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Sovetkhan R.A.




this article is written by tells about the history of the Ikhilas Museum of Folk Musical Instruments, the first established in Central Asia, the way of its creation, unique artifacts in the museum collection, exposition features and main directions. At the same time, it is shown that the museum is one of the monuments of history and culture of national importance, one of the most beautiful places of recreation for residents and guests of Almaty, as well as one of the most popular and most visited cultural places in the territory of the republic.   

Ключевые слова:
Ykhlas, museum, Almaty, national musical instruments, exposition.   

The Museum of Folk Musical Instruments named after Ykhlas is one of the first and unique museums in Central Asia. In addition, it has taken its place in the history of world museums as the fifth museum dedicated to folk musical instruments. The musical instruments in the museum collection show the centuries-old historical path of the formation and development of the Kazakh people's musical art, and the special place of music in the life of the people.The museum was founded in 1981 on the initiative of the well-known ethnographer, scientist, culture philanthropist Uzbekali Zhanibekov. The museum building attracts attention with its unique shape [1]. The building, built in 1908 by the design of the famous architect Andrey Pavlovich Zenkov from Verny, is a unique example of the wooden architecture of the "Ropetovsky" style. The museum building is located in the former building of the Officers' Assembly. Currently, it is in the list of historical and cultural monuments of national importance. This cultural place is located in the park named after the 28th Guardsmen-Panfilovshir, which is one of the most beautiful places of recreation for Almaty residents and city guests. It is also one of the most famous and most visited cultural places in the city of Almaty [2, pp. 45-47].In the museum, there is a large stock of musical instruments - kobyz, dombra, horn, flutes - used by the great personalities of the country, poets, singers, singer-composers, from the relics used by shamans-Balgists in early times [3]. The halls of the museum are full of foreign musical instruments. In addition to the national musical instruments of the Kazakh people, the museum has exhibits introducing the culture of about 50 countries of the world in 9 exhibition halls. New information, digital and other innovative technologies are widely used to preserve, exhibit and promote the historical and cultural values of the museum [4].In the museum collection, the XIX-XX centuries, known as the "Golden Age" in the history of Kazakh music. the instruments used by Kazakh singers and musicians-composers have been preserved. Great personalities who share the secrets of the cultural life of different regions of the country: Makhambet Otemisuly, Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, Akan Seri, Birzhan Sal, Kazangap Tilepbergenuly, Abai Kunanbayuly, Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly, Zhambyl Zhabaev, Dina Nurpeyisova, etc. with instruments [5].The heritage of folk musical instruments in the museum fund is divided into separate halls according to its classification group. They:1. Introductory hall,2. Hall of percussion, percussion and noisy musical instruments,3. Hall of memorial musical instruments,4. Kobyz Hall,5. Hall of masters,6. Hall of musical instruments of Turkic-speaking peoples,7. Hall of musical instruments of Asian and African peoples,8. Hall of musical instruments of Asian peoples,9. Hall of musical instruments of European nations.Currently, the museum works in the following main directions: scientific fund work, scientific exposition work and public education work. Today, the museum is not only engaged in scientific exposition work, but also conducts public education.Publicity of the artifacts in the museum fund of folk musical instruments is carried out through direct exhibitions, mobile exhibitions, master classes, thematic lectures, conferences and various musical evenings organized in the concert hall of the museum. Events, public works, lectures and master classes, etc., taking place within the walls of the museum. almost everything is promoted to the public through mass media [3].In addition, museum halls are equipped with 2 information kiosks and video content projectors to provide museum visitors with detailed information about each exhibit. If information about each exhibit is provided through kiosks, the sounding of that instrument and musical compositions played on the instrument are shown from the video content [4].Also, special sound devices have been installed in all halls of the museum, which provide background music. As a result, folk tunes played on dombra, kobyz, and flute instruments are played in the Introduction, Wind and Percussion Musical Instruments, Memorial Musical Instruments, and Kobyz halls of the museum, and in the halls dedicated to musical instruments of the peoples of the world, compositions played on the instruments of those countries play as background music [1].Also, creative evenings, lectures-concerts are traditionally held in the 120-seat concert hall of the museum in order to participate in the revival of national spirituality through our national art. The museum not only preserves the instruments used by many folk performers and famous people who have passed down the rich musical folklore of our people from generation to generation and kept in their memory the best examples of folk music, but also promotes them and makes them sound. There is a great opportunity to become an honored guest of various creative evenings and lecture-concerts, which are constantly held in the concert hall of the museum, to enrich your soul through our national art and witness a spiritually impressive evening. The types of excursions conducted in the museum are overview and thematic excursions, and various quiz games and thematic lectures are organized by the museum staff [4].Today, the museum of folk musical instruments named after Ikhilas is considered the largest tourist center in Kazakhstan. Foreign guests from all over the world come specially to see the unique national musical instruments stored in the museum fund.National musical instruments form a large group of rich, sacred and sacred heritage, which has been intertwined with human life for many centuries. Any of the national instruments has its own sound and is also classified according to the style of playing. One of the main goals of the museum is to research instruments, restore them and promote them to the public. For that reason, the acquisition of musical instruments of the peoples of the world into the museum collection will undoubtedly create a great opportunity for museum visitors to get to know the traditional musical art of the mentioned country in depth.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (68) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Sovetkhan R.A. THE MUSEUM OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IS A PRECIOUS TREASURE OF KAZAKH CULTURE // Вестник науки №11 (68) том 2. С. 697 - 700. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10833 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10833

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