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Toirov O.Z., Yusupov D.T., Nosirov A., Avazov J.




the article presents the results of determining the electric strength of oil power transformer TDN-63000/110. The results showed that to moisture concentration in oils 0.2 g/T and the oil is serviceable   

Ключевые слова:
transformer oil, electrical strength, breakdown voltage, impurities, moisture   

УДК 621.45.034

Toirov O.Z.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

"Electrical Machines" Tashkent State Technical University

(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)


Yusupov D.T.

PhD in Engineering, Senior Researcher

Institute of Energy Problems of the

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)


Nosirov A.

Master Student of the Department "Electrical Machines"

Tashkent State Technical University

(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)


Avazov J.

Master Student of the Department "Electrical Machines"

Tashkent State Technical University

(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)





Abstract: the article presents the results of determining the electric strength of oil power transformer TDN-63000/110. The results showed that to moisture concentration in oils 0.2 g/T and the oil is serviceable.


Key words: transformer oil, electrical strength, breakdown voltage, impurities, moisture.


Introduction. One of the main indicators characterizing the insulating properties transformer oils, is their electric strength [1-6]:

Е = Upr / h,                                             (1)

where, Upr - breakdown voltage; h - distance between the electrodes.

The breakdown voltage is very sensitive to the presence of impurities. With the deterioration of the state of transformer oil and the appearance of moistened impurities in it, the electrical strength decreases sharply.

Pure transformer oil, free from various impurities, has a breakdown voltage sufficient for use (more than 60 kV), determined by the electrodes with a distance of 2.5 mm between them.

Materials and methods of research

The most important sign of the state of insulation is the lowest breakdown voltage for transformers and is set according to Table 1 [1-3].

If the voltage applied to the dielectric is gradually increased, then the resistance of the dielectric decreases sharply. This critical state, in which the dielectric becomes a conductor, determines the dielectric strength of the oil (kV/cm). The voltage at which oil breakdown occurs is called breakdown voltage (kV) [4-6].

A decrease in breakdown voltage indicates, as a rule, oil contamination with various impurities.

Table 1.

The lowest breakdown voltage for transformer insulation [1-3]

Operating voltage of the transformer, kV

Oil breakdown voltage, kV

Up to 15 (inclusive)


St. 15 to 35 (inclusive)


From 60 to 150 (inclusive)


From 220 to 500 (inclusive)



Arithmetic mean value of breakdown voltage Upr in kV:


where,       Upr. avg - breakdown voltage (arithmetic mean), kV;

Upr.i - the value obtained during successive breakdowns, kV;

n - the number of breakdowns.

The moisture concentration in the oil is determined according to formula 2:

Upr. avg= -8.543ln(x) + 42.247                       (3)

where,       Upr.avg. - breakdown voltage (arithmetic mean), kV;

x – moisture concentration in oil, g/T.

Experimental study and processing of the results

As a result of testing the oil of the power transformer TDN-63000/110 for breakdown voltage the following results are obtained:


Upr1, kV

Upr2, kV

Upr3, kV

Upr4, kV

Upr5, kV







       Inserting formula 2, we define

Let's draw a graph of the change in the breakdown voltage of the oil of the TDN-63000/110 power transformer:

Fig.1. Graph of breakdown voltage of oil

of power transformer TDN-63000/110


Let's determine the moisture concentration in the oil according to formula 3:

57 = -8.543ln(x) + 42.247

8.543ln(x) = -57 + 42.247

8.543ln(x) = -14.753

ln(x) = -1.727

x = 0.2

Moisture concentration in power transformer oil TDN-63000/110 is 0.2 g/T.

According to Table 1, the standard value of the breakdown voltage of the oil in operation must be at least 55 kV for a power transformer with a voltage of 110 kV.


Moisture concentration in power transformer oil TDN-63000/110 is 0.2 g/T. Transformer oil is serviceable.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (51) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Toirov O.Z., Yusupov D.T., Nosirov A., Avazov J. DETERMINATION OF THE ELECTRICAL STRENGTH OF TRANSFORMER OIL // Вестник науки №6 (51) том 1. С. 346 - 350. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/5803 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/5803

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