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Annagurbanova S., Abdurasulov A., Ahmedova M.




this article discusses the features of decentralization in the field of education and their impact on the effectiveness of education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of higher education was carried out. Recommendations are given on the implementation of developments in the study of this topic   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, education   

УДК 378.01

Annagurbanova S.


International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Abdurasulov A.


International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Ahmedova M.


International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)




Abstract: this article discusses the features of decentralization in the field of education and their impact on the effectiveness of education. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of the choice of the direction of development of higher education was carried out. Recommendations are given on the implementation of developments in the study of this topic.


Keywords: analysis, method, research, education.


The current stage of functioning of the state university as the main link in the system of higher education is determined by two opposite trends. On the one hand, the state stops patronizing universities, since it no longer considers them as carriers of national culture and a system-forming element of the arrangement and life support of the population of a particular country, and on the other hand, the decision of the World Trade Organization (WTO) that education is a service and should be paid for by those who seek it, which turns universities into commercial structures that are directly dependent on the current market conditions.

This circumstance ultimately determines the modernization of the management system of a modern university in order to optimize its management. More recently, it was believed that there were three main areas for improving the efficiency of the functioning of higher education institutions of the education system: optimization of the organizational activities of state education administration bodies (environmental factor); advanced training of the teaching staff (factor of the internal environment) active development of the student (factor of the internal environment).

At the same time, it was noted that, as S. Chernysheva ironically notes, university professors teach their students modern concepts of marketing and management, but often the universities themselves do not use these concepts in their administrative activities.

The same idea is emphasized by the European scientist T. Coupe, when studying organizations and firms, the vast majority of economists turn to the examples of large corporations, but so far little has been studied by organizations where they themselves work, namely universities.

Thus, the problem of relations between the university and the state lies in several planes. As the practice of many countries shows, a necessary condition for improving the quality of higher education is the strengthening of the responsibility of higher education institutions for the results of their activities, the expansion and deepening of university autonomy.

Therefore, we have to agree with the well-known opinion of L. Kondrashova that the modernization of professional training in higher education is impossible without updating its structural elements and the educational process management system as a whole.

As a result, in almost all states that arose during the self-disintegration of the USSR, an intensive search began for a new organizational model for the functioning of higher educational institutions in conditions of real autonomy, which opens up their new organizational opportunities for implementation on the scale of the national, world and Eurasian markets.

Fundamental in this situation is the expansion of the rights of universities to independently make managerial decisions, distribute financial resources, transparency and accessibility for public and state control of all their academic and financial activities.

Considering the traditions and legal practice of detailed regulation of the activities of the university, it is quite natural that now there are obvious obstacles on the way to establishing a qualitatively new relationship between the university and the state, for example, the current tax legislation, the status of the university as a non-profit organization, which does not allow to properly carry out innovative activities, provide scientific and technical, service and economic paid services to external organizations.

As a result, we have a paradoxical situation: on the one hand, the state does not allocate enough funds for the needs of higher educational institutions, and on the other hand, institutions cannot earn money for themselves by implementing their own scientific developments or advisory services.

It becomes quite obvious that the focus of modern university management reforms should be primarily aimed at establishing university autonomy. The main goal of introducing real, and not ostentatious, university autonomy is not to obtain any privileges for a certain group of universities in the form of exclusion from the existing system of rules and regulations, but the strategic attitude of the academic community to change the management system itself, professional academic relations, and the legislative field in the system. higher education.

Streamlining university life in accordance with the basic principles of university autonomy should be perceived not so much as an end in itself for reforming higher education, but as a necessary condition for the implementation of a proper higher education institution of its goal: the effective preservation and dissemination of knowledge through the educational process, scientific development, education of an educated person and a responsible citizen.

The solution to this contradiction remains with the system of corporate governance of universities. Therefore, in the field of further improvement of the university management system, the idea of public-private partnership (management) of a higher educational institution is persistently making its way.




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  2. Волков, В.Н. Определение концептуальности изменений в общем образовании как научная проблема.//Социология и право. 2018. № 4 (26). -С. 29-30.
  3. Волков, В.Н. Определение концептуальности изменений в общем образовании как научная проблема.//Социология и право. 2018. № 4 (26). -С. 29-30.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (59) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Annagurbanova S., Abdurasulov A., Ahmedova M. DECENTRALIZATION IN EDUCATION // Вестник науки №2 (59) том 4. С. 77 - 80. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7360 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7360

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