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Meredova G., Gurbanov E., Dangliyev R.




article provides a summary of how to determine and evaluate the production capacity of an enterprise, and draw conclusions. It also discusses the factors affecting the size of the production capacity of the enterprise.   

Ключевые слова:
economics, management, business economics, productivity, evaluation, determination, conclusion   

The production capacity of the enterprise and the balance of capacities are calculated in units of planned and registered production of products (works, services) in the enterprise. The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by calculating the capacity of the main factories or sections, main production units and equipment for a certain period (year). It takes into account the possibility of taking measures to eliminate "bottlenecks". Basic production units include units that perform the main technological operations of product production. If the enterprise has several main production departments corresponding to separate stages of technological processes, the production capacity is determined by those departments, whichever department has the highest volume evaluated by labor intensity or natural units of measurement. The production capacity of an industrial enterprise is calculated according to the entire nomenclature of the output product. In case of multi-nomenclature production, it will be advisable to bring the nomenclature to one or more types of the same product, which is considered as a unit of measurement. Capacity can be determined in terms of cost as well as in terms of cost, as in the case of a production program, by calculating in natural terms for the entire commodity product and its individual types. The calculation of the operation of enterprises in the conditions of the market economy involves the use of indicators of nominal marginal production capacity and achievable normal production capacity. The nominal maximum production capacity is the technically achievable capacity and, as a rule, it corresponds to the rated capacity guaranteed by the supplier of the production equipment. Achievable normal production capacity depends not only on the capabilities of the installed equipment and the prescribed technical conditions of its operation (regular work breaks, downtime, holidays, maintenance and repair, tool replacement, turnover, etc.), but also on the management system. and registration is carried out under normal business conditions. This capacity should correspond to the planned volume of production. The difference between these quantities actually corresponds to the size of the reserve production capacity (reserve production capacity).Manufacturing capacity is determined by taking into account the factors that affect the size of the normal production capacity of the enterprise. Positive factors include:- mastering new technology,– technical re-equipment,- changes in the composition of raw materials,- shortening the delivery time of raw materials and materials,- reduction of idle time of the device,- reduction of losses due to waste production,- reduction of technological gaps,- reduction of production preparation time,- improvement of professional level of employees and increase of labor productivity, etc.Factors that adversely affect the size of productive capacity include:– new product development,- that the capacities of individual units are not related to each other,- occurrence of emergency and force majeure, etc.Utilization of production capacity by individual types of industrial products is not high, but its tendency to stabilize and increase to a certain extent is evident. This trend is also characteristic of the pace of the average rate of utilization of production capacities in individual industrial sectors. A certain level of utilization of information resources is, as a rule, specific only to export-import sectors (fuel-energy, metallurgy and wood-paper complexes).   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Meredova G., Gurbanov E., Dangliyev R. DETERMINING AND EVALUATING THE PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF THE ENTERPRISE, DRAWING CONCLUSIONS // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 4. С. 13 - 15. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13440 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13440

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