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Annasahedov B., Garyagdyyev J., Allayarov J.




by following certain set of instructions teachers can effectively teach English to architecture majors while helping them develop language proficiency and expertise in the field of architecture. The article at hand focuses on specific set of instructions design to help architecture major students improve their English.   

Ключевые слова:
teaching English, English to architecture majors   

Teaching English to architecture majors requires a specialized approach that integrates language learning with architectural concepts, terminology, and skills. Some effective methods for teaching English to architecture majors are:1. Content-based instruction: Incorporating architectural topics, projects, and case studies into English lessons. Using authentic materials such as architectural plans, drawings, and presentations to teach language skills within a relevant context can be very helpful in acquiring the language.Design English lessons around architectural themes, integrating vocabulary, grammar, and language skills within the context of architecture. For example, use architectural plans and drawings as reading comprehension exercises, discussing design elements and spatial relationships.Utilize authentic architectural materials, such as building blueprints, construction documents, and architectural journals, to expose students to real-world language and terminology used in the field.Incorporate various modes of learning, including visual aids, hands-on activities, and multimedia presentations, to engage students and cater to different learning styles. Encourage students to create visual representations of architectural concepts or present their ideas through sketches and diagrams.2. Project-based learning: Assigning projects that require students to research, analyze, and present architectural topics in English gives both theoretical and practical knowledge. This could involve designing buildings, creating architectural portfolios, or conducting virtual tours of famous architectural landmarks.Teacher can assign design projects that require students to apply English language skills to architectural tasks, such as creating building designs, architectural models, or presentations. Provide guidelines and rubrics to guide students through the project development process.A good language teacher should always encourage students to conduct research on architectural topics, analyze case studies, and present their findings in English. This could involve exploring historical architectural styles, studying contemporary design trends, or investigating sustainable building practices.Foster collaboration among students by assigning group projects that promote teamwork and communication skills. Encourage students to work together to solve design challenges, brainstorm ideas, and present their projects to the class.3. One the hardest aspects of teaching English is building sufficient vocabulary on the students. Teaching architecture-specific vocabulary and terminology relevant to different aspects of the field, including building materials, construction techniques, architectural styles, and urban planning concepts prepares students necessary knowledge in this area. There are several advice concerning how to teach vocabulary to Architecture major but most of them come down to following advice:Teach architecture-specific vocabulary and terminology related to different aspects of the field, such as building materials, construction methods, architectural styles, and urban planning concepts. Provide definitions, examples, and visual aids to reinforce vocabulary learning.Create word banks or glossaries of architectural terms and phrases for students to reference during lessons. Encourage students to use these resources to expand their vocabulary and improve their understanding of architectural concepts.Integrate vocabulary instruction into contextualized learning activities, such as reading passages, listening exercises, and writing tasks. Encourage students to use new vocabulary in sentences, discussions, and presentations to reinforce retention and application.Assigning readings from architectural journals, textbooks, and articles can help to improve students' reading comprehension skills. Encourage students to discuss and analyze the content in English to deepen their understanding of architectural principles and theories.A good language instructor must provide opportunities for students to practice writing architectural reports, proposals, design critiques, and project descriptions in English. Offer feedback on grammar, style, and content to help students improve their written communication skills. Organize listening activities focused on architectural lectures, interviews with architects, and discussions on architectural topics. Encourage students to participate in group discussions, presentations, and debates to develop their speaking and listening skills. Utilize language labs and technology resources to enhance language learning. Offer virtual tours of architectural sites, use multimedia presentations to explain complex concepts, and incorporate online resources such as architectural databases and software tools. Explore the cultural aspects of architecture by discussing architectural traditions, styles, and influences from different countries and regions. Incorporate cultural activities, such as studying famous architects and architectural movements, into the curriculum to foster cross-cultural understanding. By implementing these strategies, instructors can effectively teach English to architecture majors, fostering language proficiency while enhancing their understanding of architectural concepts and skills.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Annasahedov B., Garyagdyyev J., Allayarov J. PECULIARITIES OF TEACHING ENGLISH TO ARCHITECTURE MAJORS // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3. С. 454 - 457. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13407 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13407

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