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Geldimammedova Sh., Begmyradova Ai.




Magtymguly is the greatest representative of Turkmen literature, credited with the creation of Turkmen written literature, and whose literary form became a powerful symbol of the historical and the incipient national consciousness of the Turkmen people   

Ключевые слова:
poet, patriotism, poem, skill, role, sacred   

УДК 82

Geldimammedova Sh.

senior teacher of

Magtymguly Turkmen State University

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)


Begmyradova Ai.

teacher of the

Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)




Abstract: Magtymguly is the greatest representative of Turkmen literature, credited with the creation of Turkmen written literature, and whose literary form became a powerful symbol of the historical and the incipient national consciousness of the Turkmen people.


Keywords: poet, patriotism, poem, skill, role, sacred.


As we know, poets play a key role in praising the homeland. This has been the case for centuries. The vassal of the motherland was skillfully depicted in the lale and lullabies, which are considered to be the poetic branch of Turkmen folk art. Turkmen women wished that their sons would grow up to be patriotic and brave young men, turning the lines that came to their hearts into reality. As a result, a wonderful work of poetry appeared.

In our Turkmen classical literature, the theme of homeland is elaborated. All Turkmen poets praised their homeland and their native place with poetic language. Among the classic Turkmen poets, such poets as Magtymguly Pyragy, Gurbandurdy Zelili, Seyitnazar Seydi, Mämmetveli Kemine, Mollanepes, Mätäji, Misgingylych left behind their wonderful works about the homeland. In this regard, we would like to talk about Magtymguly's creativity first. Because next year, the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly's birth will be celebrated internationally.

Reading the poet's poems, you can see that he was educated at the “Idris baba”, in Bukhara “Gogeldash”, and in Hiva “Shirgazy” madrasas in the country and Central Asia at that time. He said:

Mekan eýläp, üç ýyl iýdim duzuňy,

Gider boldum, hoş gal, gözel Şirgazy.

Ötürdim gyşyňy, nowruz ýazyňy,

Gider boldum, hoş gal, gözel Şirgazy.

Thus, he remembers with great gratitude the educational institution that served him for three years. During those difficult years of studying science, the poet was aware of the immortal works of individuals who lived at that time and before him. If you read the poems of the poet, you will see that this is true.

In Magtymguly's work, the honor of the homeland is high. Poems written by the poet related to his native place and his fatherland are a clear proof of this. This is how the poet describes the Turkmen desert with red flowers when summer comes.

Hak sylamyş bardyr onuň saýasy,

Çyrpynşar çölünde neri-maýasy,

Reňbe-reň gül açar ýaşyl ýaýlasy,

Gark bolmuş reýhana çöli türkmeniň.          

      These wonderful lines of Magtymguly Pyragy stir the hearts of the Turkmen people. Poet made the brave young men of his fatherland look like lions, dressed in red and green, and showed the beauty of the life-prolonging springs and the light of the elderly. He wished that the Turkmen villages would have a great country.

Al-ýaşyl geýinip çykar perisi,

Kükeýip bark urar anbaryň ysy,

Beg-töre, aksakgal, ýurduň eýesi,

Küren tutar gözel ili türkmeniň.

Magtymguly artistically develops views such as uniting the Turkmen people and building an independent state. He dreamed that the Turkmen country would reach an eternal state, that brave young men would unite the Turkmen people and build an independent country. Magtymguly Pyragy:

Hydyr gezen çölde iller ýaýylsyn,

Ýurt binamyz gaýym bolsun, gurulsyn.

Çille mest nerlerimiz barça aýylsyn,

Bir suprada eda bolsun aşymyz.

He expressed the desire of the Turkmen people with great skill. He emphasizes that the state of the people who are not united is disintegrating, therefore, they should believe in each other, live in unity and strengthen the country's stability. The poet's poems such as «Gidiji bolma», «Bardyr», «Il ýagy», «Ili gözlär», «Gürgen», «Soňudagy», «Ýol bile» are expertly described his boundless love for his fatherland. The poet proudly praises his country's brave young men, polite brides and grooms, prudent husbands, beautiful nature, snow-capped mountains, cold water springs, deserts with sheep and lambs, haunted camels.

The poet's beautiful lines with deep meaning took a place in the hearts of the Turkmen people for life. In this regard, our Gahryman Arkadag says: «The honor of Magtymguly Pyragy, the son of a Turkmen thinker, who decorated the human soul with the light of goodness with his wonderful poems, is one of the most sacred things for the Turkmen people. Important work is being done in our country to study his wise poems more thoroughly and to acquire principles, to make them more prosperous in today's perfect Turkmen society and to pass them on to future generations».

Magtymguly Pyragy urges the future generations to be humane, to have excellent moral qualities, to love the Motherland, and to serve the people faithfully. His sermon-like poems are of great importance in educating today's generations in a perfect spirit. A wise poet:

Aýdar Magtymguly: sözüm älemdir.

Nesihatym uly ile ylymdyr-

Emphasizes that he is talking about unity, kindness, and brotherhood, which are of great importance for all mankind.

Today, Magtymguly's hopes and guidelines for state stability, national unity, and country peace are reflected in the Constitution of Turkmenistan, which is our main law.

In a poem by poet Berdinazar Hudaynazarov:

Watan hakda gysga gürläň ogullar,

Agrasrak gürläň, gürläň asylly.

Sebäp diýseň bu watanyň üstünde,

Nije gan döküldi, gözýaş döküldi-

He sermonized. Following this advice, I would like to conclude my short article about the homeland. In the future, many wonderful poems about the homeland will be written and large-scale works will be created.




  1. Bekmyradow A. Magtymgulynyň poetiki dünýäsi (rus dilinde). – Aşgabat, 1994.
  2. Bekmyradow A. Magtymgulynyň poeziýasynda şahyrana däp we täzeçilik gözlegleri. – Aşgabat, 1988.
  3. Şygyrlar. III tomluk. I – II t. – Aşgabat, 1992, 1994.
  4. Meredow A. Magtymgulynyň düşündirişli sözlügi. Gonbed Kabus, 1997.
  5. Şyhnepesow A. Magtymgulynyň älemi. – Aşgabat, 2014.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (67) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Geldimammedova Sh., Begmyradova Ai. THEME OF PATRIOTISM IN MAGTYMGULY'S POEMS // Вестник науки №10 (67) том 2. С. 233 - 236. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10203 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10203

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