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Yazymov M., Nyyazov M.




this article discusses the features of the use of modern technologies in industry. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the impact of modern technologies on production has been carried out   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, art, production, 3D printer   

УДК 338.27

Yazymov M.

Lecturer of the department "Modern computer technologies"

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Nyyazov M.

Student of the department "Modern computer technologies"

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)





Abstract: this article discusses the features of the use of modern technologies in industry. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the impact of modern technologies on production has been carried out.


Keywords: analysis, method, art, production, 3D printer.


Additive technologies are gradually changing the industrial way. Products that can be made using 3D printing are becoming more functional and larger. The number of such parts in the composition of complex equipment is growing. More and more enterprises supplement their production with additive equipment. 3D printers save money and time on the production of parts, they are more environmentally friendly than traditional machines.

Layer by layer 

Metal-based additive manufacturing (from Latin addere "to add") is one of the fastest growing technologies in the manufacturing industry. This is a method of creating parts by adding material to a substrate in stages, also called industrial 3D printing. Unlike traditional production (for example, turning or milling), where everything superfluous is cut off from the workpiece, in additive production, on the contrary, the object is gradually created from the desired material, as if grown. The main areas of application for 3D metal printing are prototyping, aerospace, mechanical engineering, instrument manufacturing, medical implants, etc.

The main advantages of metal 3D printing are the ability to create objects of complex shapes, reducing the weight of parts without reducing strength, shorter production time, cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of the method. Indeed, 3D printers work with a minimum of waste, and special cleaning technologies make it possible to reuse the remnants of raw materials. 

3D metal printing allows you to create complex one-piece designs. This makes it possible to exclude many technological operations, such as welding, assembly. 3D printing allows you to combine 30-40 elements in one node without losing functionality and create parts that are simply impossible to obtain on conventional machines.

How a 3D printer works 

Metal 3D printing is a common definition for a number of technologies. In general, any technology can be called this when a metal object is created layer by layer using sintering, melting or welding processes. A common type of metal 3D printing is selective laser melting (SLM, Selective laser melting), when a metal powder is fused using a powerful laser. Consider the operation of an industrial printer using this technology as an example. 

When using any type of printing, before working with a metal 3D printer, we need a three-dimensional model of the part to be manufactured. It is created using CAD programs - computer-aided design systems. Then the digital model is converted into the STL stereolithographic format and loaded into special software, which divides the model into very thin, 20 to 100 micron thick, horizontal layers, determines the necessary supports, and performs other preparatory work. 

Next, we go directly to the printer itself. The chamber of the device is first filled with an inert gas (such as argon) to minimize the oxidation of the metal powder, and then heated to the optimum temperature. 

A thin layer of metal powder is spread over the build platform and a high power laser travels at a predetermined speed across the component's cross section, fusing the metal particles together and creating the layer. When the fusion process is completed, the platform moves down one layer thickness and the device spreads another thin layer of metal powder. The process is repeated until the part is completely built. 

Parts are usually attached to the build platform through supporting structures - supports. The support is necessary to reduce the deformation that can occur due to high processing temperatures, and also removes excess heat. In metal 3D printing, the support is made from the same material as the part and is usually an openwork structure that is removed after the part is created. 

After printing is completed, the chamber is cooled to room temperature, excess powder is removed manually. Then the part, together with the platform, is removed from the chamber, subjected to heat treatment and mechanically separated from the platform. After that, all the necessary actions for finishing the part are carried out.

Additive manufacturing requires manufacturing companies to be flexible and constantly improve available technologies in order to remain competitive. Advocates of additive manufacturing predict that the opposition between 3D printing and globalization will escalate as home production displaces trade in goods between consumers and large manufacturers. In reality, the integration of additive technologies into commercial production serves as a complement to traditional subtractive methods, rather than a complete replacement for the latter.

The topic of social and cultural change as a result of the introduction of commercially available additive technologies has been discussed by writers and sociologists since the 1950s. One of the most interesting assumptions was the possible blurring of boundaries between everyday life and workplaces as a result of the massive introduction of 3D printers into the home. It also points to the ease of transferring digital designs, which, in combination with local production, will help reduce the need for global transportation. Finally, copyright protection may change to reflect the ease of additive manufacturing of many products.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №12 (57) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Yazymov M., Nyyazov M. MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN 3D PRINTING AND INDUSTRIAL USE OF 3D PRINTING // Вестник науки №12 (57) том 4. С. 346 - 349. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6885 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/6885

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