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Sharma Prannay Rai, Kornilov A.A.




information and computer technologies affect all spheres of human interaction; the introduction of computer technologies in student education is favorable step in the development of modern education. The aim of research is to study the trend of demand for computer technologies in preparation for clinical pharmacology classes among students of medical university   

Ключевые слова:
computer technologies, clinical pharmacology, self-preparation   

УДК 378:615.03

Sharma Prannay Rai


Kursk State Medical University
(Kursk, Russia)

Kornilov A.A.

PhD, docent, department of clinical pharmacology,

Kursk State Medical University
(Kursk, Russia)

computer technologies use in self-preparation

for classes in clinical pharmacology

at the International Medical Institute


Abstract: information and computer technologies affect all spheres of human interaction; the introduction of computer technologies in student education is favorable step in the development of modern education. The aim of research is to study the trend of demand for computer technologies in preparation for clinical pharmacology classes among students of medical university.


Key words: computer technologies, clinical pharmacology, self-preparation.


Introduction. In current times, information and computer technologies affect all spheres of human interaction and as advancements in this sector blooms, we see further depths into the benefits of technologies that are made available to us [1, 2].

Consequently, the introduction of computer technologies in student education is characterized as an appropriate and favorable step in the development of modern education [2, 3]. This leads to the implementation of one of the main tasks of universities, i.e. improving the competitiveness of future specialists [4, 5].

Aim of research - to study the trend of demand for computer technologies in preparation for clinical pharmacology classes among students of Kursk State Medical University from 2021-st to 2022-nd years.

Materials and methods. Research objects: full-time Russian-speaking students of 4-5 courses (medical, pediatric and pharmaceutical faculties) of Kursk State Medical University, respondents: in June 2021-216 people; full-time English-speaking students of 6th course (International medical institute) of Kursk State Medical University, respondents in June 2022 - 35 people. Methods:  comparative analysis; graphical analysis; questionnaire survey.

Research results. As we can see in Figure 1, the majority of students (73.1%) in 2021 used most of the information from the department's page to prepare for classes and (62.8%) in 2022. The current percentage is a little low as compared to 2021 but it is still considered in a higher consensus as these students use the university’s website for more than 50% for their preparation of clinical pharmacology.

In contrast, there are 26.9% of students in 2021 and 37.2% of students in 2022, who lack this information. The reason for this may be the difficulty in finding and downloading materials and others:

  • difficulties in finding reliable information and clinical recommendations in the new processing;
  • lack of some information in the public domain;
  • sometimes you can't download books for free;
  • some medical websites require documentary proof of medical education;
  • weak internet signal.

Although these difficulties are subjective in nature, the majority of respondents noted them as significant for everyday life. It is also important that each of these disadvantages does not exist separately, but in combination with other factors. As a consequence, the resulting effect can minimize a significant part of the benefits associated with distance learning opportunities.

Figure 1 - Share of information received by KSMU students on the university website for preparing for classes in clinical pharmacology


The students were asked about if they have enough information that they can get using internet resources in preparation for classes in clinical pharmacology. To which 71.4% of students in 2022 said “Yes” and 28.6% said “No”; as well as 77.14% students agreed upon having no difficulties in gathering and downloading information in clinical pharmacology on the internet and 51.4% of the students preferred a printed format materials for studying and 48.6% chose digital format of education materials.

Scores of "5" and " 4 " were given by 14.3% and 34.3% of students, respectively, which indicates a good level of organization of methodological support and 45.7% of students gave a score of “3”. It should be noted that these figures differ much from the data obtained in 2021. In which Scores of "5" and " 4 " were given by 43.5% and 44% of students, respectively, which indicates a high level of organization of methodological support.

Conclusion. In 2022, 71.4% of students had enough materials that they can gather on the Internet. Despite various difficulties, 100% of students believe that computer technologies significantly facilitate preparation for classes in clinical pharmacology.




  1. Abdous M. Influence of satisfaction and preparedness on online students' feelings of anxiety. Internet and Higher Education, 41(1), 34-44.
  2. MacNevin W., Poon E., Skinner T. A. Technology readiness of medical students and the association of technology readiness with specialty interest. Canadian medical education journal, 2021; 12(2), e31–e41.
  3. Avidan A, Weissman C, Zisk-Rony RY. Interest in technology among medical students early in their clinical experience. Int J Med Inform. 2021;153:104512.
  4. Rose S. Medical Student Education in the Time of COVID-19. JAMA, 2020; 323 (21): 2131. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.5227.
  5. Lin W et al., Thoughts on Higher Medical Education Under Major Public Health Emergencies: Thinking Ahead After COVID-19 Outbreak. medRxiv, p. 2020.04.06.20053918, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.1101/2020.04.06.20053918.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (63) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Sharma Prannay Rai, Kornilov A.A. COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES USE IN SELF-PREPARATION FOR CLASSES IN CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AT THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE // Вестник науки №6 (63) том 4. С. 1060 - 1063. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/9315 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/9315

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