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Atayev G., Serhenov M., Nurgeldiyev B.




this article provides a brief overview of direct economic regulation of enterprises and its important aspects. It also talks about the State's participation in projects in the form of investments and financing.   

Ключевые слова:
economics, management, business economics, regulation, government regulation, investment   

Direct and indirect government economic regulation can be implemented in terms of impacting the entire economy and market entities. Direct government regulation is administrative and economic regulation. Economic regulation by the state, as a rule, includes the following main elements:- direct state subsidies,– equity investments and mixed financing,- state business,– government planning and forecasting.An important factor in direct government regulation of the economy is antitrust policy and competition protection.Direct government subsidies can be defined as non-repayable loans that fully or partially cover the recipient's production costs. Subsidies are given to industries that are very important in the country's economic structure, and whose enterprises are not profitable enough or are operating at a loss. Such a situation occurs due to the fact that the product of this industry is of vital importance, as a result of the government setting a limit on its prices, or when the economic situation deteriorates, and the enterprise may go bankrupt or stop producing a product important for the state. State subsidies may be provided (and may even be required) during major structural reforms in the public sector. As a rule, on the basis of subsidies, some scientific institutions, educational institutions, personnel training system, etc. support is provided. However, the method of direct regulation by the state is not free from shortcomings, the main of which is the complexity of centralized control over the use of allocated subsidies.As a rule, the state's participation in projects in the form of investments and financing is limited to strategically important sectors that are the basis of the progressive and sustainable development of society and the state and provide the country's competitive advantage.State entrepreneurship includes the creation and management of the industrial, economic and social activities of state-owned enterprises. State ownership of enterprises in several sectors is determined by the fact that they are of general state importance or maintain an important infrastructure of public life and are natural and inalienable monopolies.In the world economy, there are two organizational-legal types of state-owned enterprises:- enterprises established in accordance with the norms of collective law,- enterprises established according to private law, with capital owned entirely by the state or with mixed capital.State-owned enterprises are legally independent enterprises created by special legislation. Their capital is not divided into stocks or shares and is fully owned by the state. The state is responsible for the debts of collective enterprises, and the people who manage them cannot act independently and are subordinate to the higher institutions of the state government, they are oriented towards the realization of social goals rather than solving tasks of a narrow commercial nature. As a result, collective enterprises are usually unprofitable or operate at a loss.Capital of state-owned enterprises is divided into parts (shares or shares) based on private law rules. State-owned enterprises based on private law are usually open joint-stock companies (state corporations). The state owns all the shares of such a corporation (in which case the company is effectively closed) or a controlling block of shares. The state is not liable for the debts of enterprises based on private law. If their financial situation deteriorates, the state, as a rule, does not cover the losses at the expense of budget funds, but sells its own shares on the treasury market.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Atayev G., Serhenov M., Nurgeldiyev B. DIRECT ECONOMIC REGULATION OF ENTERPRISES AND ITS SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3. С. 12 - 14. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13334 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13334

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