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  4. Научная статья № 43

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Ismayilova Aygun




the main problem of energy supply to consumers in isolated energy systems is high logistics costs (transportation over long distances, high fuel prices) and the high price of electricity produced by diesel power plants. The article describes the potential of using hybrid power supply systems based on renewable energy sources to save expensive fuel. The analysis of automatic control systems that ensure the increase of the efficiency of the elements of the energy complex under their control is given   

Ключевые слова:
hybrid energy complex, wind diesel power plant, renewable energy sources, automatic control systems, autonomous energy supply   

УДК 621.374

Ismayilova Aygun

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Baku, Azerbaijan)




Abstract: the main problem of energy supply to consumers in isolated energy systems is high logistics costs (transportation over long distances, high fuel prices) and the high price of electricity produced by diesel power plants. The article describes the potential of using hybrid power supply systems based on renewable energy sources to save expensive fuel. The analysis of automatic control systems that ensure the increase of the efficiency of the elements of the energy complex under their control is given.


Keywords: hybrid energy complex, wind diesel power plant, renewable energy sources, automatic control systems, autonomous energy supply.


Introduction. The article describes the main reasons for the development of trends in the use of new types of energy, including the limited supply of traditional fuels and environmental problems related to their processing. It is shown that new forms of energy play an important role in the energy supply of many countries of the world, and in the future they can become the main sources of energy to meet the growing demand of the global economy. The main reasons for the increased interest in renewable energy are explained and the obvious prospects for their use are shown in relation to two factors. Firstly, according to experts, the global reserves of traditional fuel are limited, and secondly, the investments of leading countries in this promising industry prove it. The increase in the consumption of natural resources has become a real threat to the safety of human life. The basis of solving modern social and environmental problems is the transition to the regulated process of safe use of natural energy potential to meet the vital needs of people not only in the next decades, but also in the long term. It can be concluded that the determining condition for the current and future development of human civilization will be the level of natural resources that meet the needs of the population without harming the environment.

The main problems of energy supply to isolated consumers are the high logistical costs associated with the long-distance transportation of diesel fuel for diesel power plants, the low density of the transport infrastructure and the high price of the fuel itself. The increase in the price of diesel fuel leads to an increase in the price of electricity produced by diesel power plants. When creating energy supply systems combining fossil fuel and renewable energy installations, the efficiency of using renewable energy sources is determined by the share of energy received from renewable energy sources that replaces energy production from the burning of fossil fuels and saves expensive fuel.

The main reasons for the current trend towards the development of new types of energy are as follows:

–limited supply of traditional energy resources;

–environmental problems related to the extraction and processing of energy resources;

–the continuous increase in consumption of energy resources by industry and population is related to the rapid growth of its population.

The main reasons for the growing interest in renewable energy sources are the following:

–energy from renewable sources is free;

–renewable energy sources, unlike traditional energy sources, are evenly distributed on the planet, which determines their greater availability;

–renewable energy sources are ecological sources, because their use practically does not pollute the environment and does not have a significant impact on climate change;

–recent scientific and technological achievements in the production of basic functional elements (blocks, nodes) for renewable energy have made it possible to significantly improve them, which in turn has reduced the total cost of electric and thermal power plants.

To evaluate the potential (resource) of renewable resources, terms such as theoretical (general), technical and ecological potential are used. Theoretical potential is the annual amount of energy available from a particular type of renewable resource when converted to fully useful energy. Technical potential is a part of theoretical potential, its conversion into useful energy is possible with the current level of technological development.

Although the world's population has been getting energy from traditional energy sources, including oil, gas, and coal, for several decades now, the prospects for renewable energy are obvious. First, according to experts, the world reserves of conventional fuel remain: oil - no more than 40 years, gas - 60, nuclear fuel - 40, coal - 200 years. Second, the extent of financial investments in energy supply systems based on the use of renewable energy systems in leading countries

The degree to which regions are provided with their own fuel and energy reserves is one of the main indicators of their economic stability. The development and use of local traditional energy resources, as well as renewable energy resources, will enable transition to energy supply from renewable energy sources, ensuring energy independence of many regions of the country.

Today, the increasing consumption of natural resources has become a real threat to the security of human society. The key to solving acute social and environmental problems is the transition to a regulated process for the safe use of natural energy potential to meet the vital importance.

Approach method. Calculation of some parameters of KEQ. The operating parameters of KEQ engines are the power and torque of this unit. The power of these engines depends on their aerodynamic parameters, type, wind speed, etc. depends on such parameters [3, 4]. If there is no turbulence during the air flow (ideal case), we can determine the kinetic energy of the engine area of the KEQ on the air flow per unit time by the following formula:



Any part of the energy of the flow passing through the rotor of the wind turbine must be transferred to the wind turbine [3, 5]. The force that drives and acts on this wheel is:


The power generated by the windmill is:


In the expression (3) - represents the wind speed in the wind turbine and is found as follows:u_1


1 sec from A1 cross-section. Let's calculate the amount of air passed during:


Considering these expressions in (4), we get the following expressions:


Based on the calculations, it can be noted that the energy passing through the engine can be ensured to be fully utilized only in the ideal case of 60%. When it is used, the coefficient of utilization of the total power of the wind flow cannot exceed 40%.

Conclusion. Currently, a number of prerequisites have been created for the development of energy supply technologies using hybrid complexes based on renewable energy sources. The implementation of autonomous energy complexes allows to optimize the modes of production and consumption of electricity and significantly save fuel in diesel power plants.

Currently, the development of the global energy supply system is impossible without the renewable energy system.

Their joint and effective use is necessary for the development of countries' economies.

The renewable energy system can already today provide autonomous energy supply to energy-deficient regions and decentralized energy supply regions.

One of the global tasks of the energy industry is the development of research to increase the share of environmentally clean energy sources and develop new energy-saving technologies.

The development of renewable energy is the process of safe use of the natural resources of the planet Earth.




  1. "Renewables 2022". Global Status Report (renewable energies): 44. Retrieved 5 September 2022.
  2. ReveNews (2020), Wind energy in Ethiopia, loan for 100 MW wind farm,https://www.evwind.es/2020/06/26/wind-energy-in-ethiopia-loan-for-100-mw-wind-farm/75356.
  3. Wood Mackenzie (2020), Power & Renewables, various reports,https://power-and-renewables.woodmac.com/
  4. "Renewables 2021 Global Status Report". www.ren21.net. Retrieved 29 April 2022.
  5. Azerbaijan reveals potential of renewable energy sources

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Ismayilova Aygun MANAGEMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 2. С. 225 - 229. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7737 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7737

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