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Dinalieva A.M.




this article will be devoted to the comic fantasy novel “Mort” by Terry Pratchett as one of a satiric book series. It will focus on this masterpiece which contains vast array of humorous novels   

Ключевые слова:
discworld,flat earth, jig, small caps, free world   

Terry Pratchett, a prominent English writer, an author of many notable works such as “Discworld”, wrote his masterpiece which consists of 41 novels from 1984 till the end of his life in 2015. The theory of “The Flat Earth”, according to which the Earth is considered to be in a shape of a flat disc became a basis to the creation of the Discworld. “The Flat Earth” is an archaic conception and many ancient cultures believed that the Earth is flat, including Greece until the classical period, China until the XVII century and aboriginal cultures of the Americas, and the notion of a flat earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl was common in pre-scientific societies. However, as Terry Pratchett loved parody, he described his “Discworld” as a flat world that lies on the backs of four elephants which are in turn balance on the back of a giant turtle Great A'Tuin. The things that make the book series a masterpiece is that its richness in themes and motifs that run through the series and commonness of them. In many of the novels there were fantasy platitudes parodied as well as various fantasy subgenres. For example in the novel “Witches Abroad” there were parody on fairy tales, or in “Carpe Jugulum” – witch and vampire stories were made fun of. In addition, the analogies of real- world issues such as religion were portrayed in the novel “Small Gods”, or business and politics in “Making money”, even music genres such as opera in “Masquerade” and rock music in the novel “Soul Music” became recurring themes. Major historical events, especially battles also were used as the foundation to the most key events in the Discworld stories such as “Jingo” and “Pyramids”. As the author was modern and liked new technologies and was aware of the changes that are happening in the world at current time, he couldn’t resist the desire to parody trends in science, technology, and pop culture that we can observe in such novels as “Moving Pictures” and “Men at Arms”. Except all these, there are also humanist themes and critical thinking is pointed out in many Discworld novels. The stories all take place in the same fictional set Discworld, a fantasy universe and are independent, which means can be read in any order. However, some of the novels can be grouped together, and they create a huge story arcs that have a set number of characters and events, also some books even refer to earlier or later events, which let the readers feel the connection between all the novels. There are several regular main characters that can be met in all the novels such as Death, which appears in almost each novel except the stories “The Wee Free Men” and “Snuff”, or sometimes, this character has only some lines. Traditionally, the Death is described as a sevenfoot –tall skeleton in a black robe who sits astride a pale horse Binky. His words are always depicted in SMALL CAPS, without quotation marks, also when the Death talks, his voice appears in his interlocutor’s mind, and people state that his words arrive into their heads without passing through their ears. In the novel the character of death is the “anthropomorphic personification” of him and he has his job, he guides souls onward from this world into the next. As he has been “working” over millennia, he got used to humans and developed a fascination with their lifestyle, so he has gone so far, even decided to create a house for himself, where he lived with his daughter and butler Albert, ex wizard in his own dimension. Death with his granddaughter Susan Sto Helit appears as the main characters in five novels of the book series and he also appear in the non-Discworld novel “Good Omens”, also written by Terry Pratchett in cooperation with Neil Gaiman. As the world created by Terry Pratchett is full of magical creatures, and we cannot imagine the Discworld without witches, so the play a huge role in the book series. Witches are  considered as wise, moreover, they can act as herbalists and adjudicators as well. However they prefer better not to use magic in the Discworld, they think, it is too simple and applied psychology would be more effective. The principal of the all witches in the book series is Granny Weatherwax. Even though she contemns people, she helps them, healing and protecting them, as she knows, no one can take this role and manage with this job better. Also there are other witches, Granny Weatherwax’s closest friend Nanny Ogg, a jolly witch, who enjoys smoking and beer, and the two apprentice witches Magrat Garlick and Tiffany Aching, who are soon finishing their training and become accomplished witches in “Magrat’s case”. The witches appear in numerous Discworld books, and their stories are parodies of famous works, particularly Shakespeare’s.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (15) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Dinalieva A.M. THE PERCEPTION OF “HUMOR” IN THE NOVEL “MORT” BY T.PRATCHETT // Вестник науки №6 (15) том 3. С. 184 - 186. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1697 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1697

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