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  4. Научная статья № 11

Просмотры  102 просмотров

Shagimardanova R.A., Leonteva A.A., Maryasova E.A.




the process of printing on a laser printer is considered in the paper. The popularity of laser printers is estimated. The advantages and disadvantages of laser printers are also considered   

Ключевые слова:
laser printer, rasterization, printing, toner   


Shagimardanova R.A.
student of the Institute of Engineering and Digital Technologies,
Belgorod State National Research University

 (Belgorod, Russia)

Leonteva A.A.
student of the Institute of Engineering and Digital Technologies,
Belgorod State National Research University

 (Belgorod, Russia)

Maryasova E.A.

PHD in Philosophy

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
and Professional Communication,

Belgorod State National Research University

 (Belgorod, Russia)



Abstract: the process of printing on a laser printer is considered in the paper. The popularity of laser printers is estimated. The advantages and disadvantages of laser printers are also considered.


Keywords: laser printer, rasterization, printing, toner.


A laser printer is one of the types of printers that allows you to quickly produce high-quality prints of text and graphics on ordinary paper. Laser printers use the process of xerographic printing in their work, but the difference is that the image is formed by directly scanning the photosensitive elements of the printer with a laser beam. Despite the advent of inkjet printers, the dominance of laser devices in the workplace is beyond doubt. There are many reasons explaining the popularity of laser printers. They use proven technology that has proven itself to be highly reliable. The main advantages of devices of this class, first of all, are high productivity, and as a result, lower cost of each printed sheet.

The process of printing a document on a laser printer consists of the following steps: connection, data processing, formatting, rasterization, laser scanning, toner overlay, toner fixing.

In order to print a document, you first need to send a print job from the computer to the printer. A parallel computer port is used for this. The data flow can be bidirectional, i.e. the printer can also send control signals to the computer that inform it about the suspension or continuation of the data flow transmission. As soon as the page is printed, the printer continues to read data from the buffer and informs the computer about the resumption of transmission. This process is called synchronization.

After loading the data into the printer, the computer starts the process of interpreting the code. Most laser printers are a specialized computer for printing, since they contain a microprocessor and memory that work similarly to the components of a real computer. Initially, the interpreter selects control commands and the contents of the document from the received data. The printer processor reads the code and executes commands that are part of the formatting process, and then executes other printer configuration instructions.

The data interpretation process includes a formatting phase during which commands are executed indicating how the document content should be positioned on the page. The accuracy of the image depends on the printer driver. In most cases, the printer generates a document by interpreting a set of commands that determine parameters such as paper size, the location of page margins, and line spacing. The controller then places the text and graphics into this page layout and performs complex procedures such as text alignment.

As a result of the formatting process, the exact location of each symbol and graphic image on each page of the document is determined. At the end of the data interpretation process, the controller executes commands to create an array of points, which will then be transferred to paper. The created array of dots is placed in the page buffer and is there until it is transferred to paper. The rasterization efficiency depends on the amount of memory installed in the printer and the resolution used in the current print job.

After rasterization, the page image is stored in memory, and then transferred to the printer, which physically performs the printing process. The printing device directly transfers the image to paper in the printer and includes the following elements: a laser scanning unit, a photosensitive element, a container with toner, a toner distribution unit, cartridges, a discharge lamp, a fixing unit and a paper transportation mechanism. Most often, these elements are structurally made in the form of a single module.

Advantages of laser printers. As a rule, the resolution for black-and-white printing varies from 600x600 to 1200x1200, but for color printing it reaches 9600x1200. Disadvantages of laser printers. Carbon monoxide is part of the chemical compounds of toner and is released at the stage of fixing the image. With a high concentration in the room air, it can cause headache, weakness, drowsiness and increased pulse rate.

It should be noted that manufacturers of laser printers do not stand still, continuing to increase the speed and quality of printing, while achieving a reduction in price.




The device and the principle of operation of the laser printer [Electronic resource]. Computers office equipment https://kakrig.com . Access mode https://kakrig.com/ustrojstvo-i-princip-raboty-lazernogo-printera.html free – (18.11.2019)

Design and principle of operation of laser printers. [electronic resource]. Helpix.Org - Internet assistant https://helpiks.org . Access mode https://helpiks.org/1-120642.html free – (18.11.2019)

Laser printer. [Electronic resource] Vuzlit https://vuzlit.ru . Access mode https://vuzlit.ru/1021499/zaklyuchenie free – (18.11.2019)


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (50) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shagimardanova R.A., Leonteva A.A., Maryasova E.A. THE PROCESS OF XEROGRAPHIC PRINTING ON A LASER PRINTER // Вестник науки №5 (50) том 2. С. 67 - 70. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/5589 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/5589

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