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Kakajanova K.K., Sapargeldiyeva E.B., Nurmyradova O.A.




by focusing on critical thinking, employing diverse vocabulary expansion strategies, and addressing students' professional development needs, English instructors can maximize the impact of vocabulary building in university-level language education, equipping students with the linguistic competence and cognitive skills necessary for academic and professional success. The article focuses on all of the above mentioned aspects of language acquisition.   

Ключевые слова:
building vocabulary, vocabulary, students   

In teaching English to university students, building vocabulary plays a multifaceted and essential role, contributing to their linguistic proficiency, academic success, and communication skills development. There are several approaches to this task but most of them boil down to following ones:1. Academic Achievement: University students require a robust vocabulary to comprehend complex texts, academic lectures, and scholarly discussions. Building vocabulary enhances students' reading comprehension abilities, enabling them to engage critically with disciplinary content across various subjects.2. Effective Communication: A rich vocabulary empowers students to express themselves articulately in both spoken and written communication. Whether participating in class discussions, delivering presentations, or writing research papers, a diverse lexicon allows students to convey their ideas with clarity and precision.3. Critical Thinking: Vocabulary acquisition fosters critical thinking skills by encouraging students to analyze word meanings, discern subtle distinctions, and evaluate linguistic nuances. Through exposure to a wide range of vocabulary, students develop a deeper understanding of language and its cultural, social, and cognitive implications. Vocabulary acquisition fosters critical thinking skills by encouraging students to analyze word meanings, discern subtle distinctions, and evaluate linguistic nuances. Through exposure to a wide range of vocabulary, students develop a deeper understanding of language and its cultural, social, and cognitive implications. For example, examining the connotations of words, exploring etymological roots, and considering how language shapes perceptions and attitudes contribute to critical language awareness. This heightened linguistic sensitivity enables students to engage critically with texts, question assumptions, and construct well-reasoned arguments.4. Vocabulary Expansion Strategies: University-level English instruction should incorporate effective vocabulary expansion strategies tailored to the needs of advanced learners. These may include targeted vocabulary exercises, exposure to authentic academic texts, vocabulary games and activities, and opportunities for independent exploration of specialized terminology relevant to students' fields of study. University-level English instruction should incorporate effective vocabulary expansion strategies tailored to the needs of advanced learners. These strategies go beyond rote memorization and include techniques such as contextual guessing from surrounding text, analyzing word families and derivatives, employing mnemonic devices, and using vocabulary journals or digital tools for personalized vocabulary management. Additionally, instructors can integrate vocabulary instruction with other language skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, to reinforce learning through meaningful context and authentic usage.5. Professional Development: Building vocabulary is integral to students' professional development, as it equips them with the language proficiency necessary for success in their future careers. Whether pursuing academic research, entering the workforce, or engaging in global communication, a broad vocabulary enhances students' competitiveness and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. Building vocabulary is integral to students' professional development, as it equips them with the language proficiency necessary for success in their future careers. Advanced English learners need specialized vocabulary relevant to their fields of study or professional interests, such as technical terminology, academic jargon, industry-specific lexicon, and professional communication conventions. Instructors can facilitate vocabulary acquisition by providing authentic materials, real-world tasks, and opportunities for experiential learning, such as internships, research projects, or simulations. Moreover, emphasizing transferable skills like effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving through vocabulary-rich activities prepares students for diverse professional contexts and enhances their employability in globalized markets.6. Cultural Competence: Vocabulary acquisition involves not only mastering words and phrases but also understanding the cultural contexts in which they are used. Teaching English to university students should encompass exposure to diverse linguistic registers, idiomatic expressions, and sociolinguistic conventions, fostering intercultural awareness and communication competence.All in all, building vocabulary in teaching English to university students is essential for academic achievement, effective communication, critical thinking, professional development, and cultural competence. By prioritizing vocabulary instruction and providing tailored support, educators can empower students to navigate the linguistic demands of higher education and beyond.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Kakajanova K.K., Sapargeldiyeva E.B., Nurmyradova O.A. IMPORTANCE OF BUILDING VOCABULARY IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3. С. 464 - 466. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13410 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13410

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