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Tuleubekova A.




Technological advancement creates a better educational atmosphere and enable students to think broadly and critically. By using different websites, teachers may be able to give assignments that would not only be interesting but also practical. In this article, I am going to make a list of some sites, which are great to teach English and fully engage your students. For each website, there are descriptions of functions, which contributes to productivity of a teacher’s lesson   

Ключевые слова:
ICT based strategies, websites, e-learning, smartphones, software, multimedia   

Nowadays with a prevalence of technological advancement in every educational organization it is required that a teacher must have skills which contributes to the better education of students. Distant learning is widely spread and which provides other ways to teach and assist them in their self-study time. That is why recently a tendency of integrational teaching (ICT tools and teaching methods) is becoming a demand for teachers. ICT stands for Information and communication technology, it means computers, active boards, smartphones, tablets, radio, television and audio-visual equipment. ICT based teaching it is one of the teaching methods by using different electronic materials or capturing, learning, storing, processing information electronically. According to Ali, Haolader, Muhammad ICT based teaching is important, as children need to adjust to the technology and develop their ICT skills. Now, in high schools and universities an ICT usage is predominant and earlier students start to learn ICT based learning is better. Tasks and assignments are given through Moodle platforms and teachers provide most of the textbooks electronically too. Digital information is replacing all hardcopies, which saves not only time but papers too. Government also need to pay attention to promotion of ICT usage and integrate that in an educational system [1, p. 138-139]. However, still in the most countries ICT based strategies are not fully adjusted in education systems. Balajadia states that teachers are not ready and there are three reasons for that: teachers are unsure about their computer skills, belief that ICT is not efficient and timeconsuming and accessibility [2, p. 15]. In order to handle with challenges of ICT integration, Sharma suggests alleviating the process of accessibility of ICT resources at schools, conduct training sessions for teachers on how ICT can be used, to build step-by-step instructions to facilitate access and training, motivate teachers and make them believe that ICT has a huge impact on educational process [3, p. 25-26]. Majumdar in his article proves that ICT based learning changes learner’s roles, teacher’s roles, curriculum, and delivery’s roles. After reinforcing ICT in a lesson teacher’s role become a facilitator and guide of knowledge. When without ICT a teacher can be only transmitter. Majumdar describes how pedagogy and technology can be integrated which could build the best learning trigger. Teachers can use technologies in order to communicate with children through e-mails; use educational video materials and edit them; prepare different materials for slow and fast learners; create a list for marking and making ongoing statistics; build more vivid conception and show practical usage of knowledge; assign different task using variety of multimedia and software applications [4, p. 2-4]. During the lesson, there is always not enough time to make sure that students fully comprehend a subject and meet their learning objectives. Teacher can assess some active students who constantly answers for the questions. However, what about the students who are silently sitting and nodding with his/her head. Sometimes students lie about their current position, mostly they are not passionate about confession that they could not get teacher’s drift. Therefore, teachers need double check plan, where we can analyze each student separately and assess their where they are standing now. In contrast with the past students are busy and have hectic schedule teachers need to conduct some distance teaching through educational websites, software, and online course programs. 


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (14) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Tuleubekova A. ICT BASED TEACHING STRATEGIES THROUGH EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES // Вестник науки №5 (14) том 4. С. 222 - 225. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1396 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1396

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