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Shirgulyyeva Sh., Charyyeva G., Arazjykova G.




the use of fatty acids, which are industrial residues removed at the last stage of the cottonseed oil extraction process, during processing and production of reverse emulsifiers. Reverse emulsion emulsifiers are widely used in the food industry and in the production of cosmetics. In the food industry, it is mainly used in ice creams and margarine, and in cosmetics it is used to make lotions and different types of creams   

Ключевые слова:
emulsifier, emulsion, stearic acid, ethanol, cosmetic, industry   

An emulsifier is a substance that stabilizes an emulsion by reducing the oil-water interface tension. Emulsifiers are a part of a broader group of compounds known as surfactants, or “surface-active agents” [1]. Surfactants are compounds that are typically amphiphilic, meaning they have a polar or hydrophilic (i.e., water-soluble) part and a non-polar (i.e., hydrophobic or lipophilic) part. Emulsifiers that are more soluble in water (and, conversely, less soluble in oil) will generally form oil-in-water emulsions, while emulsifiers that are more soluble in oil will form water-in-oil emulsions [2].In scientific work, the use of fatty acids, which are industrial residues removed at the last stage of the cottonseed oil extraction process, during processing and production of reverse emulsifiers. Stearic acid is a representative of saturated fatty acids with the chemical formula C17H35COOH and consists of 18 carbon chains. It is a white crystalline substance, insoluble in water, but soluble in diethyl ether.Stearic acid was dissolved in ethanol. Solution was placed in a round bottom flask. Concentrated sulfuric acid was pipetted into solution. Sulfuric acid is involved as a catalyst. This reaction is generally called an esterification reaction. The reaction is reversible. Therefore, another important aspect of sulfuric acid in this reaction is its ability to absorb water, as H2O molecules are formed during the reaction. The reaction is reversible due to the formation of water. Sulfuric acid is important in reversible process. Reflux condenser was attached to mixture in a round-bottom flask and was placed in a water bath. Then solution was heated in a water bath for 5 hours. According to the literature, the esterification reaction of fatty acids should be carried out at the boiling temperature of the solvent. The molecules of ethyl alcohol evaporate, their energy increases and their reactivity increases. After the reaction, the flask was allowed to cool to room temperature. As a result, two layers was formed in the flask: organic and inorganic. The top layer is a yellow oil liquid and the bottom layer is a colorless liquid. If the organic layer contains stearic acid ethyl ester and excess ethyl alcohol, the inorganic layer contains water and sulfuric acid by writing the reaction equation. Stearic acid ethyl ester and water are formed by the reaction. An excess of ethanol and sulfuric acid, the catalyst, remain. After the flask was cooled to room temperature, was removed the mixture from the flask. Extraction and filtration techniques were used to obtain pure ether. Then mixture was washed with distilled water to remove sulfuric acid. Separatory funnel was used when washing with distilled water and after each washing the pH of the mixture was measured using a pH meter. The solution was washed several times with distilled water until the pH of the mixture was equal to 7. When pH = 7, the mixture is completely free of sulfuric acid. Absorbents were used to remove excess water. To do this, a small amount of MgSO4 was taken and was put in solution and was stirred until crystals form. Then the crystals were removed from the solution.First, a solution of monoethanolamine was prepared containing 5% sodium alcoholate. For this, 15.5mL of monoethanolamine was measured in a measuring cylinder. Then 0.08g of sodium metal was dropped into it. Sodium is a very active metal with a silvery-white color. As a result, the reaction proceeds with the release of hydrogen [3]. The reaction is slow. The flask should be shaken until all the sodium metal has reacted, and the process should be carried out under a fume hood. At the end of the reaction, a sample of this solution was taken and poured the round-bottom flask the base into a round tube. Then stearic acid ethyl ester was put in a flask filled with monoethanolamine. The flask was then gently heated for 30–40 min until all the ethanol evaporated. After the ethanol had evaporated, round-bottom flask was connected to reflux condenser and was placed in a glycerin bath. It was heated for 3 hours [4].Reverse emulsion emulsifiers are widely used in the food industry and in the production of cosmetics. In the food industry, it is mainly used in ice creams and margarine, and in cosmetics it is used to make lotions and different types of creams.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №1 (70) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shirgulyyeva Sh., Charyyeva G., Arazjykova G. POSSIBILITIES TO OBTAIN EMULSIFIERS BASED ON RAW MATERIALS // Вестник науки №1 (70) том 4. С. 614 - 617. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12680 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12680

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