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Gafurova M.A., Soltanova O.O., Seyitkuliyev B.H., Hatjiyeva O.K.




Magtymguly Pyragy is considered the spiritual wing and candle of the Turkmen people. The poet is considered as an example of high human living in the soul of every human being. In the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy, the national spirit and national feelings determine the humanitarian qualities of a person. They describe such qualities as courage, patriotism, honor, purity of soul, love for nature and animals, compassionate attitude, respect for adults and children, loyalty, kindness, gentleness, understanding, decency, humanitarianism.   

Ключевые слова:
patriotism, humanitarianism, creativity of poet.   

Each nation has its own history, which is connected with spiritual and moral culture coming from ancestors. Turkmen poetry has always reflected the life of the ancient Turkmen land. In this land, the poetic word has a great place, and poets are highly valued. It is said that "a poet is greater than just being a poet", and this appreciation of the creative work and the role of poets in life also applies to Turkmen poets. Magtymguly Pyragy is considered the spiritual wing and candle of the Turkmen people. The poet is considered as an example of high humane living in the soul of every human being. The poet took a place in people's hearts with his poems dedicated to humanity, humanitarianism, and patriotism. The creativity of the poet who wrote, "The one who came to be happy, will be remembered by those who come after you" is a valuable heritage. It is a sign of great skill to be able to put the best words from your heart into a poem. That is why writers and linguists study the creativity of the poet on a scientific basis. To this day, many scientific views on the poet's literary heritage have been expressed and books have been published. In these scientific views, the significance of the rich literary heritage, language resources, and the importance of generational education are emphasized. In the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy, the national spirit and national feelings determine the humanitarian qualities of a person. They describe such qualities as courage, patriotism, honor, purity of soul, love for nature and animals, compassionate attitude, respect for adults and children, loyalty, kindness, gentleness, understanding, decency, humanitarianism. Magtymguly Pyragy receives primary education from his father. He writes about this: "The teacher who taught science is a priest." At first, Magtymguly studied at a village school. His first teacher is called Nyazsalih. Magtymguly was very talented and sharp-witted. He has read various books excessively and voraciously. When Magtymguly was young, he eagerly listened to many folk legends, poems, fairy tales and tales from his father, mother and village elders. He memorized most of the works created by his father Dovlettmammamet Azadi. Realizing Magtymguly's talent and eagerness to study, Dovetletmammet took care of his development as a scholar. That's why Dovletmammet Azadi first sent his son to study in the madrasa of Baba Idris, who was considered powerful at that time, located in Gyzylayak village of Khalaj. Magtymguly studied at this madrasa for some time. Then he went to Bukhara, where he studied at the Gogeldash madrasa and studied there for two years. Poet also met and became friends with Nur Kazim ibn Bahr, a Turkmen from Syria, who was teaching in that madrasa. But the disorder of the students in the madrasa makes Magtymguly leave this madrasa. Magtymguly received his primary education at the Shirgazy madrasa. He studied at the "Shirgazy" madrasa for three years. Outside of the lectures at the madrasa, he reads the works of prominent poets of the East: Nyzamy, Nesimi, Fizuli, Novai and others. He immediately made a name for himself among the madrassa students and joined the ranks of talented students. In the first year of study, Magtymguly became a student mentor. In the last year, the teacher trusts Magtymgul to teach in his absence. Magtymguly became the most educated and intelligent person of his time. Magtymguly Pyragy is a poet who lived in the 18th century, made a great contribution to the improvement of Turkmen classical literature, and did great work in the development of the Turkmen literary language. Magtymguly's works have a special place in introducing Turkmenistan and its national outlook to the world. That is why the translation of the poet's works into world languages ??is of great importance. Until now, the works of the great Turkmen thinker have been translated into dozens of languages. A tradition of translating the poet's works into some world languages ??has been formed, following the original principles. The poet's works have been translated into world languages ??and published again and again. Magtymguly's poems have been translated into several languages ??of the world. Translation is an art. To be a master of this art, a translator must have a good knowledge of the source language, the target language, and the content of the work being translated.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (67) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Gafurova M.A., Soltanova O.O., Seyitkuliyev B.H., Hatjiyeva O.K. CREATIVITY WORKS OF MAGTYMGULY PYRAGY – A SOURCE OF WISDOM IN EDUCATION OF A YOUNG GENERATION // Вестник науки №10 (67) том 4. С. 566 - 568. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10422 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10422

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