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Agamyradova Ay., Myradova K.




innovative teaching is the process of proactively introducing new teaching strategies and methods into the classroom. The purpose of introducing these new teaching strategies and methods is to improve academic outcomes and address real problems to promote equitable learning   

Ключевые слова:
lexiacal, teaching foreign languages, innovation methods   

УДК 37

Agamyradova Ay.

Teacher of Magtymguly

Turkmen State University

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)


Myradova K.

Teacher of Magtymguly

Turkmen State University

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)





Abstract: innovative teaching is the process of proactively introducing new teaching strategies and methods into the classroom. The purpose of introducing these new teaching strategies and methods is to improve academic outcomes and address real problems to promote equitable learning.


Keywords: lexiacal, teaching foreign languages, innovation methods.


The basic principle of the lexical approach, then, is: «Language is grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar» (Lewis 1993). In other words, lexis is central in creating meaning, grammar plays a subservient managerial role. The seminar participants exchanged views on the important methods of teaching foreign languages and their effectiveness, as well as the next plans for learning and using the best practices of teaching students of different ages.

 During the meeting, the teachers shared their experiences in organizing lessons, focusing on the most effective teaching methods, principles and methods of teaching material.  The lessons covered the use of interactive and information technologies, various video and audio materials, and the Internet.  It was noted that conversations, discussions, scenes dedicated to the topic, learning songs and poems together during the lesson increase the mastery of the learning material. In today's fast-paced world, science and technology are gaining momentum. Progress in every area is moving forward. In particular, science has undergone great changes and significant progress. Delivery of each subject to students using innovative teaching techniques is one of the main requirements of today's education. The direct method of teaching, which is sometimes called the natural method, and is often (but not exclusively) used in teaching foreign languages, refrains from using the learners' native language and uses only the target language. Five innovative methodologies currently practiced in the teaching of foreign languages are discussed: the Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning, the Comprehension Approach, and the Communicative Approach. An innovative approach to learning allows learner to organize the learning process in such a way that the lesson is both fun and beneficial for the child, without turning into just fun or a game. Basically, it's the way we do something according to a plan, in order to achieve a desired result. So, the innovation methods we will discuss are simply that: the practical ways in which we can achieve innovation. Introducing more technology in the classroom to create a blended classroom where students experience technology as they would in the real world. Providing greater ways to facilitate clearer and better communication between school districts' parents with powerful video tools. Such strategies can also help to foster critical thinking skills and creativity, which can lead to improved problem-solving and decision-making abilities in the long run. In addition, innovative teaching strategies can help to improve student retention and engagement. Innovative learning materials are learning materials that are more flexible in accordance with the needs of students.

During language teaching process, the principles based on the observation that comprehension of words as well as word combinations (chunks) is a basic learning method of any language. It should be noted that, rather than having learners memorize lists of vocabulary, they would learn commonly used expressions. Flexibility considers and takes into account various aspects that include student characteristics including intellectual, emotional and spiritual abilities as well as obstacles in learning. To be successful, an innovation must clearly create differentiated value for the sets of buyers involved. However, the problem is that creating value for customers can cause or be accompanied by huge cash losses for the company involved. The lexical method concentrates on teaching fixed terms that are common in conversations since, according to Lewis, they make up a bigger portion of speech than original words and sentences. Vocabulary is prized over grammar per se in this approach. The teaching of chunks and set phrases has become common in English as a foreign or second language, though this is not necessarily primarily due to the Lexical Approach. This is because anywhere from 55-80% of native speakers' speech are derived from prefabricated phrases. Fluency could be considered unachievable if one did not learn prefabricated chunks or expressions.




  1. Zhou, G. & Niu, X. (2015). Approaches to language teaching and learning. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6(4), p. 798
  2. Lozanov, Georgi. Suggestology and Suggestopedy. http://lozanov.hit.bg/ 4/30/2006
  3. Willis, D. (1990) The Lexical Syllabus. Collins Cobuild.
  4. Usmonova, R. (2020). Improving Listening Skill in Foreign Languages.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (67) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Agamyradova Ay., Myradova K. INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING LEXICAL PRINCIPLES IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES // Вестник науки №10 (67) том 2. С. 65 - 67. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10171 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10171

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