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Temirbaeva T.




recently, the popularity of social networks has been growing among young people, including among the adult population. In education, more and more new types of technology are being experimented and their effectiveness is being studied. This article presents the experience of introducing social networks into the process of teaching English of the researcher who worked in this field. The advantages and disadvantages of using social networks as a means of teaching in English lessons are analyzed based on the work of foreign researchers   

Ключевые слова:
social media, modern technologies, interpersonal communication, digital, methods   

УДК 37

Temirbaeva T.

2-year master’s student of

the Pedagogical Institute of

Astana International University

(Astana, Kazakhstan)





Abstract: recently, the popularity of social networks has been growing among young people, including among the adult population.  In education, more and more new types of technology are being experimented and their effectiveness is being studied.  This article presents the experience of introducing social networks into the process of teaching English of the researcher who worked in this field.  The advantages and disadvantages of using social networks as a means of teaching in English lessons are analyzed based on the work of foreign researchers.


Keywords: social media, modern technologies, interpersonal communication, digital, methods.


The influence of social media on various aspects of people's lives is continually evolving. In today's world, diverse social media platforms are transforming communication, information dissemination, knowledge sharing, commerce, education, and numerous other domains [1]. The widespread availability of different social networking sites on the internet has prompted researchers from various disciplines to focus their attention and explore the significance and effects of social media on various aspects of life, encompassing both social and educational realms. Many foreign and domestic researchers have worked in this field that has made a great contribution to the development of the use of modern technologies for educational purposes. Some works can be cited as examples.

Nicole B. Ellison is a researcher who has focused on the social implications of technology, particularly online social networks. Her work has explored the role of social media in shaping interpersonal communication, self-presentation, and social capital. She is best known for her research on Facebook, where she has investigated how the platform is used to maintain and strengthen social ties, build social capital, and shape online identity. Her research has shown that social media can have both positive and negative effects on social relationships, and that users must navigate complex social norms and practices when using these platforms. Ellison's work has contributed to our understanding of the social and cultural implications of technology, particularly with regard to online social networks [2].

Sonia Livingston is a well-known researcher who has made significant contributions to the field of media and communication, especially with regard to the interaction of children and young people with media technologies. Her work focuses on the intersection of media, technology and society, with an emphasis on the risks, opportunities and challenges emerging in the digital age. Livingston has conducted extensive research on children's Internet use, online safety, digital literacy and media literacy. Her research has shed light on how young people navigate the online space, the implications for their well-being, and the role of parents, educators, and policy makers in promoting safe and positive digital experiences. Her research highlights the need for a balanced and informed approach to solving problems and harnessing the potential of digital media for young people. Although her work includes an extensive understanding of the relationship between children and the digital world, her research can be used to effectively manage the use of social networks in foreign language teaching [3].

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in the educational process, then it is possible that they can be key factors for teachers when integrating such unusual teaching methods into English lessons. Advantages of utilizing social networks in the context of English Language Teaching (ELT) include improved communication opportunities, exposure to authentic language use, enhanced student motivation, collaborative learning prospects, and increased cultural awareness [4]. However, there are also disadvantages to consider, such as privacy concerns, potential distractions and time management issues, inequalities in access to technology, reliability and credibility of information on social networks, and the risk of over-reliance on technology, which may hinder the development of other essential skills and competencies. It is crucial for educators to address these aspects while integrating social networks into ELT.

Advantages of using social networks in ELT:

  1. Enhanced communication: Social networks provide a platform for students to communicate and collaborate with each other, as well as with their teachers, outside the traditional classroom setting. This can foster engagement, active participation, and the development of communication skills.
  2. Authentic language use: Social networks allow students to interact with authentic, real-world English language content, such as posts, articles, videos, and discussions. This exposure to authentic language can help improve their language comprehension, vocabulary, and overall language proficiency.
  3. Increased motivation: Integrating social networks into ELT can increase student motivation and engagement. The familiar and interactive nature of social networks can make language learning more enjoyable and relevant for students, thereby promoting a positive learning experience.
  4. Collaborative learning opportunities: Social networks provide opportunities for collaborative learning, where students can work together on projects, exchange ideas, and provide feedback to their peers. This promotes a sense of community, encourages peer-to-peer learning, and develops teamwork skills.
  5. Cultural awareness: Social networks can expose students to different cultures, perspectives, and English language variations. Engaging with a diverse range of content and interacting with individuals from various backgrounds can enhance students' intercultural competence and global awareness.

Here are some examples of disadvantages of using social networks in ELT:

  1. Privacy concerns: Social networks often require personal information and may have privacy settings that need to be carefully managed. Teachers and students need to be mindful of privacy risks and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect personal data.
  2. Distractions and time management: Social networks can be a source of distractions, both for students and teachers. It is essential to set clear guidelines and expectations regarding the use of social networks in educational contexts and help students develop effective time management skills.
  3. Inequalities and access issues: Not all students may have equal access to technology and reliable internet connections, which can create disparities in the use of social networks for ELT. It is crucial for educators to consider these inequalities and provide alternative options to ensure inclusive learning opportunities.
  4. Reliability and credibility of information: Social networks are prone to misinformation and fake news. Teachers need to guide students in critically evaluating the information they encounter on social networks, helping them develop digital literacy skills to distinguish reliable sources from unreliable ones.
  5. Over-reliance on technology: While social networks can be valuable tools, over-reliance on technology can hinder the development of other essential skills and competencies. It is important to strike a balance between incorporating social networks into ELT and incorporating a variety of teaching methods to address different learning needs.

In conclusion, the integration of social media into ELT has both advantages and disadvantages. Social media platforms offer numerous benefits in ELT, such as enhanced communication, exposure to authentic language use, increased motivation, collaborative learning opportunities, and cultural awareness. These advantages can contribute to a more engaging and relevant language learning experience for students. However, it is essential to address the potential disadvantages, including privacy concerns, distractions, access inequalities, reliability of information, and over-reliance on technology. Educators must strike a balance by incorporating social media effectively while considering the diverse learning needs of students. Additionally, ongoing research and exploration of best practices in utilizing social media in ELT can further enhance its positive impact on language learning outcomes. Ultimately, a thoughtful and well-informed approach to incorporating social media can leverage its potential for supporting and enriching ELT practices in today's digital age.




  1. Rieger D., Klimmt C. The daily dose of digital inspiration: A multi-method exploration of meaningful communication in social media //New Media & Society. – 2019. – Т. 21. – №. 1. – С. 97-118.
  2. Ellison N. B., Steinfield C., Lampe C. The benefits of Facebook “friends:” Social capital and college students’ use of online social network sites //Journal of computer‐mediated communication. – 2007. – Т. 12. – №. 4. – С. 1143-1168.
  3. Livingstone S., Haddon L. (ed.). Kids online: Opportunities and risks for children. – Policy press, 2009.
  4. Boyd D. It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens. – Yale University Press, 2014.
  5. Greenhow C., Robelia B. Informal learning and identity formation in online social networks //Learning, media and technology. – 2009. – Т. 34. – №. 2. – С. 119-140.
  6. Mayer R., Mayer R. E. (ed.). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning. – Cambridge university press, 2005.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (62) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Temirbaeva T. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF USING SOCIAL NETWORKS IN ELT CLASSROOM // Вестник науки №5 (62) том 2. С. 131 - 135. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8100 (дата обращения: 18.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8100

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