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Kovalenko R.P., Dmitrienko N.A.




telephone fraud has become a widespread and evolving threat in the digital age, exploiting vulnerabilities in communication systems. This article examines the complex methods used by telephone scammers, sheds light on their strategies, technological manipulations and consequences for individuals and society. Understanding these techniques is essential to develop effective countermeasures and defenses against the ever-changing landscape of telephone fraud   

Ключевые слова:
scammers, attacks, protection, fight, methods   

Introduction The Internet is commonly used by cyber-criminals to exploit the users through emails, social media networks or other vulnerabilities. However, in recent years, cyber criminals started using another channel to reach their victims, namely the telephony network. Being a well-established and more secure service compared to the Internet, the use of telephony for different purposes has increased. However, its service is abused to perpetrate various cybercrime attacks. Furthermore, Internet telephony offers a plethora of options for cyber criminals to generate noisy bulk calls, which results in disrupting telephony services as well as targeting people to monetize their activities.Therefore, efficient forms of unsolicited telemarketing and vishing (voice-phishing) campaigns, involving interactive voice response and dialing algorithms, have emerged. In addition, the trivial use of SMS/MMS messages has given the telephony abuse an epidemic trend, encouraging the propagation of defrauding.The spread of telecommunications technology has not only facilitated the development of global communication, but has also provided attackers with the opportunity to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals. Telephone fraud, characterized by deceptive techniques and social engineering, continues to pose a significant challenge to cybersecurity and privacy. The purpose of this article is to examine the multifaceted methods used by phone scammers and understand how they operate.Technological ManipulationsSpoofingOne common technique used by telephone scammers is caller ID spoofing. By manipulating identifying information, scammers disguise their identity, often taking on the guise of trusted individuals. This deceptive practice increases the likelihood that a person will answer the call and fall victim to subsequent fraudulent schemes.VoIP ExploitationThe advent of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has provided scammers with a versatile tool for executing their schemes. VoIP allows for anonymity, making it challenging to trace and apprehend those behind fraudulent calls. Moreover, scammers leverage VoIP to orchestrate large-scale operations with minimal infrastructure.Psychological ManipulationSocial EngineeringTelephone scammers use social engineering tactics, exploiting psychological vulnerabilities to manipulate people. By posing as authority figures, such as government officials or technical support staff, scammers create a sense of urgency or fear, forcing the victim to divulge confidential information or make a payment.Exploiting EmotionsScammers skillfully exploit emotions to achieve their objectives. By creating scenarios that evoke sympathy, excitement, or fear, they cloud victims' judgment, making them more susceptible to fraudulent requests. Understanding the psychological aspects of these manipulations is crucial for developing effective awareness campaigns.Evolving StrategiesTelephone scammers continually adapt their strategies to circumvent detection and increase success rates. This adaptability involves staying abreast of technological advancements, adjusting impersonation tactics based on current events, and exploiting emerging communication channels.Impact on Individuals and SocietyThe consequences of falling victim to telephone scams are profound and multifaceted. Individuals may suffer financial losses, identity theft, and emotional distress. Moreover, the erosion of trust in telecommunication systems can have broader societal implications, hindering the adoption of emerging technologies and impeding the efficiency of legitimate communication.Countermeasures and RecommendationsTechnological SolutionsThe development and implementation of modern call authentication mechanisms can reduce the impact of caller ID spoofing. Cooperation between telecom operators and regulators is to standardize and enforce these measures.Public AwarenessInforming the public about the common methods of telephone scammers is essential to developing a vigilant society. Information campaigns should emphasize the importance of verifying the legitimacy of unexpected calls and encourage reporting suspicious activity.Regulatory MeasuresGovernments and regulatory bodies should enact and enforce stringent measures against telephone fraud. This includes imposing penalties on entities involved in fraudulent activities and establishing reporting mechanisms for swift action.ConclusionTelephone scams represent a dynamic and persistent challenge in the modern era. Understanding the intricate methods employed by scammers is imperative for developing comprehensive countermeasures. By integrating technological solutions, fostering public awareness, and implementing robust regulatory measures, we can collectively strive to mitigate the impact of telephone scams and create a more secure telecommunications landscape.ConclusionInternet telephony technologies have enabled new types of abuses among which telephony abuse is a prominent one. Criminals nowadays exploit extensively this channel in order to defraud their victims. Complaints about telephony frauds have been dramatically increasing over the last years. Scammers are using different characteristics of telephony networks such as caller identification and phone number spoofing, taking advantage of the low cost and the possibility of the spamming campaign to easily reach and deceive many telephone service customers. Different studies investigated email spamming and developed techniques to combat it. However, with the recent advent of telephony spamming, not enough research has been conducted on this important problem   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (68) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Kovalenko R.P., Dmitrienko N.A. METHODS OF OPERATION OF TELEPHONE SCAMMERS // Вестник науки №11 (68) том 4. С. 591 - 594. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/11134 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/11134

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