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Khalilov F., Jabborov A.




role playing is an effective method of work. They help to solve the educational tasks at English lessons. Role play provides an opportunity to strengthen students’ verbal activity, allowing themto effectively overcome the “language barrier” when communicating in a foreign language.The article focuses on the advantage of communicative language teaching methodology   

Ключевые слова:
role playing, speech situations, subject, tasks, English lessons, foreign languages   

In the context of oral foreign language speech training, role play is primarily speech activity, Game and training at the same time. Let’s look at role play from the position of student and teacher in this plan. From the student’s perspective, a role-playing game is a game activity in the process of which they perform in certain roles. The goal of the role-playing game is the activities carried out. Educational character by the students is not realized From a teacher’s perspective, role play can be seen as a form of educational process organization, in particularly the process of learning about dialogue communication. For the teacher, the goal of the game is formation and development speech and student skills. The role-playing game is manageable; its educational character is clearly understood by a teacher Role play is based on interpersonal relationships that are realized in the process of communication, role play causes need for communication, encourages interest in participation in communication on foreign language, in which case it performs a motivational function. Role-playing can be attributed to learning games because it largely defines choice of language aids, promotes development of speech skills and skills, allows modeling communication of students in various speech situations. In other words, a role-playing game is exercise for learning the skills and skills of dialogue speech in interpersonal communication. In this regard, the role-playing game provides a learning function. It is difficult to overestimate the educational importance of role play, its comprehensive influence on the teenager. Game helps to unite the children’s collective, shy and timid are involved in active activity, and this promotes the self-affirmation of everyone in the collective. Conscious is brought up in role-playing games discipline, hard work, mutual assistance, activity of the teenager, readiness to be included in different types activity, autonomy, ability to defend their point of view, to show initiative, to find optimal solution under certain conditions. As practice shows, students are imbued with positive roles, but children are happy to play roles and negative characters with the aim of mocking their negative lines. And in this aspect we are talking about the educational function of role play. Role play forms the ability of schoolchildren to play the role of another person, to see themselves with the position of the communication partner. It guides the student to plan their own speech behavior and behavior of the interviewer, develops the ability to control his actions, give objective assessment to acts of others. Hence, the role-playing game will perform an orienting function in the process training. Teenagers aspire to adulthood, and role-playing gives them the opportunity to go beyond their context Activities and expand them. By ensuring that teenagers 'desires are fulfilled, role play is thus realizes compensatory function. The feasibility of using role-playing games in grades 5-9 is due to the fact that teenagers give preference for a group form of work. For them, joint activities and communication acquire personal significance, they seek to master new forms and ways of communication, knowledge of others people in communication, organization of relations with peers and adults. As role-playing game as a means of organizing joint learning activities of  students just and models interpersonal group communication, it finds a lively response from teenage schoolchildren age. In a foreign language lesson, the game does not lose its appeal to students, however it has its own specifics: non-game tasks are solved and the importance of the effective aspect is increased, which allows to view role play as a means of achieving educational goals. Role-playing is a methodical technique that belongs to a group of active ways to teach practical to foreign language skills. The introduction of this approach into the learning process contributes to the achievement of objectives of dialogue speech training and extended monologue speech, activation educational activity of schoolchildren, formation of their skills and skills of independent expression of thought, education and education of pupils by means of a foreign language. A role-playing game is a form of speech situation organization used for training purposes. In a basis role play lies in the organized speech communication of students according to distributed between by their roles and game story. Psychological research has shown that in the period from grade 5 to grade 11 the development of students takes place several age stages. Junior school age in which study begins foreign language, preceded not just by an earlier, pre-school age period, but also more an early form of leading activity. This early form of leading activity is role play. In Younger school age, that is, at the age of 7-11, teaching becomes the leading activity. At teenagers in 11-15 years the leading activity is connected with communication in the course of educational activity. Contents the leading activity of high school students in 15-18 years becomes educational and professional activity, outlook formation. Such age periodization is not established, as the transition to teaching schoolchildren with 6 years of age changes the content of leading activities, shifts the boundaries of period’s development of pupils. The transition from one leading activity to another takes the form of interaction old and new ways in behavior. The game, as a form of reflection of leading activity, can to meet the age achieved, to return to earlier forms of behavior, to be ahead of appropriate age and facilitate preparation for new leadership activities. 


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (24) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Khalilov F., Jabborov A. ROLE PLAYING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING. // Вестник науки №3 (24) том 1. С. 5 - 8. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/2858 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/2858

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