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Koblanova G.B.




in this article, proverbs and sayings in English, Russian and Karakalpak languages are studied as a phraseological unit. In addition, proverbs and sayings in English, Russian and Karakalpak are analyzed using examples. At the same time, the trilingual translations of phraseological units are compared   

Ключевые слова:
proverbs and sayings, literary language, phraseology, equivalent words, colloquial speech, poetic work, definition, complex sentences   

Proverbs and sayings were created by generations of people, they reflect the history and worldviews of the people who created them, their traditions, customs, customs, culture, common sense and humor. In any language, they are of the greatest value for enriching the literary language, for giving it expressiveness, accuracy. The huge number of proverbs and sayings in the language from ancient times attracted folklorists as well. A very debatable and controversial issue was the inclusion of proverbs and sayings and the composition of phraseology. With regard to the volume of phraseology, scientists adhere to diametrically opposite points of view, depending on one or another understanding of the phraseological unit. V.V.Vinogradov includes stable sentences, including proverbs in the number of phraseological units. Mongolian phrase stamps, clichés typical of various literary styles, and literary quotes, and winged expressions, and folk proverbs, and sayings also belong to the field of phraseological units [1, 61] In most cases, proverbs are included in phraseology. The question of the inclusion of proverbs and sayings in the phraseology has long been the subject of lively discussion between linguists. As a rule, opponents of the inclusion of proverbial sayings in phraseology are those scientists who believe that phraseological units with a phrase structure that perform a nominative function and act as equivalent words in the role of one of the sentence members can be full phraseological units (e.g. N. N. Amosova, M. Babkin, S. I. Ozhegov, A. I. Molotkov). All stable entities that are not units of nomination are excluded from the phraseology. So, A.I. Molotkov writes: “... the semantic nature of the proverb is different from phraseological unit: the content of the statement conveyed by the sentence-proverb is based on judgment, while the lexical meaning of phraseological unit is one or another concept” [2, 10]. Opponent of the inclusion of the proverb in phraseology is also V.P. Filitsin. She claims that proverbs, unlike sayings, are devoid of grammar. V.P. FMLITSINA believes that a proverb is a decomposable combination of words in which the meaning of each word does not change from the use of its combination, for example, “Волков боятся - в лес не ходить” [3,54]. However, most scholars, V.V. Vinogradov, V.A. Arzangelsky, E. B. Berdimuradov, A. B. Kunin, N. M. Shansky, Yu. Yu. Avaliani, I.I. Chernyshevka and others, who are stable in their structure of meaning of the sentence consider as an integral part of the phraseology. Moreover, proponents of the inclusion of stable sentences in the composition of phraseology are among the phraseological units of this type mainly proverbs and sayings. Of particular note is the monograph by V. A. Arkhangelsky, “Sustainable Phrases in the Modern Russian Language,” in which, against the background of a general analysis of Russian phraseology, the author puts the common words, proverbs and sayings in the first place “by communicative significance” [4, 154]. The direct and figurative meanings seem to coexist in the same proverb. In this case, the main role is played by the figurative meaning, which determines the nature of the functioning of the proverb in speech. As a result of this approach, some proverbs are considered as phraseological units, while others are excluded from the phraseology. Proverbs are usually understood as short sayings in relation to various aspects of life, included in the circulation of colloquial speech. A proverb is always a sentence. She pursues a didactic goal - to teach, warn, advise, etc. A. Potebnya wrote about the generalizing nature of the proverbs: “For this expression to really become a proverb, you need to take a case or a series of cases from another sphere, you need a particular image to have allegorical meaning, and then it becomes both a poetic work and a proverb”. Unlike phraseological units of other types, proverbs are often complex sentences. In view of the clearly expressed structural and semantic features, the separation of proverbs from other types of phraseological units is usually not difficult. Much more difficult is the definition of a proverb. In the preface to his collection of proverbs, V. I. Dahl wrote: “A proverb is a devious expression, figurative speech, a simple allegory, a blunt expression, a way of expression, but without a parable, without judgment, conclusion, application. This is one first half of the proverbs.” Under the understanding of the proverb V.I.Dal let two types of formations: 1. Sustainable sentences: "У него в глазах двоится", "Язык лыка не вяжет" and so on. 2. The combinations that it holds as part of the proposals:"Он сваливает с больной головы на здоровую", " Он чужими руками жар загребает". V.I.Dal points out that one word is often repeated, sentenced, without much sense and meaning, and sometimes, by local or personal habit, is called a proverb. Yu.M. Sokolov, V. Chicherov take the same position on this issue. We adhere to the opinion of NN Amasova, according to which independent sentences are called proverbs. She points out that proverbs and sayings are "parables-miniatures."


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №7 (28) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Koblanova G.B. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS AS AN OBJECT OF PHRASEOLOGY // Вестник науки №7 (28) том 3. С. 10 - 14. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3443 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3443

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