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Geldieva A.




this article discusses methods for improving the listening skills of students and their role in learning foreign languages. Methods and strategies for influencing educational activities are given. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, education, foreign languages   

УДК 811.111

Geldieva A.

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)





Abstract: this article discusses methods for improving the listening skills of students and their role in learning foreign languages. Methods and strategies for influencing educational activities are given. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry.


Key words: analysis, method, research, education, foreign languages.


Listening as a significant type of human speech activity is still among the poorly developed problems of methodology and is not fully embodied in the content of teaching foreign languages. The lack of a systematic approach to teaching this type of speech activity is due to an insufficient objective assessment of its significance in educational activities and the incompleteness of the practical development of the problem of teaching listening. Unfortunately, listening is not considered as the goal of learning, so the ability to listen is formed in students mostly superficially and unsystematically. The lack of a serious approach to teaching this type of speech activity is due to an insufficient objective assessment of its significance in educational activities and the incompleteness of the theoretical development of the problem. Meanwhile, listening (speech perception, speech understanding) provides a great opportunity to realize the educational, educational and developmental goals of the educational process. This is not only an important and sought-after speech skill, but also a way to acquire knowledge in all subjects of the school cycle (especially when learning foreign languages), a socialization channel, a means of forming a person’s spiritual world, introducing him to cultural values.

Most listening lessons are not for teaching listening skills, but for teaching grammar, vocabulary, discussions, learning accents, and testing comprehension (but not learning how to understand). He also notes that it is very rare that listening is done in the classroom to teach students listening skills. The undeveloped methodology for teaching listening is largely due to the fact that in psychology, the analysis of the process of understanding a speech message is one of the least studied problems. The methodological literature offered to the teacher of foreign languages does not contain specific instructions on how to form and improve this type of speech activity in the system of lessons.

Playing audio materials and questioning for understanding and performance of tasks is a common way of testing. And so the practice of listening focuses on testing, not on learning to listen. Testing a skill without an initial explanation is not acceptable in teaching skills such as speaking, reading, etc., and therefore a special technique should be introduced in teaching listening skills. You need to focus not on words or sounds, but on creating a scheme and guessing the meanings, in order to achieve great results.

In addition, it should be noted that many listening texts are ineffective from the point of view of students, since these texts lack the natural specifics of the language and use a standard accent. Consequently, learners do not feel ready for the difficulties that may arise during communication in real life. It is clear that students need a more focused approach in the process of learning a skill, learning methods such as a cognitive approach, identifying existing knowledge, monitoring acquired knowledge and planning are proving to be effective in the current educational system. The lack of phonetic knowledge, the inability to recognize sounds and the boundaries between syllables are considered the main obstacles to successful understanding of oral speech. Trainees have to go through a long process of exercises and auditions in order to confidently conduct an interview. Such a concept as extensive listening has become widely used in the learning process, which was previously practiced only in the process of teaching reading. It is assumed that students get more opportunities for perception and analysis of the text during extensive (extensive) listening, as they listen for a specific purpose, to understand the general meaning. Extensive listening assumes that there is a lot of text, but it is relatively uncomplicated, as a rule, a level or two lower than the general level of students. This type of reading includes educational books for reading (ENG graded readers), podcasts, chapters from audio books, etc. Watching educational films, as well as non-educational videos and programs adapted for educational purposes, lasting more than 3 minutes for levels A1-A2, and more than 6 minutes for levels B1-B2 also belong to this type. In this type of listening, there is usually no time limit, the only limit being the speed at which the announcer speaks. An extensive type of listening is best suited for repeating and consolidating what has been learned, activating (at the level of understanding in context) not only vocabulary, but also grammar of one’s own and previous levels, as well as passive pronunciation correction if students have difficulty with listening comprehension.

Intensive reading or listening suggests that the text is small, but it either corresponds to the general level of students, or of increased complexity. An intensive type of listening is best suited for vocabulary replenishment - for this you need short thematic audio texts, combined according to one or more vocabulary features. Themed very short learning podcasts are an example of intensive listening; to study new grammatical structures - in this case, podcasts are artificially saturated with examples containing the phrase under study; for active pronunciation correction - in this case, the problematic sound or other phonetic phenomenon is accentuated and repeated many times in the listened passage. A special case of intensive listening of this type are dictations.

Based on the experience gained in the practice of extensive reading, scientists come to the conclusion that the same approach is effective in teaching listening, as students listen to long audio texts on various topics and adapt well to different accents. But at the same time, you should not focus only on the volume and duration of the materials, but keep it all in accordance with the sounds, words and construction of meanings. And it is the audition journals that are effective tools for combining all of the above aspects.




  1. Schmidt 2016 Listening Journals for Extensive and Intensive Listening Practice
  2. Brown, S. 2011. Listening myth: Applying second language research to classroom teaching: University of Michigan press
  3. Архипова, Е.В. О теории и практике развития речи учащихся / Е.В. Архипова // Начальная школа. - 1997. - No6. - С. 7-9.2. Казарцева, О.М. Культура речевого общения: теория и практика обучения
  4. Учебное пособие. - М : Флинта, Наука, 1998. - 496 с.3. Капинос, В.И. Работа по развитию речи в свете теории речевой деятельности/В.И.Капинос // Русский язык в школе. - 1978. - No4. - С. 4652.4.
  5. Методика развития речи на уроках русского языка: пособие для учителей / Под ред. Т. А. Ладыженской. - М.: Просвещение, 1980. - 257 с.5.

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №1 (58) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Geldieva A. THE FLIPPED LEARNING METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENT’S LISTENING SKILLS // Вестник науки №1 (58) том 5. С. 60 - 63. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7132 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7132

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