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Plaksieva R.P.




this article is dedicated to one of the prominent types of women in the prose of I.S. Turgenev - the   

Ключевые слова:
Turgenev, novel, character, collective images, woman, moral ideal   

УДК 82

Plaksieva R.P.

bachelor's degree student

Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)





Abstract: this article is dedicated to one of the prominent types of women in the prose of I.S. Turgenev - the "Turgenevian maiden". By comparing the characteristic traits of "Turgenevian maidens" with opposing characters, a "mythopoetic stereotype" is revealed.


Keywords: Turgenev, novel, character, collective images, woman, moral ideal.


Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev is one of the most prominent figures in 19th-century Russian literature. The writer experimented with various genres, becoming the founder of entirely new ones, but it is the novel that occupies a special position in the works of I.S. Turgenev. It is in this genre that the writer most fully presents a vivid picture of the complex, tense social and spiritual life of Russia. Each Turgenevian novel that appeared in print immediately drew the attention of critics. Interest in them has not diminished to this day. It is in the novels that a series of female characters emerged, embodying the author's ideal of femininity, beauty, sincerity, and kindness. In scholarly literature, this ideal has been given the name «Turgenevian woman/girl».

«The Turgenevian maiden» is a collective image that encompasses several types of female characters in the works of I.S. Turgenev. Describing the challenging destinies of his heroines, the author portrays each young woman as romantic, feminine, virtuous, and conscientious, while also being determined, self-sacrificing for the sake of their loved ones, and goal-oriented. The «Turgenevian girl» represents the moral ideal of the writer. M.D. Zhairbaeva notes that these «Turgenevian women» possess poetic qualities, a sense of integrity in their nature, and incredible strength of spirit. Through his portrayal of women, I.S. Turgenev reveals all the good or bad that exists in his male characters. Often, it is the heroines in his works who are compelled to make decisions, to make moral choices, and to determine their own destinies [1, p. 127]. However, few people know that the true female characters, commonly referred to as «Turgenevian maidens», are just one group within the typology of female characters in Turgenev's works.

In the novels of I.S. Turgenev, we can identify the following classification of the main female characters: the first group consists of women who live for their own interests, as they are self-centered, and the second group comprises the actual Turgenevian maidens, whose thoughts are constantly focused on the lives and sufferings of others. The first group includes Darya Mikhailovna Lasunskaya, Liza Kalitina's mother, Varvara Pavlovna, Lavretsky's wife, Odintsova, Irina Ratmir, and Sipyagin. The second group includes Natalya Lasunskaya, Liza Kalitina, Yelena Stakhova, and Marianna.

In the novels «Rudin» and «Home of the Gentry», we see the contrast between two heroines: Natalya Lasunskaya and her mother, Darya Mikhailovna, and Liza Kalitina and her mother, Maria Dmitrievna. Darya Mikhailovna Lasunskaya is a noble and wealthy widow raising three children, portrayed as a person entirely preoccupied with herself. Turgenev satirizes her character, stating, «Judging by Darya Mikhailovna's stories, one could think that all the remarkable people of the past decade dreamed only of meeting her, of winning her favor...» And further, «She spoke of them, and like a rich frame around a precious stone, their names formed a brilliant border around the main name—around Darya Mikhailovna's» [5]. Another character similar to Darya Mikhailovna is Liza Kalitina's mother, whom Turgenev describes when she is first introduced to the reader: «...she indulged herself, easily became irritated and even cried when her habits were disturbed; however, she was very affectionate and kind when all her wishes were fulfilled without objection» [4]. In another instance, the writer directly calls her an egoist: «Maria Dmitrievna, like a true egoist, suspected nothing» [4].

In the aforementioned novels, Natalya and Liza are contrasted with their mothers, representing a new generation.

In contrast to Darya Mikhailovna, her daughter Natalya usually spoke little, listened attentively, and observed. With just this phrase, Turgenev emphasizes Natalya's attentiveness to the world around her. In her very first conversation with Rudin, she states that people like him should strive to be useful. What attracts Natalya to him, above all, are his ideas. «She, — Turgenev writes, — thought not about Rudin himself but about some word he had said, and immersed herself completely in her own thoughts» [4].

