods to improve the energy efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds. This article also discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The main factors that are necessary when choosing a more optimal method for improving the energy efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds are listed   

Ключевые слова:
wind turbines, wind wheel, wind speed, generation, energy efficiency, power, reliability   

УДК 621

Mammadov N.S.
laboratory assistant
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
(Baku, Azerbaijan)





Abstract: wind electric installations are one of the most promising sources of renewable energy. Like other installations, this installation also has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main problems of these installations is the low efficiency at low wind speeds. This article discusses methods to improve the energy efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds. This article also discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The main factors that are necessary when choosing a more optimal method for improving the energy efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds are listed.


 Keywords: wind turbines, wind wheel, wind speed, generation, energy efficiency, power, reliability.


 Wind power requires sufficiently high wind speeds to ensure the efficient operation of wind turbines. Usually these are speeds from 4 to 25 m/s. However, in some places, the wind speed may be too low, resulting in a decrease in the efficiency of power generation. This causes economic and environmental problems, as the low efficiency of power generation requires the installation of more wind turbines to achieve the required power [1,2].

 Methods to improve energy efficiency at low wind speeds.

There are several methods to improve the energy efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds:

  1. Increasing the area of the wind wheel

Increasing the area of the wind wheel can increase the amount of wind that will pass through the wind turbine, even at low wind speeds. This can be achieved by increasing the length of the wind turbine blades or increasing their number. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost and complexity of operating the wind turbine.

  1. Use of innovative materials

The use of innovative materials such as carbon fibers can reduce the weight of a wind turbine, allowing it to spin even at low wind speeds. However, these materials can be more expensive and require a higher degree of maintenance [3].

  1. Application of electric drive control technologies

The use of electric drive control technologies, such as vector control or direct torque control, allows you to control the speed of rotation of the wind wheel and the power of the wind generator in a wide range of wind speeds. This makes it possible to achieve higher energy generation efficiency at low wind speeds. The disadvantage of this method is the more complex control electronics and consequently increased maintenance costs.

  1. Use of permanent magnet synchronous generators

The use of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) can significantly increase the efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds. SGPM have higher efficiency than asynchronous generators, which are usually used in wind turbines. In addition, SGPM have a wider range of rotational speeds, which makes it possible to achieve higher power generation efficiency at low wind speeds. The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost compared to the use of asynchronous generators, and the requirement for a higher degree of maintenance

  1. Application of mechanical control technology

The application of mechanical control technologies, such as blade geometry control, can increase the power factor of a wind turbine at low wind speeds. This is achieved by changing the angle of inclination of the blades depending on the wind speed, which allows you to increase the angle of attack of the blades and, therefore, increase the power of the wind generator at low wind speeds. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost and complexity of the wind turbine design.

  1. Application of two-speed asynchronous generator

The use of a two-speed asynchronous generator makes it possible to increase the generation of electrical energy at low wind speeds from 3.5 to 5 m/s [4].

 Advantages: Low noise level, minimum vibration, high performance, high starting torque, simplicity and reliability of design.

In addition to the above methods, there are other innovative approaches that can be used to improve the efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds. For example, active vortex control systems can be used to control the flow of air passing through a wind turbine to increase its power factor. It is also possible to use energy storage technologies such as batteries or hydrogen fuel cells to increase the available power of a wind turbine at low wind speeds [5].


According to our research, we can come to the following conclusions. Improving the efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds is an important task, and there are several methods that can be used to achieve this goal. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, and its effectiveness depends on the specific operating conditions of the wind turbine. When choosing the optimal method, factors such as cost, reliability, efficiency, complexity of maintenance and technological features must be taken into account. According to these factors, the most beneficial method for improving the energy efficiency of wind turbines at low wind speeds is the use of a two-speed asynchronous generator for these installations.




  1. Mammadov N.S., Ganiyeva N.A., Aliyeva G.A. “Role of Renewable Energy Sources in the World”. Journal of Renewable Energy, Electrical, and Computer Engineering. September, 2022. DOI: 10.29103/jreece.v2i2.8779 pp. 63-67 https://ojs.unimal.ac.id/jreece/issue/view/359
  2. M. Marufov, N.S. Mammadov, K.M. Mukhtarova, N.A. Ganiyeva, G.A. Aliyeva “CALCULATION OF MAIN PARAMETERS OF INDUCTION LEVITATION DEVICE USED IN VERTICAL AXIS WIND GENERATORS”. March 2023, Issue 54, Volume 15 , Number 1, Pages 184-189
  3. Mammadov Nijat, Mukhtarova Kubra. “ANALYSIS OF THE SMART GRID SYSTEM FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES”, Journal «Universum: technical sciences», 27.02.2023, № 2 (107), pp. 64-67
  4. Nijat, Mammadov. “Selection of the type of electric generators for a wind electric installation”. Universum journal, pp.65-67 №9(102) September,2022.:DOI:10.32743/UniTech.2022.102.9.14234 https://7universum.com/pdf/tech/9(102)/9(102_5).pdf
  5. Nijat Mammadov – “Analysis of systems and methods of emergency braking of wind turbines”. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture 2 (2), 147-152

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Mammadov N.S. METHODS FOR IMPROVING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF WIND TURBINES AT LOW WIND SPEEDS // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 2. С. 230 - 233. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7738 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7738

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