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  3. Вестник науки №2 (59) том 2
  4. Научная статья № 33

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Ismayilova G.G., Javadova F.N.




the article discusses the development of research studies conducted in the direction of the analysis of the structure and reporting methods of electric energy (EE) losses in electric networks (EN) of complex electric power systems. A mathematical, algorithmic, and software development evaluation of the Power System EE losses report and economic impacts, key findings, and research guidelines are provided as a result of measures taken to reduce EE losses   

Ключевые слова:
power networks, power losses, EE losses, reporting methods, energy efficiency   

DOI: 10.24412/2712-8849-2023-259-194-197

УДК 621.316

Ismayilova G.G.

Associate professor of the Department Power Industry

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Baku, Azerbaijan)


Javadova F.N.

Graduate student of the Department Power Industry

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Baku, Azerbaijan)





Abstract: the article discusses the development of research studies conducted in the direction of the analysis of the structure and reporting methods of electric energy (EE) losses in electric networks (EN) of complex electric power systems. A mathematical, algorithmic, and software development evaluation of the Power System EE losses report and economic impacts, key findings, and research guidelines are provided as a result of measures taken to reduce EE losses.


Keywords: power networks, power losses, EE losses, reporting methods, energy efficiency.


The development of the main areas of the economy is primarily based on the advanced growth of electricity production. However, its losses are unavoidable in the process of transporting electric energy through electric networks, which leads to additional burning of fuel in power plants and a decrease in the transmission capacity of the network. In this regard, the most attention should be paid to the tasks of qualitative calculation and especially optimization of the level of energy losses [1].

The magnitude of losses in electrical networks can be significant (ten or more percent of the useful supply), so it is important to objectively determine the losses of electrical energy first. As one of the indicators of network efficiency, it allows to estimate the amount of losses, analyze their structure, identify centers, develop organizational and technical measures to reduce losses, and normalize them in energy systems. In addition, the cost of losses is included in the generally accepted economic criteria - reduced costs, so the reliability of its assessment affects the reliability of the decisions made in the tasks of the technical and economic analysis. The main methodological provisions of the calculation of electrical energy losses are well developed and described in special and educational literature [1-2].In connection with the development of market relations in the electric power industry, the importance of the problem of determining electricity losses has increased markedly, since the cost of losses is one of the components of the electricity tariff (EE). Accurate determination of the level of EE losses is one of the important components of the overall complex of energy-saving measures at an industrial enterprise. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of some methods for determining EE losses in industrial power supply networks, as well as to classify these methods depending on the amount of initial information and the mode of its receipt.Many methods have been developed for calculating the technological consumption of transport EE - the power and components of energy losses, as well as the normative characteristics of energy losses.1.         Method of making operative reports2.         Daily reporting method3.         Method of average loads4.         Equivalent resistance method5.         Statistical methodMethods for calculating EE losses have been developed based on the known laws of electrical engineers using the circuit and mode parameters of networks [3].1. Schematic methods based on the calculation of technical losses of power and energy in electric networks for the determined values of the parameters of the cycle and loads.2. Statistical methods use regression dependences of electrical energy losses on generalized characteristics of circuits and modes of electrical networks.3. Valuation methods are based on specific indicators and aggregated data, such as total length of power lines, power and number of transformers.

Thus, calculation methods for determining the load losses of EE have become widespread. The proposed classification of methods for calculating EE losses is shown in fig.



Figure. Classification of methods for calculating electricity losses Conclusion. In the course of the analysis of some methods for determining EE losses in low-voltage networks of industrial power supply, advantages and disadvantages were identified. The reason for such results is the unreliability of obtaining the initial information, as well as complex mathematical calculations that can lead to significant errors. Among other reasons, we can also highlight the fact that the methods do not take into account all the influencing factors. In turn, taking them into account can improve the accuracy of the calculation. Also, in the course of the analysis, a classification of methods for determining EE losses was proposed.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (59) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Ismayilova G.G., Javadova F.N. ELECTRICITY LOSSES AND REPORTING METHODS IN THE ELECTRIC NETWORKS OF AZERBAIJAN // Вестник науки №2 (59) том 2. С. 194 - 197. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7263 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7263

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