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Leskova K.A., Andreeva O.O.




this article focuses on the role of analysis in improving the efficiency of corporate financial management. The need to improve the methods of financial analysis is noted. The existing methods of financial analysis are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are indicated. Please note that the purpose of financial analysis is to provide internal and external users with objective information about the level of the financial condition of the organization. Therefore, the analytical method should help solve this problem. The method of financial analysis needs optimization, which will increase its efficiency   

Ключевые слова:
financial analysis, methods of analysis, absolute and relative indicators, financial stability, profitability   

In order to function successfully in a constantly changing market situation, business entities are forced to constantly monitor their financial condition in order to have an objective understanding of the level of liquidity, profitability, business activity and financial stability, that is, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. This allows them to identify shortcomings in the functioning of the organization, to identify reserves, to increase the efficiency of the use of resources in order to further improve the efficiency of their activities. Moreover, continuous qualitative analysis of the financial condition allows you to make more informed administrative decisions in order to achieve higher final results. Constant changes in economic conditions and an increase in the number of factors affecting the level of the company's development determine the need for continuous work to improve the system and methods of economic analysis. «The financial condition of the organization is assessed by indicators that characterize the availability, placement and use of financial resources» [1]. The choice of specific methods is largely influenced by factors such as goals, information support, professional experience of analysts, and user requirements. Most of the methods currently used to analyze the financial condition of an organization have a lot in common. They use similar methods and procedures to calculate a number of continuous indicators, but there are significant differences between the two. Based on this, in practice, one of the various methods is often used, but they can also be applied in an integrated manner in accordance with the purpose and objectives of information analysis. More detailed methods designed for analyzing the financial situation and completely different from each other are the methods developed by A.D. Sheremet. and Kovalev V.V. These authors are called the founders of various areas of financial analysis. These methods were further developed by N.N. Voitolovsky and Savitskaya G.V. [3, 4] According to the methodology of Sheremet A.D., the financial condition of the organization largely depends on the structure of the distribution of funds and the source of their formation [5]. Financial analysis is carried out by calculating and evaluating absolute financial indicators and relative financial indicators and is divided into the following parts: -Theoretical basis of the factors affecting the financial position; -Analysis of the structure and dynamics of assets; -Analysis of the structure and dynamics of liabilities; -Analysis of the profitability index of the organization and its impact on the financial position; -Analysis of financial stability, which is characterized by the balance of assets and liabilities, income and expenses; -Evaluation of the liquidity and solvency of the organization. In order to analyze the financial condition according to the method of V.V. Kovalev, it is necessary to use a structure of two modules [2]: 1) Express analysis of the financial condition; 2) Detailed assessment of the financial condition. In the process of express analysis, the financial condition of the organization and the dynamics of economic development were assessed in three stages. At the first stage, the need to analyze and study the financial statements is determined and its readability is assessed. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the audit report and confirm it formally and to the point. At the second stage, an explanatory note is considered, the working conditions of the previous period are assessed, and quantitative and qualitative trends in the financial sector of the organization are identified. The purpose of the third stage is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of economic activities based on the study of the financial condition of the organization. The complex analysis procedure allows you to evaluate the results of the organization. The procedure may include the following steps: -Diagnostics to assess the financial and economic potential of the organization; -Asset valuation based on structural analysis and dynamics of financial statements; -Evaluation of solvency and financial stability; -Analysis of the financial results and economic activities of the organization. To compare the above methods, it is necessary to study and compare the systems of indicators used in them. In both methods of analyzing financial condition, initial procedures are used: the first method is to compare the growth rate of assets with the financial condition of the organization to fully assess the dynamics of assets and financial results. The second is a quick analysis, and its content boils down to the study of audit reports, verification of reporting on formal grounds and in essence, as well as the study of explanatory notes. Following these procedures, you can initially assess the effectiveness of the activities used during the reporting period (A.D. Sheremet), and determine whether there is enough money to read the report and familiarize yourself with key performance indicators, for example, a qualitative change in the balance sheet and financial position of the enterprise (V.V. Kovalev). Both are important, so these procedures can successfully complement each other in the preliminary stage. According to these two methods, horizontal and vertical analysis is used to analyze the balance sheet structure. At the same time, the corresponding indicators calculated according to the first method (the ratio of current and non-current assets, the ratio of industrial property, the autonomy ratio, the ratio of borrowed and own funds) can more fully reflect the structure of the balance sheet. However, the figures calculated by V.V. Kovalev, cannot reveal changes in the structure of the balance sheet, but changes in the condition and movement of fixed assets. To assess financial stability, absolute and relative indicators are used. In the method of using absolute indicators, the methods for assessing the stability of the financial position are the same: they compare the amount of reserves with the size of the source of their formation. However, in this case, absolute indicators of financial stability are used. They differ from each other: the difference in real equity and authorized capital, the value of own circulating assets, the presence of long-term sources of formation of reserves and the total value of the main sources of formation of reserves (A.D. Sheremet), and own circulating assets and normal sources of formation of reserves (V. V. Kovalev). The set of relative indicators of financial stability is different - for the use of own working capital Sheremet A.D. recommends different coefficients, and in the method of Kovalev V.V. coefficients characterizing the ratio of equity and borrowed capital, some of which, according to the first method, should be determined in the process of structural analysis of the balance sheet. According to these methods, the relative indicators of liquidity assessment are repeated and complement each other. Here you should pay attention to the different names of the same indicator. And also, in addition to the liquidity ratio, the first method also takes into account the solvency ratio, which allows for a deeper and more detailed analysis of the financial position of the organization. The first method allows you to more fully describe the business activities of the company. At the same time, at this stage of the analysis, we recommend using individual indicators (the duration of the operating and financial cycles, the turnover of equity and total capital, the coefficient of sustainability of economic growth), according to the method of V.V. Kovalev.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (38) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Leskova K.A., Andreeva O.O. ANALYSIS OF THEFINANCIAL STATE OF THE ORGANIZATION: QUESTIONS OF METHODOLOGY // Вестник науки №5 (38) том 2. С. 64 - 69. 2021 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/4416 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/4416

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