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Annaeva A., Byashimov S., Abdullaeva A.




this article discusses the features of the development of technologies and their impact on education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of independence among students was carried out. Recommendations are given for the implementation of developments in the study of technology   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, technology, education   

УДК 37

Annaeva A.

Chief specialist of the educational department

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Byashimov S.

Instructor, International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Abdullaeva A.

Instructor, International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)






Abstract: this article discusses the features of the development of technologies and their impact on education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of independence among students was carried out. Recommendations are given for the implementation of developments in the study of technology.


Keywords: analysis, method, research, technology, education.


The modern information society is dynamically developing every year, constantly providing people with vital information. The formation of the information society is due to a number of problems in the processing and storage of updated information, and, as a result, leads to the widespread use of new information technologies. Today, the introduction of information and communication social relations into various social spheres of people's lives is being stimulated: education, medicine, economics, etc. To create the conditions for productive activity, implemented "in step with the times", it is necessary to produce the necessary information products and services, as well as their application in the relevant areas.

The rapidly changing environment of the information society directly affects the field of education, the priority goal of which is to create the necessary conditions for the successful formation of competencies among future graduates, ensuring their demand in the labor market. Society needs professional workers who possess not only knowledge, skills and abilities in their industry, but also able to conduct a continuous process of self-learning throughout their professional activities. Considering the tendencies of the information society, information technologies serve as the main tools for ensuring such activities. Only a person with a sufficient level of information culture is capable of self-development in the conditions of the information society. In other words, one can say

In order to increase the level of competence of future graduates, new pedagogical technologies are introduced into the educational process, aimed at forming the information culture of students. Achieving the goals set is based on the use of ICT and information and communication tools in the learning process.

The concept of "technology" in pedagogical science began to be used relatively recently, and it came from the technical field. This term contains a set of techniques, methods and methods of training and education, which are systematically implemented in the educational process. The development of the entire training complex is possible only on the basis of established psychological and pedagogical requirements and always leads to the achievement of the planned pedagogical result, while an acceptable deviation rate is allowed.

In the direction of studying pedagogical technologies, such scientists as V.P. Bespalko, E.F. Zeer, M.M. Levina, V.V. Slastenin. Analyzing their research, pedagogical technology should be understood as a model of the educational process, systematically implemented in the daily learning situation in practice, and allowing to obtain predictable results.

S.A. Smirnov, conducting research in this area, presents pedagogical technology in three areas of education:

  • learning;
  • education;

The learning process involves the use of various technologies, while the processes of education and development, being part of pedagogy, do not have any technical basis. The author is of the opinion that the main goal of the process of forming information culture among students is to teach students self-organization and individual culture in the information society.

Analyzing his work, one can single out a number of general norms of pedagogical technology:

  • unified concept of scientific development;
  • the integrity of the structure, which is based on a systematic approach;
  • controlled educational process, consisting of setting goals and planning educational activities;
  • successful results of education, implemented in practice, after implementation in training programs;
  • universality and practical suitability when using similar educational programs.

Each pedagogical learning technology is aimed at scientific ideas. In practice, the above ideas are tested by the consistent implementation of specific actions of the teacher and students, presenting the actually achieved results of educational activities.

It should be noted that one of the effective methods of teaching students is to form their information culture and improve its level throughout the entire learning process at the university. The implementation of pedagogical technology for the formation of information culture of students involves independent work of students, which strengthens their competence and worldview in the conditions of the modern information society. This kind of competence implies the experience of successful interaction of students with sources of information of various forms, the presence of an information worldview, which is a general set of views on the flow of information in the world and the position of a person in this flow. The totality of this knowledge is expressed in beliefs, motives, principles of cognition and the ability to process information.




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  2. Абдулгалимова Г.Н. Модель использования компьютерного тестирования в процессе информационной подготовки специалистов / Г. Н. Абдулгалимова // Информатика и образование. - 2008. - №7. - C. 113-115
  3. Азимов Э.Г., Щукин А.Н. Новый словарь методических терминов и понятий. Теория и практика обучения языкам. Москва 2009. М.: ИКАР, 2009. - 448 с.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (60) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Annaeva A., Byashimov S., Abdullaeva A. IMPLEMENTATION OF INDUSTRY 4.0 AND DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS LEARNING INDEPENDENCE VIA COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES // Вестник науки №3 (60) том 1. С. 119 - 122. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7446 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7446

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