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  4. Научная статья № 54

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Smolenskaya A.G.




the article highlights the essence of socio-psychological rehabilitation, as well as its functions and structure   

Ключевые слова:
socio-psychological rehabilitation, social work, deviant behavior, minors   

УДК 316.6

Smolenskaya A.G.

Belgorod State University

(Belgorod, Russia)





Abstract: the article highlights the essence of socio-psychological rehabilitation, as well as its functions and structure.


Keywords: socio-psychological rehabilitation, social work, deviant behavior, minors.


Young people are a special target group for social and psychological rehabilitation. They are a special target group for psychological rehabilitation. Young people in childhood are particularly vulnerable because their low social status means that they cannot solve many problems on their own.

The specifics of adolescent rehabilitation depend on the following factors:

1) Incomplete personality development (a child is a developing personality).

2) The intensity of the emotional experience of the problem.

3) There are few opportunities for the population to participate in social rehabilitation.

4) The difficult economic situation of the family, etc. Psychosocial rehabilitation concerns two categories of people. The first category includes people experiencing difficulties in social adaptation due to objective circumstances (birth in dysfunctional families, genetic disorders, etc.), and the second category includes groups of children whose socialization process is disrupted (immigrants, orphans, migrants, etc.). Based on the above, psychosocial rehabilitation of children and adolescents can be defined as the development or restoration of a person's subjective ability to overcome limiting situations and achieve independent socialization.

The field of psychosocial rehabilitation of minors includes four groups of phenomena:

- Social (national) characteristics of youth - social integration, adaptability, competitiveness, etc.

- Social skills for minors - family self-government, work (study) skills, communication skills, self-control and normative behavior.

- Social relations of young people - in the family, with teachers and educators, with peers and with themselves.

- Social environment of youth - the general social environment, family and school.

The social reintegration of minors is a complex phenomenon that includes various forms of reintegration, such as:

  1. socio-medical rehabilitation - the goal is to provide children with access to necessary medical services (treatment, socio-medical rehabilitation and adaptation, creation of necessary and comfortable living space, etc.).
  2. psychosocial rehabilitation is aimed at inner peace it includes certain changes in the values and orientations, perception and preferences of the child, psychological recovery and appropriate support and assistance (methods of psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, psychological counseling, etc.).
  3. socio-pedagogical rehabilitation - promotion of values and attitudes corresponding to the educational and intellectual level of the child and the environment (teaching methods and education, correction and psychological counseling).
  4. social and legal rehabilitation is the adoption of concrete measures to bring the lives of young people in line with current legislation and legal norms (legal and judicial protection of children's interests, education, judicial supervision, sanctions).

The goal of psychosocial rehabilitation is to restore a young person's sense of social self-esteem in a new social environment. This type of rehabilitation consists in helping children to familiarize themselves with the basics of the environment, in restoring habitual patterns of behavior and activity, in organizing a new environment and daily life (family counseling, improving relationships in children's groups, organizing children's groups).

The main functions of socio-psychological rehabilitation of minors:

1) developing;

2) information and educational;

3) cultural and creative;

4) recreational and recreational.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Smolenskaya A.G. SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION OF MINORS: ESSENCE, FUNCTIONS, STRUCTURE // Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1. С. 299 - 301. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8029 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8029

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