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  4. Научная статья № 61

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Naumenko V.V.




this paper focuses on the development of a REST-based microservice for managing customer data in a banking system. The aim is to explore the benefits of using a microservice architecture over a monolithic one, particularly in terms of scalability and efficiency. The study highlights the challenges faced by internal services of a banking sector based on a monolithic architecture and how a microservice architecture can help optimize the implementation of banking applications.   

Ключевые слова:
microservice architecture, RESTful web services, microservices, user data management, banking system   

Currently, due to the development of technology in the field of corporate system development, software architecture is rapidly evolving and becoming more complex. New requirements for the performance and scalability of software products are emerging. Some approaches to application development do not allow for the creation of flexible application architecture, leading to the emergence of more modern approaches to web architecture. One such tool that allows for expanding the functionality of software is microservices architecture. The implementation of software using microservices is an approach to designing and implementing applications where business tasks are divided into several independent web services that interact with each other.Modern enterprise applications must meet a range of requirements such as scalability, the ability to provide a software interface (API) for interacting with other services or modules through various web services, and the ability to handle incoming server requests. Considering corporate applications with monolithic architecture, it can be noted that such software systems typically consist of three-tier architecture applications, including the presentation layer, service (business logic layer), and a layer responsible for interacting with the database. The monolithic approach is characterized by high performance for small applications that are relatively simple to implement and manage. However, drawbacks include testing complexity and long lead times for deployment.Within the microservices architecture, functionality is decomposed into relatively small or medium-sized services responsible for specific system logic, performing multiple operations within one functionality. This architecture reduces the complexity of each application's logic, and service interactions occur through a set of APIs.One advantage of microservices is the ability to develop service functionality by different teams in parallel and independently of each other. Microservices are deployed independently using an automated environment, are isolated, and have minimal centralized control. Each microservice within a system can be written in different languages and support different technology stacks for data storage and access.However, there are disadvantages to microservices, such as the failure of one service negatively impacting the operation of other services due to their interactions. There is a need to design systems so they can remain operational when individual microservices fail. Additionally, service unavailability makes it impossible to access it. These drawbacks create complexity in developing corporate applications.Despite some advantages and disadvantages of microservices architecture, this approach to application design is currently the most common and has several advantages over monolithic architecture.Modern banking systems collect customer data using a complex of third-party systems. With the scaling of internal services in the banking sector, the monolithic approach to application design is inefficient for some dynamic banking systems performing functions such as collecting, updating, and storing customer data. Such services require numerous modifications during development and deployment. Therefore, the microservices approach to designing data processing services is the most suitable solution for scalability in handling customer data tasks. The monolithic approach to designing applications of this type lags behind the microservices approach due to low performance as the code base grows, and resource-intensive development and administration. Currently, monolithic architecture of enterprise applications does not allow for prompt response to changes in business logic requirements for web systems. Depending on business needs, when making changes to the microservices architecture of banking systems, it is important to consider the efficiency of implementing the system by the development team. In this case, business needs should be clearly prioritized.Bank business units, when releasing new products to the market, are guided by a plan that reflects the timelines for product releases. One of the channels for delivering a product to the market is the online bank (application), which includes a set of services provided by the bank. Banks often face situations where new functionality is ready for release, but the completion of development processes by other bank departments is expected. Updating certain functionality dependent on others is not available until it is released.Microservices often solve these problems because many services are independent of each other. Therefore, it can be concluded that the time to deliver a new product to customers is significantly reduced.The developed microservice addresses a number of current tasks - interacting with the database to maintain customer data in the bank up-to-date, organizing a fast and convenient mechanism for adding, deleting, modifying, storing, and retrieving new customer data and their accounts.The microservice provides a set of APIs for integration with third-party modules and is built on REST architecture, allowing interaction with the server-side via the HTTP protocol. For ease of interaction with the service, interactive OpenAPI 3.0 documentation has been developed, presented in the Swagger UI user interface format.The banking system microservice is developed considering REST constraints such as:1. Client-server architecture compliance,2. Absence of state between client requests on the server,3. Client-side caching,4. Unambiguous resource identification (directory structure compliance),5. Multi-tier system organization,6. Data transmission in JSON format.The microservice has several advantages:1. Continuous delivery and deployment of a corporate system module,2. The microservice is relatively small and performs specific operations, providing a set of endpoints to work with them,3. The microservice can be deployed and scaled in isolation,4. The microservice is independent of technology stack. Implementation based on Spring framework can be replaced with other server-side development tools and platforms,5. The microservice allows autonomous development over its functionality within one development team,6. In case of microservice malfunction, isolated debugging is possible (without affecting the operation of other services).In conclusion, while both monolithic and microservices architectures have their pros and cons, the microservices approach is currently more prevalent and offers significant advantages over monolithic architecture in terms of scalability and flexibility in handling complex systems.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Naumenko V.V. SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF A MICROSERVICE FOR MANAGING USER DATA IN A BANKING SYSTEM BASED ON REST ARCHITECTURE // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1. С. 356 - 360. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12782 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12782

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