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Makhmudova N.G.




this article examines the use of various innovations and new generation literature to improve the quality of education, its role in the development of the educational system. Traditional and innovative teaching methods are compared   

Ключевые слова:
hybrid learning, new generation literature, digital book, graphic novel, virtual classroom, online education platform   

УДК 37

Makhmudova N.G.

Teacher of the native language and literature of the

Presidential School in Tashkent

(Uzbekistan, Tashkent)





Abstract:  this article examines the use of various innovations and new generation literature to improve the quality of education, its role in the development of the educational system. Traditional and innovative teaching methods are compared.


Keywords: hybrid learning, new generation literature, digital book, graphic novel, virtual classroom, online education platform.


Education has always been one of the main indicators of any society and plays a decisive role in shaping the future of the nation. However, in today's changing times, the use of traditional forms of education may not be enough in the process of preparing a person for a number of challenges and opportunities in the modern world. Active use of innovations in education is very necessary to ensure that students have the necessary skills, knowledge and competences.

To date, various technological advances, including online learning platforms, multimedia tools, and virtual classrooms, have brought about radical changes in the field of education. These changes were of great importance in increasing the efficiency of traditional teaching methods, making the learning process more flexible, interactive and interesting. For example, in recent years, the application of virtual technologies to educational processes allows students to easily learn and deeply understand complex concepts in 3D space.

In the current period, the introduction of ICT opportunities in the teaching of various subjects in the education system, among all other fields, is an urgent issue. ICT serves not only to form students' knowledge and skills, but also to develop their personal characteristics and increase their interest in knowledge. In recent times, in many psychological and advanced pedagogic fields, we are witnessing that the ideas about the development of students' knowledge and creative thinking are emphasized by ICT. The use of ICT opportunities will help to enrich the range of information provided in the educational process and help students learn it with interest. With the introduction of ICT in the educational process, a new approach to education, characteristic of the modern information environment, began to shape.

Hybrid learning is an innovative approach that combines traditional face-to-face learning with online learning platforms, which provides a flexible approach to learningStudents will have the opportunity to access course materials and communicate with teachers and other students in a virtual environment. In addition, the use of interactive and multimedia learning resources such as videos and simulations can help make learning more interesting and meaningful.

Imagine a classroom where some students are physically present, seated at desks arranged in a socially distant manner, while other students are participating remotely, through a video conferencing platform. The teacher is in front of the classroom, leading a lesson, but also checking in with the remote students, who are visible on a large screen at the front of the room. The hybrid learning environment allows for a balance of in-person and remote instruction, which can help schools accommodate the needs of students and families who may not be able to attend school in person due to health concerns or other factors.

Next Generation Literature: The use of new generation literature such as graphic novels and digital books has also significantly contributed to enhancing the learning experience. These resources allow students to easily visualize and understand complex ideas and concepts. Using interactive and multimedia learning resources such as videos and simulations can help make learning more interesting and meaningful. Also, because most of this type of literature is contemporary, students can better relate to its content and context. For example, let's take the following innovative textbook as an example. It is worth noting that an innovative class-book for native language and literature subjects was created for students of 6-7-10 grades of general secondary schools. The advantage of this class-book over the previous traditional class-books is that it not only improves the student's written and oral literacy, but also develops the ability to listen and understand. For example, let's look at the following assignment in the 7th grade native language class-book: Watch the experiment called "Transformation of energy from one type to another". Based on the following questions, write the steps of the experiment in sequence.

Pic. 1.

  1. What will be needed for the experiment?
  2. How is the experiment performed?
  3. What can be learned from this experience?

In order for the student to complete this task correctly and completely, he must first see the link for the experiment (pic.1). And based on what he saw, he answers questions. This will help the student to repeat and remember his knowledge of physics while doing homework in his native language. The student realizes the importance of physics, that physics is life, even in the process of completing grammatical tasks in the native language book.

Each of the works given for independent study in the literature class-book has a QR-code icon, through which the student will have the opportunity to use video and audio resources related to the topics and various didactic games. For example: in the literature of the 6th grade, it is recommended to read the story "If the teacher was a human" by Ayzek Azimov. Now our students who are doing homework do not have to look for the book. They can read at any time through the given link (pic.2).

Pic. 2.


Our newly created textbooks provide a wide opportunity for students to strengthen their knowledge of the subject, develop their logical thinking skills, and acquire independent decision-making skills.  In addition, since textbooks for high classes of general education schools are published every 5 years, there is no possibility to quickly update the information in them. The innovative textbook has the opportunity to regularly update, supplement and expand the information through its website.

Unfortunately, there is also another side of the coin. Cases such as the lack of qualified pedagogues in educational institutions, the incompleteness of the curriculum and programs implemented in their training, the strengthening of the theoretical and practical knowledge of students and the implementation of creative ideas of talented young people who are full of systematic activities often happen. In addition, pedagogues do not organize training sessions aimed at developing the intellectual abilities of students, they do not widely use innovative pedagogical technologies and methods in practice, and also there are cases when cooperation between educational institutions doesn’t completely set.

Innovations in the field of education have significantly increased the quality of education, making it more comprehensive, flexible and convenient. The use of technologies and innovative teaching methods made the educational process interactively adapted to the students' lives. In addition, innovations in assessment have helped teachers provide students with timely, personalized feedback that allows them to identify their weaknesses and adjust their learning strategies. The availability of a wide range of learning resources has helped students to learn and improve their knowledge in more robust and diverse ways.

In conclusion, innovation has led to positive systemic changes in education, improved the quality of education, and provided students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies. Innovative approaches to advanced pedagogical technologies, assessment, and learning resources offer students a more engaging, accessible, and relevant learning experience. As long as we continue to explore and develop innovative solutions to the challenges facing education, we can be sure that the future of education will be bright.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Makhmudova N.G. THE USE OF INNOVATIONS AND THE ROLE OF NEW GENERATION LITERATURE IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 4. С. 85 - 89. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7840 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7840

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