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Осколкова В.Р.




The transition of Russian higher education to the new federal state educational standards involves new principles of the pedagogical professional competence formation. The analyzed principles in the article (the principle of organization of reflexive management, of unity of the processes of personal and professional, of complementarity of the processes of integration and differentiation, of unity of diagnostics and correction, of concentricity) are determined to the effective functioning of the process of forming the professional competence of a future teacher.   

Ключевые слова:
educational standards, pedagogical competence, principles, educational process   

The goals and objectives of professional pedagogical education, as well as the requirements for graduates in the field of training "Pedagogical education" (qualification "bachelor of education") are expressed in the “Federal state educational standard of higher professional education 3++” and correlated with the list of professional competencies of a future teacher. For their implementation we’ve identified the principles of the educational process [1, p.353]: 1. The principle of organization of reflexive management, which is linked with the formation of reflexive culture in all participants of the educational process. The reflexive culture is integrative, dynamic education of an individual, which includes a complex of reflective knowledge and skills, ways of self-knowledge, self-esteem, as well as the respective attitude to teaching. The effectiveness of the process of formation of professional pedagogical competence of future teachers is largely determined by the degree of awareness of their actions and efforts aimed at achieving their goals. Reflexive management of the process of formation of the studied type of competence involves a joint discussion by its participants of the success and failures of various stages of activity, of the ways to solve difficult pedagogical tasks. 2. The principle of unity of the processes of personal and professional of a future teacher in the process of formation of his professional competence is directly related to the previous principle, since it assumes that the student, possessing the technology of analytical and reflexive activity, assesses independently the changes that have occurred in his personality, as well as predicts the ways of optimal design of the process of his professional and personal development, forming his personal and professional position. Thus, the future teacher feels himself a full-fledged subject of this process, free to achieve the goals of the formation of his future professional activities, the development of their professional competencies, independently analyzes and builds a trajectory of his own personal and professional development and self-development. The tutor also acts as a mentor, consultant, adviser, creating a situation of free choice, providing a systematic, gradual assimilation of the content of the material, flexibly providing it (the content of training) and the choice of technologies, methods, techniques for preparing future teachers for self-realization in the logic of the competence approach based on the individual characteristics of students, their needs and the real level of development of their readiness. 3. The principle of complementarity of the processes of integration and differentiation in the organization of educational process assumes interdisciplinary character of training, interpenetration of technological preparation for professional pedagogical self-realization in logic of competence approach with preparation in the field of disciplines of general cultural, subject, psychological and pedagogical blocks at the interdisciplinary level. 4. The principle of unity of diagnostics and correction of the process of formation of professional pedagogical competence of a future teacher assumes: a) availability of operational information about the state of formation of pedagogical competence through the systematic use of certain diagnostic methods (survey, observation, testing, scaling, etc.); b) obtaining information about the results of interaction between the teacher and the student for the timely necessary correction of the process of formation of professional pedagogical competence through regular diagnostic sections aimed at identifying the current levels of development of the components of the competence. Thus, the principle of unity of diagnosis and correction involves systematic monitoring of the level of the development of the professional competence components of future teachers in order to make timely necessary adjustments to the process of pedagogical training. Among the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process, we highlight the transition of students to a higher level of professional pedagogical competence. The results of the criteria-based assessment are reflected in the online electronic professional portfolio of a future teacher. 5. The principle of concentricity, which determines the development of professional pedagogical competence in the unity of its structural components at each stage of professional and personal development of a future teacher. The above principles determine the effective functioning of the process of formation of professional pedagogical competence of a future teacher.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №8 (8) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Осколкова В.Р. PRINCIPLES OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE FORMATION OF A FUTURE TEACHER // Вестник науки №8 (8) том 1. С. 55 - 57. 2018 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/246 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/246

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