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Shatalova E.Y.




the article discusses one of the key methods of revealing images in the poem – an artistic detail. It is proved that it is this feature that plays the main role in the transfer of the characters of the landowners, and the life and attire of the heroes are also studied   

Ключевые слова:
artistic detail, description, poem   

УДК 82

Shatalova E.Y.

Belgorod National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)






 Abstractthe article discusses one of the key methods of revealing images in the poem – an artistic detail. It is proved that it is this feature that plays the main role in the transfer of the characters of the landowners, and the life and attire of the heroes are also studied. 

Keywords: artistic detail, description, poem.


Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a great writer. A. I. Herzen noted: «Gogol is completely free from foreign influence; he did not know any literature when he had already made a name for himself» [10, p. 8]. The poem «Dead Souls» shows us not only a talented writer, but also an amazing artist who knows how to find unique ways to describe characters. One of the favorite techniques of N.V. Gogol is an artistic detail. Using this technique, the writer characterizes the heroes of the poem and draws their individual image. This is exactly what E. E. Nikolaeva says in her article: «In an effort to objectively show the people of that time, their way of life, Gogol uses a detailed description, portraiture, interior, speaking names, as well as images of food» [3, p. 183].Let us consider in more detail how, with the help of an artistic detail, a holistic image of each landowner is created. The first landowner we meet is the kind and lazy Manilov. The poem says that he «... sat all the time ... and smoked a pipe, which lasted until dinner» [5, p. 32]. It is obvious that dreams are the main activities of Manilov, which do not come true. One of the most important artistic details of the hero's image is the description of the book in his office: «... bookmarked on the fourteenth page, which he has been constantly reading for two years» [5, p. 35]. It is this detail that shows the reader Manilov's mismanagement, his laziness and stupidity in household chores. The next landowner is Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka. The thrift of a woman is manifested due to the details of the appearance and life of the hostess. Describing the surroundings, Gogol describes the character of the landowner with amazing accuracy: the walls are hung with «old wallpaper», one of the stuffed animals in her garden «was put on the cap of the hostess herself», which indicates her stupidity, which the author emphasized.All thoughts of the landowner were focused on hoarding and deriving benefits for herself, so in her life we see a lot of bags with «money» placed in numerous «drawers of chests of drawers» [5, p. 47]. In the portrait of Nozdryov, Gogol draws attention to the external attractiveness of the landowner, behind which lies spiritual emptiness. In the hero's house, you can see a chaotic mixture of objects: sabers and guns, «Turkish» daggers, all these details help to better understand the character of Nozdryov – a quick-tempered and unpredictable person [5, p. 73]. Mikhail Semyonovich Sobakevich is portrayed as a rude, straightforward person, well versed in people. Gogol compares him to a clumsy bear, which is also an important detail for understanding the character of the hero. When describing his furniture, we see a comparison with the owner of this estate: «Table, armchairs, chairs – everything was of the most difficult and restless quality, – in a word, every object, every chair seemed to say: I, too, Sobakevich!» [5, p. 98]. The stingy old man Plyushkin closes the gallery of the landowners. The image of the hero's office helps to understand what it really is: «...from the middle of the ceiling hung a chandelier in a canvas bag, which from the dust became like a silk cocoon in which a worm sits» [5, p. 117]. Plyushkin was dressed in rags, which is why Chichikov at first confused the landowner with an old woman. Even Plyushkin's treats look like their owner, a greedy, suspicious man with a dead soul, who has completely neglected his household and his own life: the decanter «... was covered in dust, like in a jersey» [5, p. 121]. Gogol, the greatest master of words, showed us how a man in whom the mind once shone turned into a miserable miser who had lost the ability to live. That is why we can say with confidence that the artistic detail, with the help of which a strikingly accurate description of the appearance and life of the landowners is created, plays an important role in the complete exposure of their characters, and also gives the key to understanding the idea of the whole work.Another artistic detail is the household item and the landowner's feast – tea. The role of this drink is «much more significant than the role of other treats»: it is an «element of hospitality», «an attribute of friendly communication», a «commodity», an «element of luxury», «a part of alcohol culture». «Tea drinking characterizes the heroes of the poem, the attributes of a tea meal become bright details illustrating the life of this or that landowner» [2, p. 83]. Tea at Manilov’s is the personification of calmness and eternal thoughts of the landowner, tea is also found at Korobochka: «What will you take a sip of tea with? Fruit in a flask» as a representation of hospitality [5, p. 49]. At Nozdrev's, a lover of «drinking and walking», tea is served along with a bottle of rum. Sobakevich’s drink also appears on the table: «The lamb side was followed by cheesecakes, each of which was larger than a plate, then followed by a turkey the size of a calf, stuffed with all sorts of good things: eggs, rice, livers and who knows what. After that, tea with fragrant jam was offered» [5, p. 100]. Even Sobakevich's table with treats personifies the owner himself – a healthy and strong man, for whom it is always important to eat well. Plyushkin only speaks of tea as an expensive and unloved drink, but tea never appears on the table of the landowner, which symbolizes his closeness, feigned courtesy. That is why such an artistic detail as tea is the fulcrum around which the comic image of the hospitality and behavior of the characters is played out.Thus, the artistic detail in Gogol's poem does not exist on its own, it does not overload the work and does not divide it into many insignificant small parts. The artistic detail smoothly connects with the concept of the whole poem, helps to characterize each of the characters, unfolds as an interesting and amazingly accurate story about the essence of the landowners and their lives. Thanks to the artistic detail, Gogol was able to clearly show us the characters of the characters, denounced their essence, their way of life, and most importantly, he deftly conveyed the idea of the whole work. 


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (63) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shatalova E.Y. THE ROLE OF ARTISTIC DETAILS IN REVEALING THE IMAGES OF LANDOWNERS IN N.V. GOGOL'S POEM «DEAD SOULS» // Вестник науки №6 (63) том 1. С. 781 - 784. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8674 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8674

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