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Mamasaliev M.M.




the trending changes in modern civilization are having a major impact on the spiritual image of modern man. If a mechanism is not developed to protect the spiritual image of the individual from these trending changes, it is clear that in the near future humanity will face more serious problems than today   

Ключевые слова:
The spiritual image of modern civilization, the social qualities, the position of life, the primacy of material needs, the principles of pragmatism, individualism and egoism   

It is known that in the context of democratization and renewal of society in Uzbekistan, reforming and modernization of the country, the spiritual image of citizens, ie social qualities, life position, beliefs are changing. The spiritual image of our compatriots today is characterized, first of all, by the priority of the spirit of devotion to universal values, the emergence of a culture of observance of international law, the growing sense of human dignity, especially civic sentiment. Changes in the spiritual image of the individual are reflected in the multifaceted activities aimed at ensuring the stability of the political situation in the country, maintaining national and interethnic harmony, protecting human rights and freedoms, building a new society, solving national problems in the recent past. It is also evident in the restoration of language, cultural and spiritual heritage, historical memory.[1] So, under the influence of what factors are the changes in the spiritual image of the citizens of our country taking place? Philosophical analysis allows us to include the following in this group of factors: 1. Processes of democratization and renewal of society, reform and modernization of the country. 2. Features and tendencies of modern civilization. It is known that social reforms in our country have had and continue to have a serious impact on the consciousness and activities of our citizens, their way of life. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that changes in the spiritual image of man are also influenced by the features and tendencies inherent in modern civilization. With the accession of Uzbekistan to the world community, universal norms and principles have entered our society, and universal values are beginning to take root in the minds and activities of our citizens. All of this is a positive thing, of course. However, in the dialectical connection between modern civilization and the spiritual image of the individual, there are some regressive aspects as well as progressive features. In other words, modern civilization is not limited to blind-selling, which has a positive effect on the spiritual image of the individual. The trend changes we mentioned in the previous chapter, in addition to facilitating human life and accelerating their development, also give rise to many social processes that negatively affect the spiritual image of the individual. As well as, “Research and scientific discussion of this process, along with the discovery of new dimensions in the subject, also provides a positive solution to global problems such as the "mass culture" facing mankind”. Economic development in the world has led to a radical change in the structure of the economy in almost all countries, on the one hand, and the introduction of the principles of a market economy, on the other hand. As a result, it is possible to meet the needs of the individual more broadly. However, in recent years, the number of articles criticizing the market economy has been increasing. Some countries (e.g.,  Japan, Sweden, China) are focusing on shaping a managed and socially oriented market economy. So what are the reasons for such a critical approach? It is true that a market economy satisfies the needs of the individual more broadly. But its main drawback is that it is only able to create products that can be sold and bought. This situation gives priority to material needs in people's lives. That is why the modern man considers the satisfaction of his material needs to be his first priority. Citizens of Uzbekistan are no exception. The production of consumer goods in the country is growing from year to year, but the number of people who go to theaters and museums or subscribe to newspapers and magazines is declining. For example, today only 5% of young people go to theaters and museums.[2] Such vices as social indifference, intolerance of unculturedness, consumerism, materialism, dependency are taking root. These social vices have come to our time and have begun to seriously undermine the spiritual image of the individual. That is why our First President I. "First of all, we must think about rid our society of such evils as selfishness and indifference, nepotism and localism, corruption and self-interest, and disregard for others," Karimov said. [3] Advances in science and technology have long been aimed at facilitating human physical labor. In this regard, he has made significant progress. For example, thanks to him, various machines, excavators, cranes, machines began to be used in industrial production. Numerous harvesting machines, irrigation equipment and other technical means have entered agriculture. Household appliances have been eased a bit thanks to vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, televisions, and computers. As a result, the balance between mental labor and physical labor has changed somewhat. However, these successes filled a person’s life with anxiety, leading to a change in his spiritual world. [4] Advances in science and technology have led to the establishment of an information society. At the current stage of social development, the emergence of new information technologies, the acceleration of information exchange further increases the social significance of information.[5]


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (32) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Mamasaliev M.M. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF THE INFLUENCE OF MODERN CIVILIZATION ON THE SPIRITUALIMAGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL // Вестник науки №11 (32) том 3. С. 5 - 8. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3740 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3740

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