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Mammedova M., Nuryagdyyeva G.




in this article the author reveals some pressing issues of teaching English pronunciation in the history of national and foreign methodology of teaching foreign languages   

Ключевые слова:
pronunciation, pronoun, methodology, language, teaching, performance, skill   

УДК 371.3

Mammedova M.

Lecturer of the Department of Marketing

Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)


Nuryagdyyeva G.


Turkmen National Institute of World Languages

named after Dovletmammet Azadi

(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)



Abstract: in this article the author reveals some pressing issues of teaching English pronunciation in the history of national and foreign methodology of teaching foreign languages. 


Keywords: pronunciation, pronoun, methodology, language, teaching, performance, skill.


 The article deals with the problem of mechanisms of comprehensive approach in teaching the English pronunciation. It contains much useful information about reason for misrepresent the meaning of English phrases, words, different kinds of stresses and about basic tones of English intonation. Pronunciation training is of great importance, as its performance is largely determined by the success in learning spoken language. It minimizes the risk of stabilization of pronunciation habits that are difficult for native speakers to understand. Teaching any foreign language, including English, begins with a clear statement of a question about the correct pronunciation. Without correct pronunciation cannot be delivered by the manifestation of the communicative language function.

Especially important is the initial phase of training, because in this period, learners quickly perceive new material, they are characterized by imitation, that helps to a subconscious level, to postpone the newly acquired knowledge. If the issue is not paid enough attention to the beginning of training, then it would be much harder to correct errors and improve pronunciation. The article deals with an unconventional approach in explaining the articulation of English sounds, based on a comparison of the articulation of the English and Russian sounds. Pronunciation is undoubtedly an irreplaceable element of language learning and teaching, but is it necessarily an important element? Indeed, pronunciation is often what is being perceived as redundant and is therefore often neglected and avoided by many teachers of second language. General observation suggests that it is those who start to learn English after their school years are most likely to have serious difficulties in acquiring intelligible pronunciation, with the degree of difficulty increasing markedly with age. This difficulty has nothing to do with intelligence or level of education, or even with knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary. Of course there is no simple answer to why pronunciation is so difficult to learn indeed there is a whole range of theoretical perspectives on the question.

What is generally accepted among psycholinguists and phonologists who specialized in this area, is that the difficulty of learning to pronounce a foreign language is cognitive rather than physical, and that it has something to do with the way ‘raw sound’ is categorized or conceptualized in using speech. Many learners of English as a second language have «major difficulties» with English pronunciation even after years of learning the language. This often results in them facing difficulties in areas such as finding employment. Hinofotis and Baily notes that «up to a certain proficiency standard, the fault which most severely impairs the communication process in EFL/ESL learners is pronunciation», not vocabulary or grammar. This is true despite the fact that research by the likes of Davis, for example, reveals that an area of concern and indeed one of the top priorities of ESL students after completing elementary English courses is pronunciation.

It is important at this point in time to make a distinction between speaking and pronunciation as it is sometimes wrongly applied interchangeably. Pronunciation is viewed as a sub-skill of speaking. Generally, if we want to change the way a learner pronounces words, we have to change the way they think about the component sounds of those words. This goes not just for individual sounds, but for bigger elements of speech, such as syllables, stress patterns and rhythm.

Despite this, the teaching of pronunciation remains largely neglected in the field of English language teaching. In this study, the researchers discuss common misconceptions about pronunciation, factors affecting the learning of pronunciation. Then, they review the needs of learners, suggestions for teaching pronunciation.




  1. Аннануров А. Основы языковых знаний. Ашгабад, 1974.
  2. Пыгамов А. Гельдиев А.Э. фонетика английского языка. Ашгабад,1994 г.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (63) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Mammedova M., Nuryagdyyeva G. PECULIARITIES OF TEACHING ENGLISH PHONETICS // Вестник науки №6 (63) том 1. С. 283 - 285. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8598 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8598

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