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  4. Научная статья № 73

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Maidanova S., Sagyngali A., Zhaxylykova D.




this es say looks at how international students adjust to a university in Kazakhstan. The authors surveyed students in thre e separate university faculties' courses from a sociological perspective. According to the survey's findings, nonresident students have a variety of dif ficulties adjusting to university life, such as homesicknes s, language hurdles, and cultural dif ferences. The authors suggest several strategies to aid nonresident students in adjusting to university life, such as giving them greater support from the administration, teachers, and staf f and expanding their opportunity to socialize with Kazakhstani students   

Ключевые слова:
adaptation, nonresident students, Kazakhstani university, sociological survey   

Higher education is a traditional value in our country. Young people consider higher education as a neces sary condition not only for profes sional, but also for a social care er. This leads to high competitions for admis sion to universities. However, nonresident students have problems with adaptation. Consequently, a comprehensive investigation has be en initiated, considering the results of a sociological survey of students of thre e courses of dif ferent faculties of Kazakhstani University based on personal data. The sociological survey will be conducted in the form of a questionnaire. At least 40 students of various specializations will participate in the survey. The results will be proces sed by our team.Knowledge of the factors of university adaptation and measures of their influence on the course of this proces s are neces sary to predict the course of adaptation and the formation of procedures for proactive prevention and cor rection of deviations makes it pos sible to manage the adaptation of a student at a university, to facilitate his rapid and ef fective entry into a new environment at the beginning of training, to influence the as similation of profes sional knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities to help in didactic dif ficulties.The pertinence of the studied problem is the fact that succes sful adaptation of a student to life and academic activity in a university is the key to the further development of each student as a personality and a profes sional in the field of his or her activity. The relevance of the problem is determined by the tasks of freshmen adaptation university learning environments. Freshmen are experiencing psychological dif ficulties due to the change of their social status dif ferent approaches to the ar ranging of training activities in high school the lack of personal qualities that could be useful while developing an optimal model of succes sful learning activities. Consequently, a considerable percentage of students disheartened by their initial choices opt to discontinue their academic pursuits and redirect their focus to alternative paths in life. In this regard, the problem of ar ranging the psychological and pedagogical support for first year students’ entry into the new system of educational activity is of key importance for the theory and practice of vocational education. Psychological and pedagogical support for students is defined as a proces s of support and as sistance to student adaptation to academic activities in high school through the creating conditions for the establishment and development of their personality while studying. At present, the problem of adaptation of students at the initial stage vocational training occupies one of the most important places in pedagogical science and practice. This is due to the fact that the system education of higher education turned out to be unprepared for transformations social and political life, when only knowledge in the traditional understanding cannot act as a means of succes sful adaptation yesterday's students. Since when improving programs adaptation to learning activities psychological components play the most significant role, the psychological mechanisms of adaptive proces ses deserve a closer look. The modern pace of life of student youth, information overloads and all sorts of conflicts give rise to a state of stres s and the importance of studying the mechanisms of adaptation, i.e., optimal adaptation to environmental conditions, arises. The main goal of adaptation is to preserve the functional unity of the individual and ensure optimal opportunities for its activities to achieve the existing ne eds.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (68) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Maidanova S., Sagyngali A., Zhaxylykova D. ADAPTATION OF NONRESIDENT STUDENTS: EXAMPLE OF KAZAKHSTANI UNIVERSITY // Вестник науки №11 (68) том 3. С. 503 - 513. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10938 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10938

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