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Kakharov Z.V., Khamroev A.Yu.




the technology of rational use of non-metallic natural resources and industrial waste with the possibility of using aggregates in the composition of heavy concrete is presented. This technology will contribute to the rational use of natural resources, which will make it possible to process waste accumulated over the years in dumps, which will positively affect the cost of products   

Ключевые слова:
industrial waste, sand, crushed stone, screenings, crushing, concrete   


Kakharov Z.V.

Associate Professor of the Department of Railway Engineering,


(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)


Khamroev A.Yu.

Tuter "Construction" of the faculty.


(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)





Abstract: the technology of rational use of non-metallic natural resources and industrial waste with the possibility of using aggregates in the composition of heavy concrete is presented. This technology will contribute to the rational use of natural resources, which will make it possible to process waste accumulated over the years in dumps, which will positively affect the cost of products.


Keywords: industrial waste, sand, crushed stone, screenings, crushing, concrete.


The main product obtained by crushing rocks is crushed stone. This is one of the most demanded materials used in industry, railway and road industries, construction complex.

For the processing of construction waste, traditional crushing and screening equipment can be used, the main purpose of which is the processing of rocks and non-metallic materials. However, over the past decade, both in our country and abroad, specialized equipment has been developed specifically for the tasks of construction waste processors, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of processing such a heterogeneous material as construction scrap.

Many wastes are similar in composition and properties to natural raw materials. It has been established that the use of industrial waste can cover up to 40% of the construction needs in raw materials. The use of industrial waste makes it possible to reduce the cost of manufacturing building materials by 10-30% compared to their production from natural raw materials.

In addition, new building materials with high technical and economic properties can be created from industrial waste.

To build a classification of industrial waste, it is advisable to divide them into direct waste, industrial by-products and secondary raw materials. At the same time, it is customary to consider all types of residues of this production that have any consumer value as waste. By-products are products that were not the purpose of the production process. They can be used both as independent finished products and as raw materials for the production of other types of products. Secondary raw materials are materials and products that, after initial use (wear and tear), can be reused in production as raw materials.

As a result, over the long years of its existence, tens of millions of cubic meters of waste have accumulated on the territories of enterprises, which adversely affect the environment and contribute to the irrational use of the territory of enterprises. However, the main problem is that the forced production of crushing screenings increases the cost of the main product by 15-30%.

In this regard, the question of the complex use of materials obtained during the processing of crushed stone is raised among a number of urgent tasks.

In the production of concrete, screenings of crushed stone are almost never used. This is due to the lack of knowledge of the properties of screenings as a component of concrete, the high content of the dusty fraction in them, the variable grain composition and the inconsistency of the shape of the screening grains with existing standards.

The simplest and most effective way to solve the problems posed is the additional introduction of the technology of dry air classification of screenings into the crushed stone production process.

In the case when the shape of the grains meets the requirements of the standard, it is enough to integrate a cascade-gravity classifier into the production line, which will help to remove dust from screenings and separate them into a given amount of fraction. With a high content of lamellar and needle-shaped grains in crushing screenings, it is necessary to provide additional crushing of screenings in centrifugal-impact units. This will make it possible to obtain a cuboid shape of screening grains, which will ultimately have a positive effect on the strength characteristics of concrete.

The main physical and mechanical characteristics of fine and coarse aggregates were determined. The studied sand from rock crushing screenings did not pass in terms of grain composition in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8736 - 2014 and had a higher percentage of coarse grains. It is necessary to make additional crushing of this fine aggregate or dilute it with river sand. Crushed stone from screenings of crushing dense rocks met the requirements of the standard for grain composition and can be used as a coarse aggregate for concrete.

When selecting the composition of concrete, the parameters that affect the properties of the concrete mixture and the normalized indicators of the quality of concrete, depending on the type of concrete and the accepted calculation method, were taken as variable parameters of the composition. Experimental batches showed the need to take into account the high modulus of sand size, the voidness of the mixture, so it was necessary to adjust the ratio between sand and crushed stone. The selected compositions made it possible to obtain concrete of the required indicators in terms of strength, abrasion and water permeability.

This technology will contribute to the rational use of natural resources and the territory of enterprises, the expansion of the product range, will allow processing waste accumulated over the years in dumps, which will positively affect the cost of products and attract additional buyers.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (59) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Kakharov Z.V., Khamroev A.Yu. USE OF NONMETALLIC NATURAL RESOURCES AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE AS A LARGE AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE // Вестник науки №2 (59) том 3. С. 172 - 175. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7325 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7325

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