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Anisimova D.A.




this article discusses the main aspects of the concept of "Social support", as well as "Difficult life situation". The degree of study of this issue is reflected, as well as a detailed program for overcoming the current situation and the gradual restoration of the status of a prosperous family from the point of view of the author. Examples of interdepartmental interaction of both municipal and non-governmental commercial organizations are given   

Ключевые слова:
social support, individual program, support program, difficult life situation, crisis center, family curator   

УДК 364.044.4

Anisimova D.A.

National Research University "BelSU"

(Russia, Belgorod)






Abstract: this article discusses the main aspects of the concept of "Social support", as well as "Difficult life situation". The degree of study of this issue is reflected, as well as a detailed program for overcoming the current situation and the gradual restoration of the status of a prosperous family from the point of view of the author. Examples of interdepartmental interaction of both municipal and non-governmental commercial organizations are given.


Keywords: social support, individual program, support program, difficult life situation, crisis center, family curator.


Social support is an integral part of activities in carrying out preventive work with vulnerable families, as well as in providing counseling and psychological assistance to guardians or adoptive parents of minor children. This support includes the provision of consulting assistance and assistance in obtaining social benefits and guarantees established by law.

In social work, there are several types of social support: social support for families in difficult situations (vulnerable families); social support for families raising a child with disabilities; social support for incapacitated citizens who have reached the age of majority; social support for elderly citizens living alone. This article will discuss in more detail the social support of families in vulnerable situations. For carrying out individual work and constant support, a curator is appointed who approves an individual program of social support for the family - IPSS. To receive this program,

It should be noted that the main principles of social support are targeted assistance, an individual comprehensive approach, as well as a voluntary nature. Only the observance of these principles allows us to solve the tasks set in the conditions of an individual program of social support. The term for the implementation of the IPSS is established in accordance with the legislation, namely in the Federal Law " On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation" dated December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ

This law provides for four levels of social support: basic and adaptation - for a period of 1 year with a monthly visit to the family and regular provision of consulting assistance under the contract. Crisis level - for a period of 6 months, with family visits twice a month and regular provision of consulting assistance under the contract, as well as emergency - for a period of three months with weekly monitoring of the family, and provision of advisory assistance under the contract.

The problems and relevance of social support were touched upon by such authors as E.G. Vasilyev and Yu.V. Belyaninov. Their works reflect the complexity and multitasking of social work with dysfunctional families, as well as with children prone to illegal actions. Another author, Vasilyeva L.P., notes the importance of including a psychologist in the work of social support. The provision of psychological assistance, timely consultations, a comprehensive analysis and the use of therapeutic techniques make it possible to identify hidden motives for illegal actions of adolescents, as well as to understand the root cause of the difficult life situation of this family.

The social support itself, as mentioned above, consists in the implementation of an individual program of social support for the family, performed within the framework of an agreement concluded with a citizen whose need status has been collectively recognized. IPSS includes such activities as: conducting preventive conversations about a healthy lifestyle, conducting individual conversations about responsibility for improper performance of parental duties, assistance in obtaining anonymous help from a narcologist or psychiatrist-narcologist; assistance in passing a medical examination; assistance in obtaining benefits established by law, assistance in finding employment: assistance in transferring children from one educational organization to another; provision of social taxi services if necessary (relevant for people with limited mobility, as well as for people with disabilities).

Such a wide range of services is possible thanks to an agreement on interdepartmental cooperation on the territory of the municipality. A specific example is the agreement on interdepartmental cooperation of the MBU "Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population" of the Starooskolsky urban district. This agreement includes organizations such as: "Department of social protection of the population of the Stary Oskol city district", "Department of education of the Stary Oskol city district", "Health department of the Stary Oskol city district", "Administration of the Stary Oskol city district", "Stary Oskol city employment center". Within the framework of this agreement, the recipient of the social service has the right to apply to his curator for advice in one of the above departments.

Thus, social support for a vulnerable family will solve the problem of social adaptation difficulties for people who have reached working age. Also, within the framework of the IPSS, we will solve the problem of placing children in preschool institutions, as well as in schools and secondary vocational educational institutions. In the event that the fact of alcohol abuse is observed in the family, or the tendency of one of the family members to drug addiction, with the consent of the citizen himself, the service of alcohol coding will be provided free of charge during inpatient treatment

Given the above, it is worth noting that the provision of social support services is carried out only with the voluntary written consent of the applicant. Also, in the event of a change in life circumstances, a citizen (recipient of a social service) has the right to declare his desire to refuse social support, or to revise his individual program with the introduction of information about the circumstances that served this.

 The implementation of activities within the framework of the IPSS after the expiration of the program allows you to make an objective conclusion in relation to the family, and as a result of the work of social support, a collegial decision will be made. The decision of the collegial body will indicate the elimination of the problem in whole or in part, as well as the fate of the family. Namely, the removal of this family from the register of disadvantaged, or vice versa, the transfer of a personal file and a petition for registration with the territorial commission and the police.



Vasilyeva G.V. Psychological and social support for the personal development of children and adolescents: manual. New knowledge,

2012 — 160 с.

Vasilyeva G.N. Individual support of families: manual. М.: Social work, 2015 — 252 с.

Belyaninova U.V. State Social Assistance and Social

service [Electronic resource] / U.V. Belyaninova— М.: «Эксмо», 2013 — 240 c. — Access mode: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/19216.html

Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation " from 28.12.2013 N 442-ФЗ — Access mode:



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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (49) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Anisimova D.A. SOCIAL SUPPORT OF FAMILIES IN DIFFICULT LIFE SITUATION & SOCIALLY DANGEROUS SITUATION AS A WAY TO REHABILITATE THE STATUS OF A PROSPEROUS FAMILY // Вестник науки №4 (49) том 3. С. 5 - 8. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/5498 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/5498

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