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Bayramgulyyeva M.D.




based on the knowledge gained in language learning, students should go to new development on their own, i.e. they should be able to creatively approach what they learned in class and experience, using the knowledge they received from the teacher, their first experience, and active knowledge in real face-to-face communication should be the main condition for developing creative speech.   

Ключевые слова:
learning language, knowledge, experience   

Today, our country attaches great importance to strengthening and deepening relations in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields established with the United Nations, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and other prestigious international organizations. Based on this, the learning of foreign languages ??by Turkmen youth is an important issue. Currently, foreign language classes are held in all higher education institutions. Because of the importance of language learning, new teaching methods are very useful and effective. Our higher education school prepares specialists in various areas of the financial and economic system. Of course, it is necessary to learn and know professional information in English. Because English is one of the world's business languages ??and occupies a very important place in international relations.The language skills of young professionals are an indicator of their culture and skill in their profession. Language skills allow you to develop business skills and exchange experiences.The increasing competitiveness of the products produced in Turkmenistan's industrial enterprises, the increasing demand for them in domestic and foreign markets, the expansion of international business relations, special attention to small and medium-sized enterprises in the country - all these are complex concepts of modern economic theory. Learning these unique concepts of finance and economic theory is a prerequisite to understanding it.Knowledge of English-Turkmen financial and economic terms leads to the formation and development of economic thinking in professionals. To capture a special system of economic terms, the following are:- to form a solid foundation of economic knowledge based on the achievements of the world economy,- development of economic thinking in Turkmen and English languages,- identifying the uniqueness of economic relations,- includes the formation and development of the ability to analyze the socio-economic situation and trends (tendencies) of the world and national economy.Currently, the reforms taking place in the country, the increasing improvement of international relations with the developed countries of the world, require the translation of economic words and terms into English, one of the world's recognized business languages, and the study of future specialists. In this regard, the inadequacy of the work devoted to special scientific analysis also shows the importance of the theme of this work.In higher education institutions, students should develop their conversational language, mainly related to their major, and improve their economic, intercultural and professional communication language.In order to ensure the language proficiency of future economists, it is very effective to organize independent activities outside the classroom to learn the terms more thoroughly in higher education institutions in this field. For this, economic terms are collected and put into a system. Learning these terms will be easier if the following methods are used in this regard:- use only the words themselves instead of semantic definitions,- definitions should be given in short form,- words should be divided into groups according to their meaning,- supporting words should be few to determine the general meaning of each set,- the words used in the definitions are commonly used words, and they should be memorized according to their size, that is, they should prevail over the necessary words that need to be studied,- each memory word in a set should not be semantically identical.After learning the vocabulary used in economics is reinforced through the above methods, learning to construct correct sentences using them is a must. Students need to learn examples of different types of sentences commonly used in live conversation. Words related to economics should be correctly placed in those sentences.The specificity of English language teaching is conditioned by teaching the lesson on a communicative-speech basis by relating it to the everyday life of the target language learners. An active way of teaching English is to get learners to master many words in their creative work in a limited amount of time. For this, the listener must have enough vocabulary and language skills.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Bayramgulyyeva M.D. IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING ECONOMIC TERMS IN ENGLISH // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3. С. 218 - 220. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12990 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12990

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