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  4. Научная статья № 22

Просмотры  57 просмотров

Khanahmedova S.




the article is devoted to the study of modeling an electrical circuit. Using the capabilities of Matlab/Simulink, circuit models are compiled for various connections and the time characteristics of the main parameters are obtained   

Ключевые слова:
RL circuit, time characteristic, SimPowersSystem, Simulink, controlled source voltage   

DOI: 10.24412/2712-8849-2023-259-125-129

УДК 621.8

Khanahmedova S.

Associate professor of the Department Electromechanics

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Baku, Azerbaijan)





Abstract: the article is devoted to the study of modeling an electrical circuit. Using the capabilities of Matlab/Simulink, circuit models are compiled for various connections and the time characteristics of the main parameters are obtained.


Keywords: RL circuit, time characteristic, SimPowersSystem, Simulink, controlled source voltage.


Introduction. As you know, all elements of electrical circuits can be divided into active and passive. The active elements of the circuit are those elements that induce EMF. These include current sources, batteries and electric motors. Passive elements – connecting wires and electrical receivers. By purpose, the electrical circuits are: Power electrical circuits; Electrical control circuits; Electrical measuring circuits.

To study electrical circuits, it is advisable to use computer modeling. Modeling is very convenient to perform using MATLAB and its Simulink extension packages and SimPowerSystems, which are the main part of the MATLAB system. The convenience of working in Simulink and SimPowerSystems lies in the fact that they implement the principle of visual programming, according to which the user creates a device model on the screen from a library of building blocks and performs calculations. At the same time, unlike the classic methods of numerical calculations, the user does not need to study thoroughly programming language and numerical methods, but enough general knowledge needed when working on a computer and, of course, knowledge of the subject area in which it works.

Purpose of the work. The main purpose of this article is that using these examples, you can study the principles of operation of electrical and power circuits. Modeling using the capabilities of Matlab /Simulink allows you to explore the circuits of various connections, analyze the frequency and time characteristics of transients processes.

Investigation of RL circuit fed from the constant voltage source.

Scheme of RL-type circuit powered by constant voltage source (U) It is described in 1.1. This circuit consists of a switch (K), active (R) and inductive resistance (L).

In order to construct time characteristic of the RL type current circuit, this circuit model is built using elements of SimPowersSystem, which is included in the Simulink subpack of the MATLAB program. For this purpose, the following elements are used as shown in Fig. 2.


Fig. 2. Elements of the RL circuit


To set the RL string, including the parameters of the RLC section element, you need to select the RL section from the Branch Type string. Then selecting this section, the R and L parameters are set to the Resistance and Inductance rows (Fig. 3).

Using the elements listed in Step1=0.01 sec., U=100 V, R=0.5 Om, L=0.01 Hn set the chart for the duration 0.1sec. The RL circuit mode and the time dependence diagram are shown in Fig. 4, a,b.



Fig. 1.3. Series RLC Branch parameter block

Fig. 4. RL circuit mode and the time dependence diagram


Investigation of RL circuit that is fed from controlled source voltage.

Scheme of RL circuit powered from controlled source voltage (E) described in Fig 5.

This circuit consists of a 2-position contact switch (K), active (R) and inductive resistance (L). For this purpose, the following elements are used as shown in Fig. 6. In order to construct time-dependent diagrams of the RL type current circuit, this circuit model is built using elements of SimPowersSystem, which is included in the Simulink subpack of the MATLAB program.


Fig. 6. Elements of the RL circuit


The SPS model of the RL circuit and is described in Fig. 7. Selection of parameters of the Impulse Generator block using the elements: amplitude A=95; time T=0.02; width of impulse PW = 50%.

Fig. 1.5. The model, time characteristics of current and

voltage in the RL circuit in 0.1 sec.




  1. Hasanov Z.A., Khanahmedova S.A. “Laboratory works on the subject Power Electronics and Drive Control”, Textbook, p.67, Pub.hous ASOIU, Baku, 2020.
  2. Hasanov Z.A., Khanahmedova S.A. “Power Electronics and Drive Control”, Textbook, p.147, Pub.hous ASOIU, Baku, 2022.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (59) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Khanahmedova S. INVESTIGATION OF SOME ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS USING SIMULATION IN MATLAB/SIMULINK // Вестник науки №2 (59) том 1. С. 125 - 129. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7211 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7211

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