In the case of Liza Kalitina, the writer also emphasizes her concern for others: «Impelled by a sense of duty and fear of offending anyone, with a kind and gentle heart», this is how the author depicts her. Liza possesses a pure soul. She is beautiful, sensitive, obedient, and passionate about art. The young woman respects the common peasants, showing interest in their concerns and problems. Despite her rich inner world, Liza Kalitina's fate is not easy. The torment of being ready to obey her mother's will and marry a heartless man weighs on her, but she is saved only by her love for Lavretsky. However, even in this case, fate is merciless to Liza. Her submissiveness leads only to negative consequences in her life. She retreats to a monastery, seeing her calling in serving God.

In the novel «the day before», Ivan Turgenev further emphasizes the altruistic nature, strength, and ability to serve others in the heroine. If a «Turgenev girl» is faced with a choice between personal happiness and the well-being of another person, she would undoubtedly choose the latter because empathy and sympathy for others are far more important to her than her own feelings. This is exemplified in the character of Elena Stakhova, a dreamy yet determined, honest, and decisive individual. She represents a new type of woman who transitions from dissatisfaction with ordinary life to making independent choices and engaging in self-sacrifice. Elena Stakhova is the first companion and friend of a revolutionary, a fighter for justice, remaining loyal to him until the end. Her benevolent impulses are indicative of her high moral qualities. However, it should be noted that in this novel, Turgenev does not contrast Elena with any other female character in the same way as he does in the first two novels.

Another female character that can be confidently attributed to the collective image of a «Turgenev girl» is Anna Gagin from the novella «Asya». Asya is a remarkable and original heroine. Kindness, vulnerability, naivety, honesty, unpredictability, education, and knowledge—all these traits align with those of a «Turgenev girl». Asya's life is far from enviable. Fate brings her various challenges from early childhood onwards, and she has to confront pain and sorrow. Yet, despite it all, Asya serves as an example of a strong woman. Understanding that her feelings are rejected, she does not create scenes or engage in dramatic outbursts. She quietly walks away, demonstrating her pride and steadfastness.

The unified system of female characters in I.S. Turgenev's works is based on the writer's concept of the tragic fate of the human individual. This is associated with the resolution of the problem of searching for an ideal, necessary for Russia at a crucial moment in its history. In the typology of female characters in Turgenev's novels, there is a distinction between truly «Turgenevian girls» — the heroines of his early novels, and transformed images of his heroines, self-sufficient and somewhat selfish by nature.

A.E. Karpova notes that the writer was «very sensitive to the world of human experiences, skillfully highlighting its subtle details. He excellently reveals the deep psychological traits of female characters. Each character is unique, however, in describing the fates of the heroines, the author shows that what is particularly dear and valuable to him in any woman is modesty, decency, the ability to love, be a good wife and mother» [3, p. 246]. All of this gives us reason to say that I.S. Turgenev, in developing the composition of female characters in his novels as presented above, consciously seeks to convince the reader of the superior and creative role of the bright and beautiful qualities in a woman's inner world.




  1. Zhairbayeva M.D. Female images in I.S. Turgenev's novel «Fathers and Children» // New Science: Problems and prospects. — 2016. № 115-3. С. 127-129.
  2. Karpova A.E. Typological analysis of female images in the novels of I.S. Turgenev // Scientific research of the XXI century. 2020. № 6. С. 242-246.
  3. Turgenev I.S. Home of the Gentry [Electronic resource]. — URL: http://az.lib.ru/t/turgenew_i_s/text_0020.shtml (date of application: 25.04.2022).
  4. Turgenev I.S. Rudin [Electronic resource]. URL: http://az.lib.ru/t/turgenew_i_s/text_0010.shtml (date of application: 25.04.2022).

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (63) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Plaksieva R.P. THE TURGENEV’S GIRL AS THE IDEAL OF BEAUTY IN THE PROSE OF IVAN TURGENEV // Вестник науки №6 (63) том 1. С. 776 - 780. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8673 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8673

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