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Toylyeva B., Durdymyradov A.D.




in this article, the placement of adjectives and descriptive symbols in works of art are fully explained, which are the main sentences. In this way, we learn the ways of using adjective we will motivate him to improve ourselves.   

Ключевые слова:
adjective, grammar, descriptive, art.   

You probably think describing art is effortless. Just say some adjectives, explain the colors and composition, and you’re done. Well, it might be enough for art classes. Yet, in real life, we want you to be more prepared. Here is one of our favorite examples of describing a painting. In the Theory of Everything movie, Eddie Redmayne, a.k.a. Stephen Hawking, says that Turner’s paintings usually look like they’ve been left out in the rain. It is not the description we used to hear, but it is still valid. As you can see, you have genuinely enough ways to describe a painting. But since it might be hard to navigate at first, we created a step-by-step guide to help you understand what details need more attention and what to talk about during your next visit to the gallery. So, how to describe paintings properly? When discussing a particular painting at the gallery, express your feelings about it. Do you like it or not? Does the picture make you happy or sad? And why does it give you such a mood – because of the colors, composition, or maybe its background history? For example, you can say that the picture makes you sentimental because the woman in the foreground reminds you of your granny, whom you haven’t seen for a while. Or, for example, it makes you calm because you enjoy the sea view. You can use many adjectives to describe your feeling regarding any piece of art. Here are some of them: Positive emotions: inspired, joyful, satisfied, interested, happy, serene, nostalgic, sentimental, excited, impressed, powerful, fascinated, etc.Negative emotions: disappointed, sad, moody, gloomy, unsatisfied, scared, nervous, angry, depressing, disgusted, etc. Don’t be afraid of telling the truth about your feeling regarding any art. Of course, there is no need to be rude – you don’t have to offend an artist and their work. But you shouldn’t tell untruth as well. If you don’t like something, pay attention to your feelings, and try to explain what exactly makes you feel that way. The excellent hack is to share your first thoughts when you see a particular picture for the first time. And when you are finished with this step, you can proceed to the next one. You can now talk more particularly about the chosen work of art after conveying your feeling from the picture. And the best thing to start describing it is to explain the composition. In layperson’s terms, you need to tell what is depicted on the canvas. You can use these common expressions and words to describe art composition: • in the foreground/background, in the middle, on the right/left side, next to, in front of; • asymmetrical, symmetrical, centered; • urban landscape, suburban landscape, rural landscape; • a historic site, domestic setting, intact nature; • horizontal, vertical, circular, triangular. For example, let’s look at the Mona Lisa (we are confident you’ve seen this one before). What can you see in this famous painting? There is a beautiful woman in the foreground. She has long black hair and wears a black dress. In the background is a natural landscape – a river, mountains, and a road. You can be more general when talking about the painting’s composition. Just describe what you can see in the foreground and background, the main shapes of the picture, what is in the center and what is in the distance, etc. The best advice for this step is to tell everything you see, even the smallest details.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (67) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Toylyeva B., Durdymyradov A.D. THE USE OF ADJECTIVE IN WORKS OF ART // Вестник науки №10 (67) том 3. С. 147 - 149. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10253 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10253

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