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Hamrayeva G.R.




в данной статье обобщено распределение профессиональных компетенций студентов педагогического вуза, групповое распределение и тематика (тематическое исследование в деятельности по управлению проектами)   

Ключевые слова:
Competency approach, competence, competence, basic, general and predestined competencies, methods and methods of teaching, educational competence   

Competence-based learning requires students not to develop their skills and knowledge, but to master them in complex. Accordingly, the methodology of teaching varies. Let's take a look at the basics of selection and design of teaching methods in the competent approach. We clarify it for that. We define its structure. Then make a base and object. Here are the principles of teaching techniques. Competence - predetermined social requirements for the preparation of the student to work effectively in a particular area. Competence is multidimensional and there are several versions of it. Competence - the student has the appropriate competence. Competence is a minimum of experience accumulated in the student in terms of personal qualities and performance in the given field. Competence - a set of personal qualities of the student (knowledge, skills, qualifications, abilities), which is determined by the experience gained in his / her social and personal activities. Competencies should be distinguished from the educational competence. Education competence simplifies the student's life in full-fledged life. For example, a citizen can not apply some competences until he / she reaches a certain age. But that does not mean that they do not form in the student. In this case, we speak about education competence. For example, if a student studies his / her competence at the Pedagogical University, he / she will use it fully after graduating from the Pedagogical University. Accordingly, such competences are seen as educational competences during the study period. There is no single list of key competencies worldwide, because each country or region has its own traditions, mentality and specific requirements. It is a social order that society puts its citizens into. Their list is determined by the social environment in a given country or region. Such a deal can not always be achieved. For example, the Swiss Institute of Economic Cooperation and Development and the National Institute of Educational Statistics have been unable to identify strong competencies in the project "Selection and Competitiveness of Competitiveness". Analysis of the competence of different competences of the student shows that they are creative (creative). Creative competencies include: "extracting useful information from experience", "problem solving", "opening up current and current affairs", "problem recovery", "opening interactions between previous and current events" find "and so on. At the same time, the skills provided do not reflect the full range of student activities. Competence requires a minimum of experience that needs to be exercised. This should not be forgotten about formulating the requirements for student learning and designing the curriculum and textbooks. Here are the main functions of the competencies, which are analyzed on the basis of their role and role in the analysis: • reflect the social needs of young people who are ready to live in a daily life; • demonstrate realistic objects from the environment for their skill and skills and targeted support; • being part of the content of learning curricula and education; • linking theoretical knowledge in practice to solving specific problems. What kind of competencies should a sequence be? As you know, some of the competencies are more or less important than others. Accordingly, they can be divided into three levels: 1. basic competences - belong to the general (metahedral) content of the content; 2. the development of competitiveness - the subjects belonging to a particular area and the education sector; 3. competence of the subject - is calculated on the basis of the subject matter of the previous two, as private. The base competencies are specifically assigned to a particular stage of education and to the subject of the particular subject. For example, if the competence relevant to the study is included as a person in the development of the reflection in the competitiveness of the Ummah, it is necessary to have the structure and structure of the education associated with the role of education in order to determine the ability to distinguish between different aspects of the project activities, based on the subject matter of the subject matter. In order to ensure that comparisons of competences are compared to the traditional education parameters, we introduce the concept of "training components" through the list of structural components of competence: • name of the competition; • the nature of the competitiveness and its role in its overall sequence (base umumpredmet subject); • scope of real-life objects with competences; • the socio-practical relevance and significance of the concept (why it needs society?); • the importance of the content to the individual (why the student should be competent?); • skills and skills within the realistic field; • minimum experience required for the student to participate in the competence (on the training stages); • indicators - Examples of learning and control and evaluation tasks to determine the level of pupil competence (through instructional stages).


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (19) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Hamrayeva G.R. FORMATION, DISTRIBUTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION // Вестник науки №10 (19) том 3. С. 5 - 18. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/2138 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/2138

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