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Bolat Baurzhan




this work is devoted to the development of a methodology for teaching schoolchildren the skills of creating websites. The work examines the main stages of creating a website, as well as principles and teaching methods that can be used to effectively develop schoolchildren’s skills in creating and maintaining websites   

Ключевые слова:
methodology, programming, website, training, computer science   

In the modern world, web technologies are an integral part of people's lives and businesses. Mastering the skills of creating websites opens up great opportunities for personal and professional development. Teaching students these skills is an important task that can help them in the future. The work used scientific articles and publications on methods of teaching how to create websites, as well as tutorials and guides on website development for beginners.In the modern world, web technologies are playing an increasingly important role in various areas of life, including business, education and personal life. Mastering the skills of website creation can open up vast opportunities for personal and professional development [1]. Teaching students these skills is an important task that can help them in the future. There are many methods and approaches to teaching schoolchildren how to create websites. This literature review will examine the most popular and effective techniques, as well as principles and teaching methods that can be used to effectively develop students’ skills in creating and maintaining websites [2]. One of the most popular methods for learning how to create a website is using online courses and learning resources. Among such resources are Codecademy, W3 Schools, Khan Academy and others. They offer a wide variety of website building courses and lessons, ranging from the basics of HTML and CSS to more advanced technologies like JavaScript and PHP [3]. Online courses typically offer interactive learning that allows students to gain website design skills in a fun way. However, it must be taken into account that online courses are not always a sufficiently effective method of learning for all students. Some children may have difficulty learning the material on their own and require a more individualized approach. Another popular method of learning to create websites is the use of specialized programs and editors [4]. Among such programs we can highlight Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Expression Web, Notepad ++ and others. These programs provide a wide range of tools for creating and editing websites, such as a visual editor, HTML and CSS support, the ability to view and debug code, and many others. However, it must be taken into account that the use of specialized programs can be quite complicated for novice users and require additional time to study and master [5]. Another method of learning how to create websites is by using gaming platforms. For example, CodeCombat offers students the opportunity to learn the basics of programming and website creation in a playful way. This gaming platform provides a wide variety of levels and challenges that help students learn the basics of programming and website creation. However, it must be taken into account that gaming platforms may not be as effective for all students, especially those who do not like to play computer games. One of the most effective methods of learning how to create websites is to use the project methodology. This method involves students working on real-life projects that help them learn and apply their acquired knowledge and skills [6]. The project-based methodology allows students to develop not only website creation skills, but also other skills such as communication, collaboration and problem solving. In addition, the project methodology allows schoolchildren to see the results of their work and gain motivation for further development. There are many principles and teaching methods that can be used to effectively develop students' skills in creating and maintaining websites. One of these principles is an individual approach to each student. Not all children learn the material equally quickly and require an individual approach to learning. This may include additional classes, individual consultations and assistance in studying the material. Another important teaching principle is the use of interactive methods. This may include the use of game elements, educational videos and other interactive materials. Interactive methods help students better understand the material and enjoy learning more. Also an important principle of learning is the use of practical tasks. This may include creating real-life projects that help students put their acquired knowledge and skills into practice. Practical assignments help students better understand the material and gain more motivation for further development.Teaching schoolchildren how to create a website can be quite a challenging task, but with the right approach and techniques, it is possible. This answer provides basic steps and guidelines for teaching students how to create a website.1. Start with the basics of HTML and CSS. This is the basic knowledge for creating a website. Explain to students that HTML is used to create the structure of a web page, and CSS is used to style the page. You can use online courses or tutorials to learn the basics of HTML and CSS.2. Provide opportunities for students to practice. Create activities that help students apply what they have learned in practice. For example, you could have students create a simple web page using HTML and CSS and add images and text.3. Explain the basics of website design. Students should understand what elements are important in website design, such as color, fonts, composition, etc. Teach students how to properly use these elements to create an attractive and functional website.4. Give students the opportunity to work with website editors. Website editors such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Expression Web, allow students to create websites without the need for knowledge of HTML and CSS. However, it must be remembered that using website editors can be difficult for novice users.5. Use a design methodology. Create a project that will help students apply what they have learned in practice. For example, you could ask students to create a website for their school or class. This will help students learn and apply knowledge in real life.6. Provide additional resources and support. Students may find it difficult to create a website. Provide them with additional resources such as online courses, textbooks, or video tutorials. Also provide support and assistance when needed.7. Rate and Feedback. Evaluate students' work and provide them with feedback. This will help them understand what they are doing right and what they need to improve. This will also help them gain motivation for further development.Teaching schoolchildren how to create a website can be quite a challenging task, but with the right approach and techniques, it is possible. The main thing is to give students the opportunity to practice and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.In conclusion, teaching schoolchildren the skills to create websites is an important task that can help them in the future. There are many methods and approaches to learning how to create websites, including online courses, specialized programs, gaming platforms and project-based methods. In addition, there are principles and teaching methods that can be used to effectively develop students' skills in creating and maintaining websites, such as an individual approach, the use of interactive methods and practical tasks.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №1 (70) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Bolat Baurzhan METHODOLOGY FOR TEACHING SCHOOLCHILDREN TO CREATE WEBSITES // Вестник науки №1 (70) том 4. С. 250 - 254. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12622 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12622

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